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Heimerdinger Build Guide by DarkNewb

Support S5 Heimerdinger Quickstarter Guide - Another Hidden support

Support S5 Heimerdinger Quickstarter Guide - Another Hidden support

Updated on April 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkNewb Build Guide By DarkNewb 8,598 Views 0 Comments
8,598 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkNewb Heimerdinger Build Guide By DarkNewb Updated on April 3, 2015
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I started playing Heimerdinger support on gold level for the fun only & I ended up carrying teamfights really more often than I expected, making really correct kda on this champ at botlane. (I'm actually around plat II & I always play my mains which gets boring, this is why I sometimes have fun at low gold lvl)
So if you : want to try smtg fun / are good at mage support / wanna try carry to gold
This is for you

You'll love it or you'll leave it.

This is a really particular gameplay (for a support) & it may not suit everyone.
Hope you'll enjoy discovering something (maybe not that) new & tropical.

And btw this is a quickstarter guide, I wont explain **** on tons of pages, you can find it anywhere else. I'll just explain the particularity of this champ with this build at this role.
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Why can this actually work ?

This works thanks to a not that complicated synergy between how your items will work with your skills. Add a clever positionning & decision making & you can carry teamfights / botlane.

By the way you aim for mid - endgame.

Your liandry may actually give you more dmg than everyone on the final board.

You are a great poker / zoner / teamfight controller / baiter / counter player / tower pusher / Anything in -er (even your sister)

You can do a jungle creep early (if top team you may even steal crows - or give them to midlaner : remember turrets remain active for a while after exiting the range)
Or simply give a really good leech to your jgler.
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Why can this actually not work ?

The build requires some gold, if you go like 0/3 & misses xp / gold from your poke you're gonna be in trouble.
You won't have Magic resist except late game. Be sure you don't misposition against a strong AP assassin like Leblanc.

if you all in & fail on a champ (when you are supposed to do counterplays) you are exposed
if you put your turrets in the middle of the lane, revealing them & pushing the lane
if you play agressive without having 3 turrets near / your cc not up

So basically if you don't play safe enough in the early stage you highly may not be able to do anything before a long time.
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Skills - Situations

H-28G Evolution Turret : Charged shot applies Liandry, Morello & Rylai.
In laning phase, you put them in your bush on the very side (they must not push your lane). Any ennemy getting stunned while in range of 3 turrets is a free kill for your adc (or for you). You can easily counter a gank by yourself going in a 3 turrets bush with your adc - really easy if exhaust / heal up.

Hextech Micro-Rockets : Easy poke. Reminder : 1 rocket is X dmg while all rockets on same target won't do more than 2X dmg. Thus, hitting 2ppl or more with 1 rocket is at least the same than all-in on one guy in term of dmg. So just master the cone.

CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade : CC. You can punish with this so hard. Really easy if ennemy is alraedy CC or busy with someone else. Don't waste it cause failing often means ennemies can rush your ***.


H-28Q Apex Turret: This is op. This wins teamfights. When ennemies are on a line & you know your teamates can fight then you launch it. Liandry + Morello will work perfectly with this one. May be unreliable to engage with but it's a really a good counterengage tool.

Hextech Rocket Swarm : Best use is : you caught a squishy with your grenade. Aim fast. Fire. Exactly as if you were the Apc.
You can also use it at wide cone in certain rare situations. Requires more practice.

CH-3X Lightning Grenade : Use it if Giant grenade isnt op in the situation. If anyone is getting chased you can use it to stop / reverse the chase. Usefull in a messy teamfight aswell. You can also do some nice Ult zhonya moves with this tool. Really op for faster turret pushes (gets focused in priority, so better use it with other mini turrets / when a siege creep is the focus)
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The best tip

You may not agree with this Quickstarter guide. Then may I remember you all the undone things you have to do & just take care of it after closing this window so you don't downvote :)

Anyway just try it once. Stick to the core items & build path. Then adjust with the masteries / runes you prefer & even some changes in the skill order (just keep in mind you must max turrets quite fast).
If it still doesn't suit you, maybe you're at too high / low elo, or maybe this is just not your style at all. Just leave it then !

But i think this may actually become very viable.

My opinion about this champ :
Fun & relaxing tropical support who requires good awareness & positionning skills.

GF & HL (Good Fu*k & Have Lunch)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarkNewb
DarkNewb Heimerdinger Guide
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S5 Heimerdinger Quickstarter Guide - Another Hidden support

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