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Gragas Build Guide by jchen8638

AP Carry The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it!

AP Carry The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it!

Updated on November 11, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jchen8638 Build Guide By jchen8638 3,202 Views 0 Comments
3,202 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jchen8638 Gragas Build Guide By jchen8638 Updated on November 11, 2013
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About Me

My IGN is: AntiDarkness. I play in the NA server. I have landed into Silver 4 after placement matches. I currently am DIAMOND 5. I have been playing league for around 3 years. I used to main every single role, but I currently main support and mid.
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Tips for Gragas

Since your melee, you will usually get poked a lot. Try to wave clear with your Q+E. Always use your W, since he gets health from his passive, the mana for using it, a damage buff, and reduced damage. Try to throw your ult the opposite direction of where you want the target to go.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jchen8638
jchen8638 Gragas Guide
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The only time I have a drinking problem is when I spill it!

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