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He is fairly early once you hit 3, just try not to take much harass from him and use E+aa+Q then w and he wont be able to get much damage off on you.
All you really need to watch out for is his W and his R. Once you E he will silence you so you just keep using aa's and orb walk, make sure to not get hit by his q and watch out for the R.
This match up is not as hard after darius had a rework.He wont get as much damage off if you use E on to him before he uses q. Just make sure to not get hit by the edge of his Q or you will have a bad time. Also don't ever let him get to 5 stacks, once you e on to him aa then q and w and walk towards a bush.
Dr. Mundo
Try to avoid him early on because his damage can overwhelm you if you are not careful. doge his q and once he tries to fight you use your w.
Try not to let her hit her passive by going out of range to reset the passive if the mark is going towards her. Also try to never use your q after she uses w. Another thing is watch out for her Ult's damage.Also if you engage on her one thing you can do is E+AA, then once she uses w use your w then go back to Q later if you are healthy enough.
try to take out barrels when you can but don't be in their range once he explodes them. You can win early on just make sure to not get hit by his barrels and always E+aa+Q
Try not to be the one to engage on him because he will Q, If you must engage on him use E+W+AA+Q, he wont expect the W so early on and he will Q the clone but your timing must be perfect. If he begins to stomp on you rush a Sunfire or Deadmans
E+AA+Q and he wont live to tell the story. watch out for his mega though it can catch you off guard.
If you Engage on illaoi try to play around her and don't stop moving. Once she uses ult Run.
Try not to engage on her because her W damage can tend to be OP, and her Lv 4 spike will catch you off guard. try to get the Jungler to help you against her and don't engage her alone early game
Engage on him and use E+AA+W, he will try to stun you so use your w so he cannot see you and run to a bush. after that use Q and keep auto attacking him. If he doesn't use his E right after you nimbus strike him then don't instantly use your w. Also try not to be near minions when jax has q up and you are invisible because he may jump on minions and stun you.
If you engage on him try to use E+AA+W+AA+Q he will dunk on you and he may knock away the clone but you will get enough damage off to out trade him.
Lee Sin
This will be one of the harder counters if you play wukong. Top lane early on he is not that hard just try to get him to use his Q on your W. As for late game he will kick you out of every fight so try to position your self to where if he kicks it wont ruin your whole engage. so try to stay away from where he could kick over a wall.
Early on harass him with E+AA+Q and he wont do much damage as long as you don't let him AA you once he pops W. start corrupting potion against him
Try to get early swiftness boots against him and build maw early on because his poke will be strong against you. just make sure to doge his Q and the lane wont go down the drain.
You will win against him early on just don't fight him when he uses his ult
Harass him as much as you can and try to rush black cleaver on him because he will tend to build more armor if you keep pushing him off of farm.
Never fight him with his W up and try to doge His Q. Also early on watch out for his E damage
Pantheon can destroy your early if you are not careful. Don't fight him much early on until you have Lv6 and engage with E+W+AA+Q
Don't be hit by her Q's after shock because the damage may overwhelm you. Also try not to engage on her unless her W is on CD.
Try to get the Junglers help against Reksai since she has sustain,free TP, no mana, and crazy damage early on. There is a reason she has REKsai in her name
Renekton Will be the hardest lanner you will probably face in S6. Don't fight him early on and try to get help from the Jungler. He will fall off late as long as you don't lose lane
Don't let him Q you a lot and remember his Ult can see invisible champions.
Start cloth and 4 and by any means DO NOT FIGHT HER EARLY. rush a sunfire or dead mans plate and try to farm so you can be useful later on. beg for the junglers help.
Try not to eat a lot of his flame spitters damage. also don't walk into his ultimate
Use W once he rune prisons you. don't let him farm and you will win
Try to not fight him if his W is up and don't fight in between his Q
Rule 1 of league of legends, don't chase singed. try to fight him post 3 and if he flipps you into his poison trail run to the side.
Don't get hit by his Q and rush Black cleaver or Gohstblade if he tries to rush tank.
Don't fight him once he blinds you and get boots early on.
Don't 1v1 him if his Ult and W are up and try to get an early hydra.
Rush hydra or Tank if he begins to do a lot of damage to you. also ninja tabi can help you a lot against him
Buy an early on Executioners blade and after that build a hexa drinker, then finish the Hexadrinker into a maw and finish the exe blade into mortal reminder after you get boots and chain vest or tiamat.
Get an Exe blade once you get your first item and don't let him get his W damage off. also save your W for his Q
Skill match up.
E+AA+Q even if his shield is up you will do enough damage to him if you play correctly against him. try not to fight him around a pool of your enemy minions. rush hydra.
Just don't be alone when you fight him and you can out damage him post lv 3. Make sure to also don't get hit by his w since it gives him sustain.
Wukong can be played as an Ad/assassin,AD/off tank or full tank depending on how situations play out. In this guide i will cover wukong top and how to build him, how to play vs match ups.
What Runes Are Good On Wu?
For top lane there are really only two rune sets you can go and the difference between the two is small. The only thing that would be good to change for the runes apart from damage or armor pen Reds are the Blues. The glyph can ether be flat or scaling MR depending on the enemy team composition. Regarding the 2 rune sets check the notes i left on the Runes.
What Do I Build?
I usually tend to go an Ad/offtank build but you can go full AD or Full tank and be successful. All the items i listed are viable options depending on the situation. If you see a lack of MR in the tank you can consider a scimitar. For example if you are top lane against a Darius and he dose a lot of damage you could build a sunfire cape to trade evenly with him. For any info on certain items check the notes on them.
General items NOT TO BUILD:No just god please no. Leave this item to the support. The reason you don't build trinity force is because as wukong you want to stack damage on your Cyclone and not your Q. also its not worth the 3800Gold for the stats it gives to wukong. The crit is useless, and there is not enough health or mana to justify those stats and the attack speed it gives is not enough for the money you will blow on this item. spell blade on wukongs Q is not as strong as armor pen on his ult. This item is not as bad as the rest its just that you don't get an extra spell or free wave clear from this item like you do on hydra.
Skill Sequence
Skill Sequence
How Do I Use His Abilities?
There are certain ways to use wukongs spells at certain times. in general if you want to engage on some one you usually want to use E+AA+Q. That combo can differ depending on who you are up against. For more info on a specific match up go to the "Threats To Wukong With This Build" section.
What Spells Can I Use
andThese two are the only summoner spells you should be deciding between from since you should always take flash. The summoner spell you should get between ignite and TP is situational. Take ignite if you know you can snowball harder with ignite than TP. take TP if your not to sure about winning the match up. always take this
Work in progress
Work in progress
I want to add more to this guide but i just need time. This guide is a work in progress and i hope it will help at the state is in.
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