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Brand Humor Guide by YellowCyborg0243

AP Carry The hot and cold Brand guide

AP Carry The hot and cold Brand guide

Updated on September 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author YellowCyborg0243 Build Guide By YellowCyborg0243 1,464 Views 0 Comments
1,464 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author YellowCyborg0243 Brand Build Guide By YellowCyborg0243 Updated on September 7, 2014
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Hey guys and welcome to my hot and cold brand guide. first i want u to notice this is a humor guide and shouldnt be played in ranked, but it is pretty fun in normal-games. i mained brand pretty long and maybe ill make a serious guide about brand. but now lets get to the pros and cons.
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Pros / Cons

-nice CC if u get to hit your E+Q combo
-nice against pretty many midlaners we all hate.
-just insanely badass.
-more tanky than other midlaners.
-gets fcked by Leblanc. we all hate Leblanc. Shes just a stupid little *******
-can get completely destroyed by just one yasuo
-no escape
-easy to peel away
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okay, obviously u have to get cryogenic Brand, because lets be serious- this build wont work without it. then just go for early fights and push up. if u dominate the lane (like against lux) just freeze (haha^^) the lane and wait for ure enemy to do a mistake. then just roll ur face over the keyboard and freeze the enemy. u should ask your jungler to give u the 2nd blue. if hes not a douchebag, u will get it and freeze-melt ure enemies even harder.
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Ranked Play

Just dont try this in ranked.
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Why the fck would u play Brand like this?

because its a pretty nice extra CC build. ure passive will give ur enemies a debuff so they burn(just like ignite), after that ure liandrys will tick just like the passive, and if THATS over, ur rylais will still slow, so u can get ure skills off easy.
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1v1 fights

use ur w at your enemy. after that try to hit the slowed enemy with ur Q.if the enemy still wants to fight just use ur E for some extra dmg and slow and use ur ult. if the enemy is low after that just flash+ignite+any skills u want.
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getting ganked (1v2)

just run away and place ur W behind u, so the enemy will walk straight into it and Q him. ih the laner follows up just ult and try to get one of them before u die.
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in teamfights just use ur W on the enemy thats the easiest to hit and q him. he´ll get cc from u and u just press R. because u burned him with ur Q before, the R will have a higher chance to jump to enemy champions.
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