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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
The spirit stone alone will power u through either jungle, and the boots will make your ganks deadlier and help you maintain perma-slow as well as clinch escapes. The ward may be necessary to protect buffs or dragon, or to keep an eye on the other red/blue. The health potions are always good for better sustain. Mana pots can keep u going if u don't have blue buff.
Here is a example of a balanced build. 98% of the time you wont get this far. Against a team with lots of magic pen and armor pen health is your best defense (Warmogs). Also you need tankiness so get the most out of your shield (Runic). Once in a team fight 5v5 and hitting everyone with your Q spam using Randuins can shut them down and give your team the advantage. Trinity Force is the single best damage item for you bringing the sheen proc and phage proc and making you fearsome. Boots are to taste, swiftness is best against fast champs or champs with slows like garen. In the end replacing your Spirit of the Ancient Golem with Zephyr will boost your abilities greatly and still give you the much enjoyed tenacity. That attack speed will lower your cds further in fights and get ult back faster through Skarner's passive.
Skarner is a powerful hybrid champion usually played in the jungle. His kit is very strong in teamfights and his ult when used properly is deadly. His abilities do magic damage, and his auto attacks reduce his cooldowns making attack speed better for him than cdr. His ganks pre 6 require positioning. His ganks post 6 can include tower dives and are godly.
Skarner does not do burst damage. Skarner does good sustained damage from Q spam, and has great sustain himself. They best way to kill Skarner is with burst so beware that fact. I recommend he be built quite tanky with at least 1 strong attack speed Item. My favorites include Trinity Force Wit's End and Zephyr. Skarner is not a carry but a sustain jungler that excells in initiating fights, soaking damage, and catching champs that are over extended. He pushes lanes well and turrets too with his W attack speed bonuses.
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