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Ezreal General Guide by vCrankz

AD Carry [Season 5] Blue Ez my Way !

AD Carry [Season 5] Blue Ez my Way !

Updated on February 21, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vCrankz Build Guide By vCrankz 3,732 Views 0 Comments
3,732 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author vCrankz Ezreal Build Guide By vCrankz Updated on February 21, 2015
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Hello Guys :)
Im maining Ezreal now since a few years and i think im deserve Rank 1 with him !
I am currently a Gold 2 Main Riven Player ,and now i wanna share you my experiance that i get with Blue Ezin the fields of justice.
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Pros / Cons

+ He got a really good poke and a safe laning phase
+ In late Game hes a almost unstoppable ADC because of his Kiting
+ Ezreal gots an Escape with low CD on late game (very usefull if Kiting)
+ Burst Pottential
+ Snowball Pottential

- Weak early game
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Farming is easy with Ezreal !
If you finished your Tear you are able to last hit minions with your Mystic Shot or your Arcane Shift and meanwhile you are stacking your Tear .
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Starting Items:

For the first Item i prefer to buy a Doran's Blade like on every ADC. After your 1. back you go for the Tear of the Godess and Boots.

Mid Game:

Now you start looking for your Manamune, Ionian Boots of Lucity and Essence Reaver !
After you finished that you will be able to Kite deal lost of damage.
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Ranked Play

Blue Ezreal is a very good champ if you wanna Climb to Challenger or higher also if you wanna get out of Elo hell ^^
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Last Word's

Hope you enjoied my Blue Ez Guide !
Soon i will upload more and better guide's like one for Garen or Riven.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author vCrankz
vCrankz Ezreal Guide
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[Season 5] Blue Ez my Way !

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