Your autos and W have windup times that a good Akali can exploit by kiting you and using shroud. You can never really dive her.
Lets make a champion that fucks over champions with dashes. A good Vex will never let you get close. She also dealts massive damage.
Stat checks you. You cannot freeze well with Renekton as you need to keep your Fury high. It is also very hard to freeze in the mid lane. His ult is stronger than yours and will absolutely demolish you. Your boot choice does not matter since if you get merc threads, his W is still strong and his Q deals a lot of damage. If you get Steelcaps, his W will let him easily kite you. If you get lucidity boots, he will still fuck you over. You do not need to ban him as he is usually in top but if you know he is mid, you may dodge.
Annoying. Diving him is hard. Not much else just dont get poked too much and you will delete him in the late game.
Great sustain, his W fucks you over. Late game monster.
He is kinda strong and slippery. A good Fizz will make it hard to dominate mid lane but you wont lose if you respect him.
Great poke potantial, nullifies you at level 6. You do not need to ban him but try not to feed him. You scale better than him imo.
Her E cancels your E and prowlers. If your E does not hit anything, you cannot recast it. Has good poke but you can deal with it.
Worst ADC to face maybe apart from Nilah. Can keep range, usually has armor items as core items while still having big damage potantial.
High damage potantiar. Can poke you from afar. Her E can get her far. I just came in a jar.
Poke and a lot of CC while being tanky. Her ult makes tower diving her risky. Play safe and you will outscale her.
Used to be my only ban. Now she feels useless. Just don't eat her E and she does not deal that much damage. She can steal your summs so be careful when flashing and ghosting. Her ghost is faster than yours.
If he builds the shitty item that does not even deserve to be named, you will have a lot of down time. You have to wait for his passive and the item to go down (wait after you dash to him) to W him. His ult can lock you down in teamfights however good positioning will make him either waste his ult on somebody else or just never use it.
He also usually builds the item that shall not be named so good luck damaging him. He can poke you for a lot of damage and escape with Q MS and W. You can easily get out of his ult though.
If mid, his kit allows him to easily poke and kite you. His E stops your E at place and if your E did not hit anything, you cannot recast it. Becomes a bit easier when you get Prowler's. You do not need to get Steelcaps but you can get a cloth armor early to reduce his damage.
If ADC, his E is still annoying but you can deal with it.
If AP: High Poke, built in healing reduction, good CC and a lot of damage. Try to kill him before he kills you.
If AD: He is useless.
Her E makes her a Jax. You do not like a Jax. You can still play around it but it's annoying as fuck.
His E makes him a Jax. You do not like a Jax. You can still play around it but it's annoying as fuck.
Her W messes you up. She is mostly in top so no need for ban. You can play around her W and it will be fine. Still annoying but fine.
His turrets will gun you down before you are able to get to him. Good thing he is not played a lot. I never saw him mid for years.
His ult is very hard to deal with. If he does not have ult, you kill him. If he has ult, he kills you.
His ult will always execute you since you are mostly below 50% HP. He is very tanky and has a silence.
Dealing with a fed Aatrox is a pain in the ass. You may want to build healing reduction but those items suck ass. If he builds the Sterak's + Gargoyle build, Serpent's Fang is a good cheap item to counter him. He recently got nerfed so I guess it will be better.
His blind makes half of your kit don't work. His ult is great for vision and damage. Annoying but you can deal with it.
Very annoying. His ganks are very hard to escape from, you do not deal that much damage to him. He recently got nerfed so it is a bit easier but he will protect the backline from you.
Her ult is very annoying. She has high damage. You can keep up to her but dealing with her ult is a pain in the ass. There are not much good Kindred players out there but a good one will make you pay. You can deny her stacks easily though.
A good Sejuani will mess you up. Too much CC and great damage.
Just annoying to play against. Shaco W can stop your E before it reaches to the box so you may not recast your E. An AP shaco is not that big of a problem but AD shaco will one shot you before you can one shot him.
My only ban. Her E is very hard to deal with and she has great damage potantial. Without her E, you can easily kill her. Since Renekton is best at below half HP, her ult can easily execute you.
Much like Syndra, his E is also very hard to deal with. And just like Syndra, his ult can execute you as you like being below half HP.
Her W root will stop you from molesting her. She has 2 sources of CC in that regard. A good Cassiopeia (in high elo) is a good reason for a dodge. You can still deal with her though.
