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Nocturne Build Guide by ShadowSlayerMain

SSM's Gold Nocturne Guide Season 10

SSM's Gold Nocturne Guide Season 10

Updated on June 24, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain Build Guide By ShadowSlayerMain 21 3 70,330 Views 2 Comments
21 3 70,330 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain Nocturne Build Guide By ShadowSlayerMain Updated on June 24, 2020
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Nocturne
    Warrior + Sanguine
  • LoL Champion: Nocturne
    Bloodrazor + Duskblade
  • LoL Champion: Nocturne


Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

SSM's Gold Nocturne Guide Season 10

By ShadowSlayerMain
Hello, guys. I am ShadowSlayerMain or SSM, a Zed main who ended up in Gold Tier during S9. I have also been playing champions with other styles from other lanes and Nocturne is one of my favorite Auto Attack champions. On this guide I will show you how to terrorize your enemies with the Runeterra dark reaper. Be sure to read my chapters well because they have explanations and more. Good Luck!
Pros and Cons

+ Early Game knowledge
+ Good Focus in Teamfights
+ Synergies with R-Paranoia
+ Outplay Potential

Thanks to his Q- Duskbringer, Nocturne's Outplay Potential can be increased and his E- Unspeakable Horror can easily take out someone in Teamfights.

- Early Game disadvantages
- Wrong R-Paranoia Focus
- Be squishy in Teamfights

An Assasin's wrong position can easily make him suicide. If they build Defensive Items like Edge of Night and Maw of Malmortius, a wrong position can give them a chance to survive.
Ability Order


















Runes and Items


As Nocturne you 'll be taking Lethal Tempo for increased Attack Speed when you engage enemy champions. It is useful on ganks and Teamfights and with a broken W- Shroud of Darkness the bonus Attack Speed can be increased. When it's increased it will be easier for you to heal while fighting.
Presence of Mind is the best choice for Nocturne because his Mana is drained too fast and it makes him like a non-Mana user in Teamfights thanks to his takedowns.
Legend: Alacrity is the best choice here because you won't be building many Attack Speed Options. This will increase your Attack Speed from takedowns
Nocturne is an Assassin that can heal by Auto Attacking and can increase his advantage for kills and his damage by himself so the best option you will need is Coup de Grace for more damage against low HP enemies.

With Cheap Shot, your damage will be increased against CC-ed enemies. Nocturne can also do that by himself with his E- Unspeakable Horror. Ultimate Hunter will reduce your R- Paranoia's CD for every unique enemy champion takedown. I recommend it the most for you to take because Paranoia's CD is huge and it's very useful in a Teamfight for casting it at the right time and take down the most squishy enemy champions quickly.
This Item will give a buff on Nocturne's basic Attacks that can be useful for farming on the lane.
This is Nocturne's basic Core Item for applying a slow on his target when he exits his hiding from bush to gank or when he dashes with R- Paranoia on a champion.
These are your next Core Items. If you are on lane or you are building Enchantment: Warrior on Jungle, Sanguine Blade will be your 2nd Core Item to reach the Attack Speed limit. If you are building Enchantment: Bloodrazor on Jungle, Blade of the Ruined King will be your 2nd Core Item because Sanguine Blade doesn't extend the Attack Speed limit and this item reaches it thanks to your Jungle Item synergy. If you don't have Good Early Game you should build Sterak's Gage or Wit's End/ Maw of Malmortius instead of these.
This is an ideal continue after you build your Core Items. Its MS buff can stack with Q's buff.
Generally, this item is often built on both Tenacity and Position based champions like Fighters but Auto Attack based Assassins like Master Yi can build this item for increased On-Hit damage and a defensive option with its Lifeline Passive.
These are your MR options. If you have Bad Early Game you can replace Duskblade of Draktharr ( Enchantment: Warrior + Sanguine Blade on Jungle) with Maw of Malmortius. Wit's End is alternative for Blade of the Ruined King because Enchantment: Bloodrazor already grants some Attack Speed. They can also increase your Life Steal and Spell Vamp when you are low on HP.
Another option which can increase your Lethality by stacking up to 6 times on an enemy.
After Duskblade of Draktharr's latest update this item was created for the Blackout Passive not to get lost. It is still the same Passive that reveals wards and invisible traps and its new placement is a lethality item too.
This can be a choice to resist against CC enemies thanks to its Veil Passive Ability.
Nocturne is a squishy champion tha can easily die with wrong position so this item can be useful.
Another MR Option and the best choice against CC enemies. If you get to a wrong position and get CC-ed it can help you a lot thanks to its active ability.
You can upgrade Tiamat for more Life Steal when you have late game advantage.
After you full build you can build this for more Life Steal and Spell Vamp.
Jungling Phase
As Nocturne you 'll be taking Q- Duskbringer at level 1 and will start from Blue Buff because his Passive- Umbra Blades already restores some of his missing HP. At level 2 you will continue with E- Unspeakable Horror to start ganking or CC-ing jungle camps. You shouldn't worry about farming because Passive- Umbra Blades' CD is reduced when Auto Attacking and it deals more damage. You won't have any problems on farming when you reach level 3 and get W- Shroud of Darkness to increase your maximum Attack Speed and gank lanes perfect.

When you are going to gank a lane you must hit your Q- Duskbringer on the enemy or just spread the dark trail and increase your mobility. Then you will have to approach them and stay near them until your E- Unspeakable Horror scares them. Don't forget that if they cast Flash or fear makes them run near the enemy tower your gank will fail. Your W- Shroud of Darkness can resist against CC which means that when you get it, the enemy laner(s) won't have many chances to stop your ganks.
Late Game
Nocturne can easily approach an enemy with his R- Paranoia and take them out quickly so you should use it only when most of the enemies are CC-ed or when someone is left and use it for not letting him to escape. Remember also that your 1st cast can be compatible with your allies' CC but you shouldn't dash on an enemy alone because Nocturne is squishy and he will easily die when he has wrong position. Your Q- Duskbringer too can be a Spell for damaging most of the enemies and increase your mobility when you chase them by walking on your dark trail. Before you approach the enemy team you should always prepare your W- Shroud of Darkness to resist on their CC and easily approach your target to take them out quickly. Never forget about your Passive- Umbra Blades' healing effect and its alternative reset.
In Conclusion
That's it for my Nocturne guide. I hope it helped you improve. If you want, feel free to ask me any questions by commenting and don't forget to vote!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShadowSlayerMain
ShadowSlayerMain Nocturne Guide
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SSM's Gold Nocturne Guide Season 10

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