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Ryze Build Guide by ryze4thewin



Updated on April 19, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ryze4thewin Build Guide By ryze4thewin 646 40 1,678,548 Views 29 Comments
646 40 1,678,548 Views 29 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ryze4thewin Ryze Build Guide By ryze4thewin Updated on April 19, 2019
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Ryze
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    RYZE UPON THEM (jng)
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    RYZE UPON THEM (hard matchups/better poke)
  • LoL Champion: Ryze
    dps glasscannon

Runes: ravenous hunter and phase rush op

Phase Rush
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
best in most matchups
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


hey im a Ryze main and i want you to know how to play Ryze because if you know and you are good with him this champ is incerdibly fun to play so i hope you will enjoy this guide aswell as your future Ryze game
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Pros / Cons

+insane dps potential
+insane outplay potential
+solo late game carry
+if fed unstopable
+can do everything(sustainend dmg/combo dmg/burst dmg)
+maybe the most adaptabale champ(no real counter /combos for every situation)
+good waveclear with 2 items

-weak early
-no good escape from ganks(only with phaserush shield or lvl11 ult)
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Most dmg :Q>E>Q>W>Q>E>Q you can Rarely use this one but if someone Runs into you it should kill him if he isnt a Tank

Poke :Q>E>Q if no minions nearby pretty much dmg in a short amount of time triggers phase rush too so you can get out easy after, if the enemy stands nearby low minions use E>Q for some decent dmg in very little time

Safe poke :W>E>Q triggers shield and phase rush so you can run from their tower to yurs if you want very safe and maybe the most often used combo

Peparing for gank :E>W>Q>E>Q roots the enemy for 2 sec so your jungle should be able to engage. you can if possible wait a bit with w so that you get your E>Q before the snare wears off, but only if possible in late you wont have to wait for that combo anymore

The get-away combo:E>W>Q triggers phase rush and shield your best escape if you have to escape from a dangerous gank and the enemy isnt in reach for hard cc you can also :E>R>W>Q its your best escape
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1. you canQ>E>Q>W>Q for a 2 sec root and some extra dmg from q if you can cast it fast enough.

2. with your R you can doge karthus R, Fizz R(hard), brand passive(hard) and if you get teleported the same moment zed applies his mark it wont be applied

3. in late game if you put your E on two diffrent minions that are close enough to each other and you Q one of them u have a never ending E>Q combo that farms the whole wave or hits enemys in the wave. it has to kill the minions with one E>Q combo to work

4. if you have E on multiple enemys that are close enough to spread Q to each other you can throw your Q at one to make it spread and then W one of the enemys with E on them (every one but the one you threw you Q at) to get an empowered W and the damage from Q(not empowered) on that enemy

-you should always start with a Q because your other spells reset it so its free dmg
-you should cast 2 E if you can before going in and the get the shield of with your first Q or use it as a little utility tool to get this little distance
-you shouldnt use your R if you have no vision at the spot you want to reach or dont otherwise know where the remaining enemys are
-use your R to roam or to cut enemys of or in tf catch mispositioned enemy carrys
-your E still spreads if the target is already dead so you can spread E with minion dematerializer or smite(in late you can also throw a Q on a minion that gets killed by it and then E to spread it)
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Team Fights

In team fights try to stay safe behind a tank or someone with cc, if you are alone you will be catched easy, if you can try to stand at a safe spot from where you can deal dmg, your sustained dmg is one of the highest ingame so try to surive as long as possible as you will deal some serious dmg if you are alive long enough. Try to use your Most dmg Comboif you are safe enough if not try to use the Get-away Combo and try to place yourself somewhere safe if the enemys engage try to kite them. If you see some low carrys or a carry somewhere alone try to ult to them to kill them afterwards return to the teamfight and use dead carry to your advantage. If your team engages try to stay safe as you can easily get killed if you are too deep.
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try not to force trades but if the enemy exposes himself or stands in minion AA range trade.
always try to poke efficient (dont use all your mana always at least have enough to escape, poking with your E in early levels (exspecially lvl 1) is enough (also try to add an AA).

try not to push and try to freeze the lane infront of your tower, first couple of waves just attack as much as the enemy or a little less but dont let them push your tower bc either you will waste mana or gold

if you have tear you can shoot your Q once in a while if your enemy plays passiv to stack it , with tear and catalyst you can even push a bit and you can play aggressiv if your enemy isnt fed
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power spikes/weak phases and how to play around them

in early you are pretty much one of the weakest champs exspecially pre 3 try to stay safe and only trade a bit with your Q>E>Q combo

if you have tear,shoes and catalyst you should be able to 1v1 almost everyone so try to trade much and kill the enemy laner you weak phase is also over you will scale hard so try to farm good

you should be full biuld or atleast almost and you should be able to 2v1 the most and deal stupid amounts of dmg just try to ace the enemy team to end and alway be cautios not to get bursted by some annoying champs
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Ryze top

Ryze top is viable but you should take tp. on top you will have to face mostly melees wich is really nice for Ryze however you will have to keep track of your mana in early even more and if you use it wrong and dont have enough mana to kill the opponent you are useless. Also farming and scaling is a lot easier on toplane and with the new turret changes if you dominate your lane you will generate a ton of gold. One of the biggest downsides is your team comp, with a mage on top you should have a tanky jung/supp.
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i hope you liked my short Ryze guide and i also hope u will use this guide to get the upperhand and win and have some fun with Ryze
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Why this guide will not be upto date soon

Due to my pc beeing destroyed i wont be able to play league of legends in the near future, so i cannot keep this guide up to date, i hope you can still learn something, maybe it will be updated in the future.
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