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Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
And after incredible mid ganking you can complete your midlane gank photoalbum like I did!
Can you see this cassiopeia? I don't because it's DEAD!

Also if you get attacked by some wannabe counter jungler, run to the wolves and hide like you was a tree and there comes the fool!
If the enemy team's players haven't left yet, they don't get how serious you take this game!
To show them camp any lane, for example top lane and make the enemy Top-Laner with your E and FORCE him to play passiv.
This will let your Top-Laner have free farms and he will get almost as strong as you!
To show them camp any lane, for example top lane and make the enemy Top-Laner with your E and FORCE him to play passiv.
This will let your Top-Laner have free farms and he will get almost as strong as you!
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