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Recommended Items
Runes: Vs anything that isn't a cc tank
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Every Game
Pit Grit (PASSIVE)
Sett Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
GET A LEAD LEVEL ONE. YOU WIN WITH YOUR W. After that, if Illaoi lands E, you have to be REALLY careful. You can try and ult her away from her tentacles to win trades but she can contest you at every point in the game basically and win. You need to rush phage and botrk and kite around her tentacles. dodge tentacles win trades. That includes her Q.
Champion Build Guide
So what can you do with this build? Check out this video!
Check out this short montage of some of my plays using this build. The damage output is insane and the play making potential is through the roof! Best of all, it's not hard for you to replicate these results.
Itemization Introduction
Sett is impacted more by items than most champions. His kit is very simple. An auto attack reset + buff, a shield burst, a slow/stun mid range pull, and vi + malphite ult. He's 100% NOT balanced. Abuse him for free LP while you can!
Starting Items
This is basically going to be your start every single game. If you're feeling EXTRA spicy you could go Doran's Blade, but shield is better 99.9% of the time. Sett's abilities have super high base damage, we care more about sustain in lane early on. This is especially true since our abilities tend to clear minions quite a bit.
Early Game
Going Q max and rushing Phage is SUPER OP on Sett. It let's you threaten with Facebreaker whenever you want. You just auto a backline (ranged) minion whenever you want to engage, get the speed buff from Phage, proc Knuckle Down and just run at them with the double movement speed buffs till they are in range of your Facebreaker. A lot of people will recommend rushing Blade of the Ruined King in every situation, I disagree. I think vs AP getting phage and rushing Wit's End is incredibly underrated.
Standard Build #1 / Solo Queue Build
This is the Smartest2 Sett build. Wit's End is SUCH an underestimated item, especially on Sett when you have high attack speed from Blade of the Ruined King and the Stinger component of Trinity Force. You sustain through SO much damage, and can side lane like an ABSOLUTE MADMAN. Not to mention it's also a defensive item with +50 magic resist, the +5% Movement Speed is actually also really nice! You just mow down towers with your attack speed and Trinity Force's Sheen procs. This is a really aggressive build. If you need more health, or are behind and need to survive longer for your team in teamfights, look at some alternatives below.
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