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Thresh General Guide by Nubys

Support Thresh Guide! [Second Coming of Madlife!] [Prediction!]

Support Thresh Guide! [Second Coming of Madlife!] [Prediction!]

Updated on July 20, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nubys Build Guide By Nubys 4,365 Views 0 Comments
4,365 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nubys Thresh Build Guide By Nubys Updated on July 20, 2016
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Hello everyone! I'm currently high silver and I have over 300 games with Thresh and around 320k champion mastery, I play him 24/7 whenever I can with whatever comp, my winrate with him is 60% which I think is good. I duo with a bunch of Gold Adc (Gold 1/2), and I've been told countless times I deserve a higher elo, but I'll get their eventually.
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Summoner Spell

Running Flash Ignite is great when you're against supports that are squishy early on like Janna, Sona, Soraka, Karma, etc. Being that once you hit that level 2 power spike you can go balls deep and if played correctly can you get a early summoner, or even a kill. You should defiantly run this if you have an ADC like Draven, Lucian, or Caitlyn with high kill pressure.

This is my second option, I usually run this if the enemies support is somewhat tanky and It'll be hard to burst them down. I run exhaust against ADC's that rely on attack speed or with how damage output like Draven, Lucian, Kog'Maw, or even if the enemy team has a Zed.

I barely run Flash Heal unless my adc decides to take ignite. I've seen some aggressive Draven's take ignite and told me take heal. Wouldn't recommend it, but can save your ADC's life when they go balls to the wall.
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Rune Page


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

Quints: I run Attack Damage and Armor, Reason behind the Attack Damage is because once you get your Flay Passive fully stacked up you can walk up to an ADC while they're focusing on CS and AA them and walk away you'll do a chunk of their health and give yourself PRESENCE in lane. Armor gives you some tankyness against ADCs that like poking you down Caitlyn

Marks: Full Attack Damage Marks for the same reason above, to poke down those greasy ADCs.

Seal: Full Armor Seals to survive pokes from those ADCs like Caitlyn and Draven.

Glyphs: Full Health Glyphs to just bulk yourself up, the more health you have the longer you can stay in lane and continue harassing.

Use this Rune Page if you're against an support that tends to AA you a lot Braum and Leona


Press the Attack
Summon Aery
Lethal Tempo
Phase Rush

Quints: One Armor, One Attack Damage, and One Magic Resists. To survive harass and lane pressure, and give a little OOMPH on your aa's.

Seal: ^^^

Glyph: ^^^

Marks: Give some more OOMPH to your harass.

Runes this against Supports with a lot of Magic Damage and tend to spam abilities at you, Lulu, Sona, and Karma.
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5 in Veteran Scar
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I run this mastery mainly because Bond of Stone is so nice, I'm a tanky support and those HP runes I have help me soak in some damage when my ADC starts getting harassed. Run Explorer because if you want to get you Mid Laner snowballing you can easily ping that you're coming and go gank and hopefully get a kill.

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1 in Thunderlords Decree

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5 in Veteran Scar
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This is my Second Mastery page that I sometime run a Thresh. Again if you're against a Support that is squishy I usually run this page because once I hit the level 2 power spike (I'll explain later), you start going in Flay, AA, Hook (Thunderlords), AA, Ignite, While your ADC is Attacking them you're guaranteed a kill.
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Skill Description and Sequence

Thresh collects little orbs called Souls from dead enemies or large monsters, he collects them by walking up beside them or throwing the lantern to them. Be cautious when using the Lantern to farm souls because if a sticky situation comes you may need to use this Lantern to save an ally. Each soul grants you 0.75 Ability Power and Bonus Armor.

One of Thresh's most notorious abilities, Thresh throws out a hook like ability and stuns an enemy when connects, he then tugs them towards him twice. He can cast Death Leap which brings him to the enemy you hooked at the beginning.

Thresh throws an lantern out to a nearby Ally, the ally then can click the lantern and bring himself to Thresh (Safety). While simultaneously granting the Ally a shield that's based on how many Souls you've collected.

Thresh's basic attacks deal extra damage after charging up for a few seconds depending on the amount of Souls you've collected. Thresh sweeps his chain forwards or backwards which can push the enemy forward or backwards.

Thresh summons a 5 sided box to surround him when an Enemy tries leaving the box he's slowed for 99% for 2 seconds, once one of the walls are broken the remaining walls only slow for 1 second.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Max E First if you're iffy on landing your hook and want more damage in lane with your aa's.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Max Q First if you're confident in your hooks and believe that you can land 90% of them.
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First Buy

99% of the time I start this, Relic Shield is good gives you health and gold while still giving your ADC health and gold.
Health Potions to survive harass and stay in lane longer.

Pink Ward (1)
For that 1% of the time I'm against a Evelynn or Shaco and I need that Pink Ward early on to watch for ganks and purchase the Pink Ward right off the bat.

Second Back

Always aim to go back with over 800 gold so you can afford , if you have 1100 I usually get , then start putting some money into your upgraded item Targon's Brace and finally if you have any leftover money by more Health Potion or Pink Wards. Whenever you can upgrade your boots to

Against Full AD Team

Eye of the Equinox
Reason behind having Thornmail and Frozen Heart is that they give a large amount of Armor + all the Armor obtained from the Souls you've collected. Finish your build with a Warmogs to increase your HP and tankyness it's like going to KFC and buying chicken and then getting Plum Sauce to go with it that's what Warmogs and Thornmails/Frozen Heart is like.

Against Full Mainly AP Team (4 AP 1 AD)

Eye of the Equinox
Now if you have an enemy team that have 4 AP's and their ADC I would use this build Locket to help your teammates out, Spirit Visage to increase the healing from Zz. You get Zz for the movement speed and for the pushing power mainly because you get 55 Armor and 55 MR then ending the build with a Dead Man's for chasing opportunities and to completely ignore that ADC.

