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Soraka Build Guide by PR Mamba



Updated on December 9, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PR Mamba Build Guide By PR Mamba 11,397 Views 0 Comments
11,397 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PR Mamba Soraka Build Guide By PR Mamba Updated on December 9, 2013
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Solo Baron Raka

This is the ultimate build for Soraka period. With this build you will be able to defeat Baron Nashor SOLO in S4. Not only is this build for jungle but it is also the ultimate build for top only switch Spirit of the Spectral Wraith to a more lane efficient item like Rod of Ages, Seraph Embrace or Rylais. With this build Soraka will have enough power and sustain to handle baron or a 2 or even 3 vs 1 against Soraka. Im not saying that doing SOLO baron is easy, because its not but it is definitely possible because I achieved it. One tip i can also offer time zonyas with your hp, barons major attack, and your cooldowns and u will win also remember to smite at start and every time it is up and use lich bane wisely.
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Creeping / Jungling

The Jungle starts at Champion Select and many will agree. Use this time to inspire confidence in your team and point out that you need guard points on red and blue at Champion Spawn to prevent enemy invade. If you are starting Machete and Bead combo tell your team that you will be waiting for 5 gold so they can go ahead and guard. If you are not starting machete and bead combo make sure to buy trinket immediately after Champion spawn with machete and 5 potions then go ward blue bush at 1:20 to 1:25 if you buy trinket on time then proceed to red buff. Leash is not necessary I personally don't recommend hard leash but small leash is ok maybe a spell and 2 basics is enough remember to smite first and use 1 potion if you went with that set up. after red immediately use ghost to run to blue camp and clear it with smite which will be available during fight. Afterwards do Wolves without smite then smite new Wraiths and run to do the other Wraiths without smite then smite Golems and if you did everything right you should have cleared jungle in 4:00 minutes flat starting time from official champion spawn time. You might be thinking why RED, easy you can keep blue buff longer and starting mana is enough handle both camps in general killing red first is more efficient.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PR Mamba
PR Mamba Soraka Guide
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