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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
This guide helps utilize Orianna's passive Clockwork Windup to the max. The damage scales pretty well with AP despite being just a passive ability. But here's the best part, after the first basic attack you start stacking a buff called Clockwork Winding. It only stacks up to two but for every stack, the damage from Clockwork Windup increases by 20% and capping at 40% additional damage! Now this is just for your passive ability, we haven't yet added the items to the equation.
- Guinsoo's Rageblade: the newly re-reworked rageblade is amazing for on-hit damage champions due to the added double on-hit that was previously on devourer. Now, what does this mean to Orianna? It means what it means: Double proc of Clockwork Windup. Which means that up to 40% damage increase with initial damage will be doubled and alongside every other on-hit from other items
- Nashor's Tooth: the on-hit magic damage from nashor's is pretty much the same as Ori's passive at level but does 3 damage less and by the time you do get it, it will do almost half the damage of your passive without the buff (assuming you get it at or before level 9). And of course, the damage will be doubled with rageblade every other auto.
- Berserker's Greaves: these boots are preferred due to the attack speed bonus, but they can be swapped out if really necessary
- Runaan's Hurricane, Wit's End, Blade of the Ruined King: all three give attack speed and on-hit damage. BotRK and Runaan's will be your only additional physical damage on-hit, and runaan's of course gives crit chance and movement speed
- Hextech Gunblade, Death's Dance: your "spell vamp" items
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