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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order E max
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It's Camille for one, but you have no way of stopping her from E'ing into you and doing full combo.
Rammus has fast MS with his Q, and if he lands his taunt with W on that's pre-damage taken by simply entering the lane. Go through the upper brush and take the enemy by surprise.
Rammus has fast MS with his Q, and if he lands his taunt with W on that's pre-damage taken by simply entering the lane. Go through the upper brush and take the enemy by surprise.
Champion Build Guide
This is a guide of the builds I've been using for Vi Top, and yes, they somehow work even in Brozne ELO. Feel free to work upon them yourself but I thought it'd be fun to share and show other people just how desperate we can be to play comfort picks in lanes they really shouldn't be in.
If for whatever reason you want to reach me, my twitter is on my profile, but my discord is i like motorcycles#3645. Not that I'm popular enough to be acting like people want to genuinely ask me questions, so feel free to just send me harassment and positive reinforcement that I should be legally barred from any and all computers in a 3 mile radius. Have fun!
P.S: This is my first guide, I've only done a couple of real matches with VI top lane. I won't keep updating this guide with inconsistent information and constantly correct myself. If I get a wider mindset on the champion overall and the lane (again, hardstuck bronze) then I'll simply make a 2nd guide. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter or my discord which is just above. Thanks, XOXO!
Don't forget pinks!
One good Kha'Zix gank means you'll be behind on that precious farm. They're also just habits you should get into in general but to each their own, if the pros don't buy pinks then why should you? The wave pushing into you or away from you is acceptable, though I would not stick around for longer than you need to if their jungler might be around. Cheater Recalls are your best friend!
Vi is an exceptionally well jungler, never forget that. If you have ult, roam mid or bot and make plays with it and give teammates (granted they listen) a chance to get advantages over objectives (drake namely). It's okay to die a couple of times if it means you're opening doors for your team!
"Hey, NAGlTO! You're talking an awful lot about making opportunities for your team, isn't this supposed to be a Vi TOP LANE guide, not jungle?"
Yes, you are absolutely correct! However you also have to know that Vi, in the sea of other top laners who would go against her, really isn't too great of a pick. In my eyes anyway, which is why I'm massively underselling what might actually be a super OP strategy that forces Riot to nerf her. If you wanna use my guide as a base and use a different approach, let me know how it goes! Vi isn't really a 1v9 machine on her own even in jungle, so the best thing you can do is make openings and pray your team knows what they're doing to take them.
And as far as this guide goes, that's all I got! Thanks for reading, and I hope my little bronze brain helped you find a fun little pick!
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