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Diana is a big issue but with an aggressive level 2 to 4 you can win this lane in early ( late is still lost but you have equally good teamfights so it makes up for that )
Cassiopeia counters you in every way possible , her miasma disables 2 of your abilities so you literally cant engage on her in any way , and galio really hates champions that have constant damage in his lane , and cassiopeia is like the biggest dps mage .
Absolute cancer of a character , his entire kit has so much range in it that you literally cant get in e distance , even when you flash e its very unlikely that you will hit , and like every other mage , vel scales like a motherfucker so its really hard to outplay this guy at any stage of the game, though if you do get in range you can oneshot .
Melee assasin that does good dps , literally spells out dont pick galio but you can somewhat play against him because of your ability to get a zhonyas .
When it comes to galio , you hit E and win the fight or you dont hit E and look like a dumbass while you get bursted down , Zed can EASILY dodge your E which is very problematic in early game .
This guy completely counters you as a support as he can eat your combo and stun you in your w
You have 2 abilities that can cancel her ultimate and your level 1 to 3 can potentially kill her
you can kill him before he can ult with a proper combo so you have kill pressure even with his ult up
Aurelion Sol
he can knock you back and effectively cancel your engage , and then proceed to chirp down your health 100 at a time while your cooldowns are coming back , not a good experience
She can literally auto you to death at level 1 but with proper plays you can shut her down post level 3
melee assasin , but your aftershock really helps in this scenario , skill matchup
as much as his kit may seem cancerous vs galio you can beat him if you play very aggressively
he can absorb your most important dueling ability (E) with his passive and then proceed to murder you with his very , very balanced kit
Can outplay you , for the most part though , you win this
Too hot
Your e and his ult are very compatible , in bot lane you can literally lock damn near anyone to death with that combo , very powerful
Runs in like a madman ? ult compatible
Flies in like a madlad? ult compatible
Galio and Volibear just kind of CC everyone to death its just that volibear is borderline garbage so you wont really see him that often
Your e and his ult are very compatible , in bot lane you can literally lock damn near anyone to death with that combo , very powerful
Runs in like a madman ? ult compatible
Flies in like a madlad? ult compatible
Galio and Volibear just kind of CC everyone to death its just that volibear is borderline garbage so you wont really see him that often
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