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Ezreal Build Guide by xatherox

AP Carry Smite midlane Ezreal

AP Carry Smite midlane Ezreal

Updated on July 1, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xatherox Build Guide By xatherox 43,317 Views 0 Comments
43,317 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xatherox Ezreal Build Guide By xatherox Updated on July 1, 2015
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Hi! I am xatherox and this is my first guide! recently people have picked up smite midlane ezreal, but as of yet, there is no real build for it, so I decided to fill that hole. I will try to respond to any questions in the comments!

Why play smite ezreal? AP ezreal has been a strong pick, but had some issues. Mostly having no waveclear and a lack of good AoE and poke damage. Using runeglaive on ezreal makes up for al of these weaknesses and with the meta shift to poke champions midlane, a champion who can poke aswell as one shot someone on a combo, seems fairly good.

Any improvements would be appreciated :)
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The items are pretty much straightforward, though hextech gunblade might need some explanation.

Runeglaive's passive counts as a spell for spellvamp, and not only as a AoE but as a single target spell. Using gunblade you heal for that damage on top of the heal you would get from the lifesteal, as it is basically an auto attack skillshot. The AD you get from gunblade also synergises pretty good with runeglaive, as it scales with 75% of AD.

For those wondering, the same goes for Rylai scepter, the slow applies on q as if it were a single target spell, so you get a 35% AoE slow. Though I don't consider it core as you are a poke/burst mage, and not kiting.

Also, don't forget that Runeglaive gives 8% of missing mana when you hit a monster. Seeing as you are in the midlane, and wraiths is right next to you, hitting it with a Q will give you mana, so don't forget doing it every once in a while when you are low on mana.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xatherox
xatherox Ezreal Guide
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Smite midlane Ezreal

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