Too much poke, slow and CC. A good Anivia will punish you for even getting close to her. Use your dashes at right places and you will beat her.
Steals your AD, your resistances and your soul. Hard to deal with if he is fed.
His W is a nuisance. You cannot use Prowler's if he uses W. His E passive lets him stack a lot of armor.
High CC, his E can stop your dashes.
Good poke, many dashes, easy CC and an annoying passive. She is not that much of a threat but I do not like playing against her.
You like being below 50% HP. He likes you being below 50% HP. He will camp your ass. When you ult, you have higher range than him so you can kite him. Don't blow your damage into his E and you will be fine.
A good placed silence will kill you. You are dependant on your abilities and if you are not able to get out of her silence, her team will eat you up.
Coinflip match. If your team is bad, you lose. If Bel'Veth is bad, you win. Her E can stop you from one-shotting her.
Her E and poke are annoying to play around but you can deal with her. You can get out of her ult easily.
Before level 6, she is easy to deal with. After level 6, she may get annoying as her ult is strong.
You delete his W shield. He is still annoying to face in mid game but if you have an MR item he does not have a lot of MR pen and will not deal that much damage.
Just like Graves, her blind will make you unable to use Prowler's. Her E also cancels your E and Prowler's. I still think she is weak.
She cancels out your dashes. She is not that tanky and does not deal that much damage. Her CC is not that scary. You can easily dodge her ult.
Her Ult and Q cancel your dashes. You delete her shields. Play around her CC and you will be fine.
Although you delete her E with Fury W, you still cannot stun through it. She has great CC. Not that much of a threath though.
Her polymorph can suck a dick. I wish she was my gf and not Dantes'
You eat him up. His passive shield is destroyed by your Fury W and you will always one shot him in mid game. Yasuo mid is a wet dream for a sexual predator Renekton.
You can dash through his E and oneshot him. He usually does not have enough damage to kill you instantly.
Similar to Yasuo, but his poke is stronger. You will delete him from the game later on but be careful in early game.
She is annoying but you can deal with it. You may dash through her E as it does not have a lot of CC. She still has good poke.
Master Yi
With high ability haste, you can easily deal with him. Try to cancel out his W with yours. He deals a lot of damage but you can oneshot him before he can touch you. Inappropriately.
One less target to worry about. You can oneshot the squishies she is in. If she is in a bruiser or a tank, she may be annoying.
Writing about the builds, matchups and runes took hours so I will write a more detailed guide some other time. I will also add more synergies and elaborate more on how to play in top, mid and jungle respectively.
This guide was made on Patch 13.1 and I will most probably update it every patch.
Renekton is easy to learn. Your only worry should be controlling your Fury. You need to make decisions about which ability you should use with Fury.
Q is your main damage source in the early game but falls off and is useless against tanks.
After Bork, W becomes your main damage source and your burst. W applies on-hit effects at a 100% efficiency.
Using E with Fury removes a lot of armor from your target so keep that in mind.
Your ult is a very strong ability that grants Fury generation, AoE damage and instant bonus HP that counts for Sterak's and Titanic Hydra.
Keep in mind that below 50% HP, all of your Fury generation, even from your abilities (including ult) is increased by 50%.
This build let me climb to Diamond 1 on my main account and Diamond 4 on my alt. The higher your elo, the less efficient this build is as your enemies learn to stay close and CC you efficiently. I was able to reach rank 4 on Renekton in the Turkish Server on my alt with 68% win rate.
I hope I do not sound like I am boasting...
Info about Armor Reduction
More info on armor reduction: The second cast of maxed Fury E also REMOVES 35% armor from the target. If we calculate for 100 armor, Fury E + Serylda's + Lethality leaves your target with 7.5 to - 6.5 armor at level 18 depending on lethality. This essentially means your target takes 93.02% to 106.10% damage from you. While this may not seem much, please note that a target with 30 armor would take only 76.92% damage and a target with 50 armor would take 66.7% damage. You are essentially able to deal 50% more damage to the target not accounting for the 15% damage increase from Prowler's claw, 12% damage increase from PTA and 11% damage increase from Last Stand. If my math is right, your maximum damage capacity is 144.10%. You may also build Black Cleaver, with also reduces 30% armor from the target. If my math is still correct, in the most optimal case you will leave your target with -20.15 armor, which along with items and runes lets you deal 154.77% of your damage to the target which essentially doubles/triples your damage output against a target with 100 armor.
Edit 1: Moved some text around for better readability.
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