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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Blast Shield (PASSIVE)
Vi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kindred will try to kite you until the end of time, and with her Q and her slow, they will succeed. while Kindred doe not invade often, they will dominate a teamfight and punish anyone out of position relentlessly. If Kindred ults and your target is on the edge, use your Q to knock them out of it.

Hey, NiceTryVi here. Whether you are a veteran player looking for tips and advice to improve your gameplay, or you wanted to pick up

About me: I am a gold player, peaking in Season 6 at Gold II. I am a diehard Vi main with over twelve hundred games on her. I vastly prefer tanky champions over squishies, as I also play

Pros |
Cons | ||
> Excellent as both a Tankbuster and even assassin > Excellent catch/pick potential > Q and Ult are great gapclosers for surprise ganks or followups > Very scary and effective ganks > Excellent innate damage and tankiness |
> Incredibly weak to invades before lvl 3 > Low mobility makes it impossible to escape if you can't use Q > Roots make it impossible to do anything as it disables Q and prevents casting Ult > Invade champions make it difficult to gank, so you will have to farm what you can carefully to get levels back > Her strength in making picks has the downside of if you enange and the pick doesn't work or there isn't an opportunity for one, you're toast if your team isn't right on your heels. |
* Press the Attack is taken simply because the added damage is huge, and makes your ganks much scarier, as well as increasing your backline's threat to the enemy in a teamfight. A carry taking 12% extra damage is quickly dispatched.
* I take Triumph because the free healing on takedown is huge in fights and helpful in ganks as it allows you to stay out longer. Also, who doesn't like a bit of extra gold?
*Legend: Alacrity is a must have on Vi as a huge AS increase, necessary for quick procs of her W.
* I take Coup de Grace because its bonus damage is really nice, plus Cut Down requires you to be too squishy, and Last Stand is too dangerous.
For secondaries, I take the resolve tree.
* Font of Life Is great for both ganking and teamfights, as anyone you hit with your Q or Ult, both AoE knockbacks, will get marked for your teammates to heal off of. If you prefer to be tankier, conditioning is also a choice.
* I take overgrowth because even though a jungler isn't going to be around a ton of lane minions, you are going to have many jungle minions, and the little krugs each count for this as well as the bigger ones they come from. In addition, you will have minions dying during your ganks, and afterwards if you stick around to push the tower.
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Blast Sheild: When ![]() |
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Vault Breaker: This is ![]() ![]() |
- Her
Vault Breaker is quite a versatile ability, as it can be used as an engage and escape, go over walls, and an allied Yasuo can even ult off of it.
- A downside is the above mentioned charge-up time for range and damage, as well as its champion collision mechanic, which can mess up escapes.
- A flash->Q can be the difference between a kill or a waste of your time and effort during a gank, as most retreating enemies will not expect it or have time to dodge it, or they will think they have successfully escaped you once out of the range of your Q.
- As long as you don't override it,
Vi will automatically attack after the initial hit. Waiting a split second after contact is made before using your E will instantly proc W, so be sure not to jump the gun on that.
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Denting Blows: Q and E makes Vi scary to squishies, but this what makes her scary to tanks. The fact that is is a passive that combines %AS increase, armor shred, and %HP damage lets ![]() |
Vi's AA animation can take quite a while to complete in the early game. Be aware of this so you are not too fast hitting E as you will cancel the AA and start the E animation, wasting time and damage.
- The cone does the same bonus damage as the AA, so if an enemy is bodyblocking for someone low on hp or there are minions between you and them, go ahead and E the blocker, as the cone may still kill your target.
- Vi's E cannot be canceled, by her or the enemy.
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Assault and Battery: This is it, probably why most people like playing ![]() ![]() |
- Use
Cease and Desist to catch people out if your Q wont do it our you need time for your allies to catch up.
- Enemies will almost always try to flash away from you when ulting. Be careful, as their flash may drag you under tower or closer to a damage dealer that will turn the fight around on you.
- Beware using this on champions that can go untargetable(
Fizz, anyone with a
Zhonya's Hourglass) or in a game with a
Bard, as you will lose lock and stop moving, and
Cease and Desist will go on cooldown.
- Be very careful about using this against a
Sivir or
Morgana, as their spell shields will not only nullify its damage and CC, but you will still go into the animation, which you cannot cancel. Also, beware of enemies with
Edge of Night as well.
- You do 75% of the damage to every unit you pass through, so you can use it to kill a low health enemy between you and another target as well.
Always take

Since buff starts are best in my opinion, taking W is better because there is only one target, so your AoE damage would be wasted. Also, once you level your E you get both charges instantly, allowing you to make shorter work of the second camp.
Only items I would recommend buying on

Core Items
[icon=![]() |
Hailblade: This should always be your first item every game. It gives everything a jungler needs, and the slowing Blue Smite. |
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Trinity Force: This is such an amazing item on ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Situational Items
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Spirit Visage: Buy this item if you have already bought an ![]() ![]() |
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Randuin's Omen: Buy this item against AD and crit-heavy champions like ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sterak's Gage: A good end-game item if you don't need more resistances, but do want some extra HP and damage. |
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Maw of Malmortius: If you don't need the health from ![]() |
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Farsight Alteration: You can also consider switching from ![]() ![]() ![]() |

After my first clear I can start on my

Finally, after I get my boots and

*Something to look out for after you gank is if your laner is healthy enough to stay. If so, help them clear the lane and get some damage on the enemy turret before leaving. If they are not healthy, clear a wave or so, so that it doesn't crash into your tower before your ally returns.

One part of

Solo |
Team | ||
> Gank often, as the enemy will communicate less > Focus on your own play and play slightly more selfishly > Use Q and ult to catch out enemies > Do not be afraid to tax lanes in order to keep your gold and xp up |
> Go for quality over quantity, and communicate with your laners to coordinate stronger ganks together. A bad gank in team play gives the enemy jungler power too, not just their laner. > Play for the team and channel farm into the carry. The carry might be you, depending on the situation. > Maintain objective control and siege scenarios |

*Pluckin Penguin for being a great jungle mentor and for formatting help
*ShadowVisions for his encouragement, inspiring me to make this guide and introducing me to NCSU Prime
*The whole NCSU Prime team who took me in and were willing to work with me and make me a better jungler and player.
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