Against a Mix Team

Eye of the Equinox
Sometimes I switch out Dead Man's for Zz because of the statistics but mainly I run Dead Man's.

If playing against a Morgana switch Spirit Visage to Banshee Veil unless you really need the healing.

If playing against a team that has a load of CC like Leona, Draven, LeBlanc, Amumu and Nautilus I recommend telling your adc to purchase a QSS and you yourself buying a Mikaels Cruciable.

If your team lacks pushing power or they just don't want to capitalize on advantages you may need to purchase Zz'Rot Portal and Banner of Command to help push out the lanes plus earning you some mula.

Somehow if you manage to get yourself in a position where you need to play AD Thresh Top Lane. I recommend this build, yes I've played Thresh Top before in Ranked and currently I have a 50% winrate with 6 games. My builds is cancer, but you know it works. Final build usually looks like:

Frozen Mallet is excellent because it slows your enemies upon AA which makes it easier for you to line up a hook. Fircannon's passive + Flay Passive is crazyyyy damage, use Infinity Edge to help with the Burst and then Spirt Visage and Dead Man's to bulk up some bruiser-ness.
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Tips and Tricks

Thresh has a lot of hidden mechanics that can be extremely hard to be done correctly. I'll say right now, I'm no 100% expert with Thresh I'm close but I can learn a lot more. Most important thing about playing Thresh/ANY SUPPORT is PRESENCE, you need to make sure the enemies know your a badass and they should not mess you. Get up in their face and start harass, walk into a bush and then show yourself in the bush LAUGH and then walk back in. Everytime the enemies ADC goes to attack and minion in the middle of their animation use you AA them with fully stacked flay passive and watch all their confidence crumble down the drain.

Level 2 Power Spike

Before minions spawn type in chat "ADC NAME get Lvl 2 first and I'm going balls to the wall", once you get to lane use your Relic shield for one of the Melee creeps and start AAing the mages in the back while poking down the enemies at the same time. You need to be able to read the minions and see who's going to get level 2 first. For level two you need the whole first wave and the 3 melee minions of the next. Use your next relic shield stack on the next Melee minion while AAing the other two low enough for your ADC to last hit. Once the final minion is waiting to be killed position yourself so when you get level 2 you can quickly get a hook off hopefully on the ADC, walk backtowards your tower for 2 Tugs then right before Death Leap ends to balls deep flay, aa, exhaust or ignite, aa, and hope for first blood.

Hitbox Snipes

Have you ever been sniped through a minion wave by Thresh's hook and you say "HOW THEY HELL DID THAT HIT ME?" well Thresh's hitbox on his hook is a bit wonky, if you aim your Hook at the corner of the enemies hitbox you can tease it right through and land a godly grab.

Kinda Predictions but Not

I do this a lot using the skill above called Hitbox Snipes you can aim your hook to hit the enemies top right or left of their hitbox BUT if they flash it'll hit the bottom left or right of where they flashed. So therefor it looks like you predicted the hook but in reality you just threw it out there hoping for the best :D

Real Prediction Hooks

This took me about 150+ games to learn when people are going to flash/use their escaping abilities. If you don't get excited when the enemy locks in Ezreal then there's something wrong with you. You need to watch the enemies with movement abilities have a couple test hooks and watch if they dash left, right, or behind them. After figuring out which way they go try to predict the movement. Champions like Ezreal, Zed, LeBlanc, and Kassadin I fine are the easier to predict. Ezreal will usually E behind him, Leblanc will always go back to her W and zed will probably try to dodge your hook by going back to his R.

Flash Predictions

When your chasing down an enemy in the jungle that has been caught out watch the map and see where your teammates are, the enemy wont flash into your teammates so cancel out any walls that are that way. Oh, he's walking into dragon pit I wonder where he will be going. Well DUH he's going over the wall with his flash. Thresh is all about Mind games, if you can get inside the enemies head you'll win. If you flash for a hook most ADCs think "Hmm he flashed so it's even if I flash" and you throw your hook out where he'll flash. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP AN IDEA ON IF THEY HAVE FLASH OR NOT!

Flay Cancelling

Thresh's Flay can cancelling tons of abilities but known for Tristana E, Zac E, Lee Sin W/Q, and Alistar W. If you can time this perfectly it can look EXTREMELY SEXY. Even predicting when they're going to use their ability can make you look like Madlife.

Bunny FuFu Play

If you've ever watched any plays from LCS or just Thresh Montages you'll see a play that takes ALOT of practice and perfect timing. Not only that but it takes teammates that can think quickly and know how to play. Let's say I see Graves over extending in the botlane I hook him then walk or flash backwards throw my lantern then Death Leap while my teammates clicks my lantern and we kill him. It looks crazy and I've only done it like twice.

Lantern Mindgames

Your jungler is coming to gank and you know that River is Warded Signal to be careful and throw your lantern in tri-bush, walk towards the enemy team while your Jungler takes the lantern and flash if need be. Do this 2-3 times and watch the mindgames begin, let's say your enemy adc/support is over extending throw your lantern over the wall and watch them flash and bolt away from you. Now do this 2-3 times and soon they'll think "Oh he's just messing with me" then ping your jungler to come and repeat.

The Box

When you use your ult what you want to do is place it around the enemy adc or support and flay/hook them into the box. If an enemy has Zhonya's Hourglass, Guardian Angel, or has been incased in Bard's Ultimate place align your ultimate so one of the walls is right on top of them. As soon as they get out of one of these three they'll be slowed.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nubys
Nubys Thresh Guide
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Thresh Guide! [Second Coming of Madlife!] [Prediction!]

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