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Nidalee Build Guide by Veggies4Life

Tank Solo top Nidaree

Tank Solo top Nidaree

Updated on February 19, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Veggies4Life Build Guide By Veggies4Life 1,904 Views 0 Comments
1,904 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Veggies4Life Nidalee Build Guide By Veggies4Life Updated on February 19, 2013
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who am i

Hello everyone i am Veggies4life a avg elo or gold 5 player who was once 900 elo this guide is aimed at 1600-1900 elo of game play i am 17 years old non english native speaker who excells at top lane and nidalee is one of my favorite and best champs i excell at mainly ap tops but im strong on alot of hybrid champs like elise jayce and nidalee who have 2 fourms
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Nid top? not mid?

Nidalee is a strong top laner because of her poke ability to escape and amazing sustain and has a strong all in and reliable execute with her q in cougar form she is very hard to gank with traps at level 1 and 2 wards at level 1
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Pros / Cons

Pros Cons
weak pre 6
no escape til 6
not great at team fighting why shes a split pusher
acts like a nunu late game team fights attackspeeds the ad Hard to gank
high sustain
high poke
2 forms
good sustained dmg
naturally tanky
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Veggies4Life
Veggies4Life Nidalee Guide
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Solo top Nidaree

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