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Yorick Build Guide by Black Demon Ezel

Top The Grave is Their Home

Top The Grave is Their Home

Updated on August 28, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Black Demon Ezel Build Guide By Black Demon Ezel 3 3 15,409 Views 0 Comments
3 3 15,409 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Black Demon Ezel Yorick Build Guide By Black Demon Ezel Updated on August 28, 2023
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Runes: Take what you will

Grasp of the Undying

Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


The Horrors of the Isles
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

The Grave is Their Home

By Black Demon Ezel
About me
Couple my autism and the analytical mind I've had since birth, I am able to successfully formulate and carry out different strategies with every idea that comes to mind. They call me DevilDawg most of the time. I am actually one of the youngest hopeful streamers I know at 16 and a half. I go to high school currently with hopes of becoming a pro streamer of LoL in college. It won't come easy but your support would mean wonders. I also stream on Twitch @devildawg1234
Builds and their Contents
Tanky Fighter. That's the name of Yorick's game. Trinity Force Hullbreaker. Couple Serylda's Grudge and Black Cleaver with it and you've got a overpowered Split Pusher
He's a tank. You don't find many tanks taking Ignite. Aren't a lotta exceptions so I suggest you do the one and only Teleport spell. Obviously Flash is a neccesity to make Yorick mobile since he has ZERO mobility. To recap: Flash and Teleport
Grasp for health snagging and Demolish for wrecking turets. Yorick is one of the best split pushers in the dang game. Find a way to backdoor anyone at the enemy towers and you're golden
As I said earlier in builds and their contents: this guy is a split pusher. So using things thatgive him tankiness, strength, or even a mixture of both, will do you very well. Please consider the following as a build for the Shepherd of Souls
Boots: Ionian Boots, to speed up his Maiden's arrival
Mythic: Trinity Force for the increased tower damage
3rd: Hullbreaker for split pushing reasons
4th: Serylda's Grudge, in case someone decides to attack you in your split pushing area
5th: Black Cleaver to play assistant to the SG
6th: Chempunk Chainsword to annihilate people fast, with the help of other items, and prevent them from healing back up
Ix-Nay on straying from ability path. Unless you swap the E and W max out which is slightly tolerable. But always max Q first
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Black Demon Ezel
Black Demon Ezel Yorick Guide
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