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Choose Champion Build:
- tanky
- ap
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Ability Order
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
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she has to go all in and her passive bursts you to death, absolute annyoing to play against
Well about me I'm main support and Soraka is one of my mains. If you're able to play her you are able to support your team very well. This is my first guide and I hope you like it (I'm happy about any feed back either xD)
- best healer in game
- strong sustain
- disengage potantion
- low ap scaling
- no escape
- suqichy (if not build tanky)
- week poke
- week cc
If you want to play safe start with coin for more agressiv playing edge. Also buy 3 heal and 1 mana potion
You can also start with Flask and 3 heal potions if you want to tryhard your lane, but I would do this only if I have an good adc.
Rush for sightstone as fast as you can. After that buy mobility boots and upgrade you gold item.
Now the order of the items changes. It depends on the enemy team and you playstyle. If they have much ap or an fed ap buy magic resistance.
If you want to go tanky rush for solari, if you want to go more ap abysall
If they have many ad or a fed ad go for armor.
If you want to tanky go randuins or frozen heart, if you want to go more ap zhonyas
They have heavy cc? Buy Mikael's
After you got some resistance you can buy more ap, health, health-reg and so one.
I like warmogs 'cause it has a lot of health and health-reg. If you cast your self low with Astral Infusion it simply regs your heath up again. Also you won't get focused so early in teamfights anymore. If you have build more ap, Rabadon's is an great item, too. You also can buy Rylai's for ap and health or Ardent Censer for it's passive. Just look what you and your teammates needs.
If you want to play safe start with coin for more agressiv playing edge. Also buy 3 heal and 1 mana potion
You can also start with Flask and 3 heal potions if you want to tryhard your lane, but I would do this only if I have an good adc.
Rush for sightstone as fast as you can. After that buy mobility boots and upgrade you gold item.
Now the order of the items changes. It depends on the enemy team and you playstyle. If they have much ap or an fed ap buy magic resistance.
If you want to go tanky rush for solari, if you want to go more ap abysall
If they have many ad or a fed ad go for armor.
If you want to tanky go randuins or frozen heart, if you want to go more ap zhonyas
They have heavy cc? Buy Mikael's
After you got some resistance you can buy more ap, health, health-reg and so one.
I like warmogs 'cause it has a lot of health and health-reg. If you cast your self low with Astral Infusion it simply regs your heath up again. Also you won't get focused so early in teamfights anymore. If you have build more ap, Rabadon's is an great item, too. You also can buy Rylai's for ap and health or Ardent Censer for it's passive. Just look what you and your teammates needs.
Because you have week poke you're main task is it to heal your carry with Astral Infusion. Your Carry has more poke then you, so he has to attack your enemys. If he get's damaged or engange just heal him or try to disengane with Equinox. If you get low life while healing use Starcall to heal yourself.
You also should try to zone your enemys. Use Starcall, Equinox or your Autohits for that. If the enemy team has Leona, Thresh, Blitz etc don't use Equinox to much 'cause you need it to disenage. Try not to get enganged 'cause you can't do very much if they focus you (you can't heal yourself after all) and you're squichy as hell.
With lv 6 you need to look at your teammates even more, because your Wish can be the key of winning a fight and don't forget to ward after all xD
You also should try to zone your enemys. Use Starcall, Equinox or your Autohits for that. If the enemy team has Leona, Thresh, Blitz etc don't use Equinox to much 'cause you need it to disenage. Try not to get enganged 'cause you can't do very much if they focus you (you can't heal yourself after all) and you're squichy as hell.
With lv 6 you need to look at your teammates even more, because your Wish can be the key of winning a fight and don't forget to ward after all xD
You're still have the same task as in laneing: healing your teammates and sight
You should stay with your teammakes (especially with you carry) and heal them. Don't get in the frontline, you're unable to help your team if you get catched. Don't forget to that your Ultimate is global, so you might be able to save a teamfight with it even if you're not there.
Don't ward alone. Always go with your team 'cause it's probaly over if you get catched.
You should stay with your teammakes (especially with you carry) and heal them. Don't get in the frontline, you're unable to help your team if you get catched. Don't forget to that your Ultimate is global, so you might be able to save a teamfight with it even if you're not there.
Don't ward alone. Always go with your team 'cause it's probaly over if you get catched.
Try to stand in the backlines of your team. I like it to go a bit tanky, so that the enemys don't focus you first and you're able to keep your teammates alive a bit longer.
Your task is it to heal your teammates up. Use Astrak Infusion (to heal your mates) and Starcall (to heal yourself) on cd. Use Equinox and Wish only if needed 'cause of it's high cd Wish.
Your task is it to heal your teammates up. Use Astrak Infusion (to heal your mates) and Starcall (to heal yourself) on cd. Use Equinox and Wish only if needed 'cause of it's high cd Wish.
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