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Try to avoid him as much as possible because of his burst.There is not so many outplay options.
Can get punished pre 6 but after that killing him gets worse.
He is actually so annoying.In most situations he will focus you and taunt.He can make more ganks and he is not so easy to kill.
Due to her gank potential and stun she is really strong.U can't do anything to her pre 6.
Xin Zhao
He has strong early game.He will invade in your jungle and he can kill pre 6.
He can be dangerous only when he gets fed.You kill him 1 vs 1 all game in Assasin or Darkin Form.He is also weak before form so you can countergank him as much as possible.
Lee Sin
Skill matchup.U can actually kill him by the late game.He can be dangerous after his 6.
Most of his burst u can block with your W.Try to avoid fighting him close to bushes.U are stronger after midgame.
He can gank more than you so it can make some issues.He is easy to kill throughout all game.His R and movement speed can make some troubles in teamfights.
He is not a jungler but he can focus you in teamfight with all his CC.
Maybe the same as Nautilus but you can invade his jungle and kill him 1v1.U can use W in his ult.
Should be banned.His Q and Ult is really sade and CC.
Can be played on mid as Taric+Yi.His R and utility can make your game a lot easier.
Has some CC and slow.His R and extra attackspeed makes our teamfighting potential even higher!
His R and E is very useful in teamfights.He also has CC and good damage.
She gives u some healing and buffs which is useful in teamfights with her R.
Her R is useful in teamfights.
Can be played on mid as Taric+Yi.His R and utility can make your game a lot easier.
Has some CC and slow.His R and extra attackspeed makes our teamfighting potential even higher!
His R and E is very useful in teamfights.He also has CC and good damage.
She gives u some healing and buffs which is useful in teamfights with her R.
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