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Wukong Build Guide by herorocker

Top Spin Your Way To The Top s6

Top Spin Your Way To The Top s6

Updated on February 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author herorocker Build Guide By herorocker 2,353 Views 0 Comments
2,353 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author herorocker Wukong Build Guide By herorocker Updated on February 11, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Wukong can be played as an Ad/assassin,AD/off tank or full tank depending on how situations play out. In this guide i will cover wukong top and how to build him, how to play vs match ups.
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What Runes Are Good On Wu?

For top lane there are really only two rune sets you can go and the difference between the two is small. The only thing that would be good to change for the runes apart from damage or armor pen Reds are the Blues. The glyph can ether be flat or scaling MR depending on the enemy team composition. Regarding the 2 rune sets check the notes i left on the Runes.
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What Do I Build?

I usually tend to go an Ad/offtank build but you can go full AD or Full tank and be successful. All the items i listed are viable options depending on the situation. If you see a lack of MR in the tank you can consider a scimitar. For example if you are top lane against a Darius and he dose a lot of damage you could build a sunfire cape to trade evenly with him. For any info on certain items check the notes on them.
General items NOT TO BUILD:No just god please no.
Leave this item to the support.
The reason you don't build trinity force is because as wukong you want to stack damage on your Cyclone and not your Q. also its not worth the 3800Gold for the stats it gives to wukong. The crit is useless, and there is not enough health or mana to justify those stats and the attack speed it gives is not enough for the money you will blow on this item. spell blade on wukongs Q is not as strong as armor pen on his ult.
This item is not as bad as the rest its just that you don't get an extra spell or free wave clear from this item like you do on hydra.
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Skill Sequence

How Do I Use His Abilities?

There are certain ways to use wukongs spells at certain times. in general if you want to engage on some one you usually want to use E+AA+Q. That combo can differ depending on who you are up against. For more info on a specific match up go to the "Threats To Wukong With This Build" section.
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What Spells Can I Use

andThese two are the only summoner spells you should be deciding between from since you should always take flash. The summoner spell you should get between ignite and TP is situational. Take ignite if you know you can snowball harder with ignite than TP. take TP if your not to sure about winning the match up.
always take this
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Work in progress

I want to add more to this guide but i just need time. This guide is a work in progress and i hope it will help at the state is in.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author herorocker
herorocker Wukong Guide
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Spin Your Way To The Top s6

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