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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Introduction and full Guide
Teleport-Push, gank , support the team.
You can consider Exhaust instead of teleport or Flash if you do not play with Teleport.
I'll start with the items
-Locket will help your complete team and mostly your support to rush for the wards and other things.
-Buy the wards for counter jungle of course.
-Spirit of Ancient golem- Regenation+Tenacity+HP+ faster jungle of course.
-Frozen Mallet- Will help you so much with the ganks+ Hp+ Attack damage.
Boots of Mobility- they will help you to be faster and make the early ganks.
Mercury's Treads- Tenacity+Magic resistance.
Q-Damage max it for better ganks
W-Sheild handy for drakes up to you if you want to max it instead of E
Penetration, Jungle, Tank.
They are made for early ganks.
Thanks in advance, rate the guide.
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