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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
My Name is Søren (Paximus in League of legends --> Recently changed from Despised) and i've been playing LoL since Mid/late Pre-Season 3. Currently i play in Silver 1 Eune.
I Started playing Kayle AP in Twisted Treeline, usually as our Botlane player. and i noticed how well she was doing at wrecking Bruisers. so i went for a few Top Lane AP Kayle in 5v5 Ranked. and i gotta say, it really, realy works =p so give it a shot!
Greater Mark of Attack Speed These runes, are a MUST on Kayle. simple as that.
I DO NOT Recommend going with any Marks than these on kayle. but if you cant get your hand on Attack speed Marks, go for either:
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
9x Greater mark of hybrid penetration
9x Greater mark of Armor penetration
Greater Mark of Attack Damage
Greater Seal of Armor You're in top lane. most likely gonna face Bruisers i don't see a reason to pick anything else, from these.
an alternative to Armor Seals would be
Greater Seal of Mana Regeneration
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist Since you're gonna face Melee AD Bruisers top, these are the best call. it gives you a nice boost of Magic resist for the mid/late game.
if you're facing an AP top such as
Ryze or
Teemo i highly suggest you to use 9x
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist instead, to get the early game defensive stats.

I DO NOT Recommend going with any Marks than these on kayle. but if you cant get your hand on Attack speed Marks, go for either:

9x Greater mark of hybrid penetration
9x Greater mark of Armor penetration


an alternative to Armor Seals would be


if you're facing an AP top such as

I feel like the starting items above is detailed well enough. If you disagree, tell me and i'll do something about it =]
As for your core items
Nashor's Tooth,
Lich Bane and
Void Staff you want to rush Nashors, as fast as possible you can. This is by far the most important item on Kayle, it grants her everything she needs.
I see a lot of people getting a
Rabadon's Deathcap Before getting
Lich Bane and i disagree on this. I think Lich Bane helps you out A LOT more than a Deathcap does.
Lich Bane gives you a whole 80 AP, A very strong passive (50 Flat dmg + 75% of your current AP) 5% Movement speed (Makes your kiting easier) and even 250 Flat Mana which is nice, since Kayle is super Mana hungry (If spamming Q and/or W) and
Rabadon's Deathcap gives you 120 AP and a strong passive (30% Increased AP)
Void Staff i usually get Void Staff before Dcap in most games. Simply because of its Passive. it stack's very well with Kayle's own passive
Holy Fervor at this point, you're pretty much dealing true damage.
Zhonya's Hourglass or
Rabadon's Deathcap as your 5th item. This really depends on how the game is going. if you're getting focused a lot, you want to get Zhonya's befire Deathcap. but if you're stomping your Enemies, you're probably better off with a Deathcap over Zhonya's.
As for boots, i tend to go with
Berserker's Greaves More than i run with
Sorcerer's Shoes Kayle's passive
Holy Fervor and the passive of
Void Staff gives me more than enough Magic Penetration. so i might as well go for some extra Attack speed, and they're even cheaper. IMPORTANT: If your game ever gets long enough, to finish your entire build. you want to sell
Berserker's Greaves and get
Sorcerer's Shoes instead!
As for boot's upgrade, i usually go with either
Enchantment: Alacrity
Enchantment: Furor or
Enchantment: Homeguard and very rarely
Enchantment: Distortion
Enchantment: Alacrity is nice for some extra movement speed in general, if your team is roaming a lot and/or you're recalling.
Enchantment: Furor is great if you're stomping your enemy team, they really help you chasing them down.
Enchantment: Homeguard These, are obviously defensive boots. i ONLY get those if i need to get to my Inhib/second turret fast. otherwise, they're no go.
Enchantment: Distortion i ONLY get this, if im running with
Flash +
Teleport, Those simply reduce the CD on Flash and Teleport.
If you need some tankiness, their AP is fed. or just getting focused a lot, i recommend getting
Spirit Visage it gives you a nice Health boost, VERY strong CDR. 20HP/5 and 55 Magic Resist. + The passive making your heal, heal more. Or
Frozen Heart if they have a strong AD. This gives you nice Armor, more mana, and even 20% CDR. the passive is great as well if you're facing some AS reliant champions such as
Vayne and
Jax or
If you're ever going to get either
Frozen Heart or
Spirit Visage i recommend getting it instead of
Rabadon's Deathcap
Trinkets.. Well, i think
Stealth Ward is the best trinket for any lane, except for jungling or supports in some cases, where i think they should go for
Sweeping Lens
It gives you a free ward, which is incredible useful. saves you a ton of gold in the end.. =]
Items NOT to get.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter at the first look, this seems nice. but its NOT worth it on Kayle.
Guinsoo's Rageblade This seems nice as well, decent on hit. nice AP/AD ratio and even a crazy passive giving you even more Attack speed. But to make this item worth it, you HAVE TO have under 50% HP. and since you're a very fragile target, you won't stay under 50% HP for that long.
As for your core items

I see a lot of people getting a

As for boots, i tend to go with

As for boot's upgrade, i usually go with either

If you need some tankiness, their AP is fed. or just getting focused a lot, i recommend getting

If you're ever going to get either

Trinkets.. Well, i think

It gives you a free ward, which is incredible useful. saves you a ton of gold in the end.. =]
Items NOT to get.

First 3 levels: E
Righteous Fury - Q
Reckoning - W
Divine Blessing. ALWAYS start with this order if you're going straight to lane. If you're invading you might want to do Q - E - W for the slow.
After that: Max Q --> Max E --> Max W.
Reckoning gives you the most dmg. per skill point. its your harass, its what you zone with.
Righteous Fury is a nice farming tool, but i don't like maxing this first. some people do, but i don't.
Divine Blessing Last. Kayle's healing on her W scales horrible. so this is a one-pointer. but you WILL need it as your 3rd level. for the heal (can save you) but most importantly, the movement speed buff. This really helps you chasing down your enemy/escaping ganks.
Get R
Intervention whenever possible: Level 6, Level 11 and level 16.

After that: Max Q --> Max E --> Max W.



Get R

I think pantheon is a hard-counter to Kayle. Hes early game strength and spear poke is just terror. i suggest to start with

I don't have any problems with a Nasus in the laning phase. He's W

Pre-6 he shouldn't be a problem at all. just watch out for hes E

Pre-6 You should watch out for hes

Gangplank can be a tough match-up for you. you both have a great poke Q

But this fight should be in your favor. your Q

Pre-6 is easy against Darius. you simply want to play aggressive and harass with E

I'll add more match-ups once i get some more experience laning against e.g.

Kayle's farming/Wave clear is face roll. you simply press E and right click on a minions. and its dead. but this happens to be very bad in most cases. you don't really want to push your lane unless you know where the enemy jungler is, where the enemy mid is. so you need to be careful.
What i usually do is mix my AA's and E to last hit without pushing my lane, this takes a bit of practice tho.
What i usually do is mix my AA's and E to last hit without pushing my lane, this takes a bit of practice tho.
What you're basically going to do, is to bully your enemy out of lane and focus on csing.
Kayle really needs her minions to get super strong and carry games.
So when you meet your lane enemy, you want to poke with Q every time he gets in range for it. if he goes for you, simply E + W + AA, step back, AA Step Back, AA, and throw a Q on him to slow him down. This is also known as Kiting.
Kayle really needs her minions to get super strong and carry games.
So when you meet your lane enemy, you want to poke with Q every time he gets in range for it. if he goes for you, simply E + W + AA, step back, AA Step Back, AA, and throw a Q on him to slow him down. This is also known as Kiting.
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