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Bully early game. Harrass alot with aa and save q for when his e animation is finished. He will try to dodge it your q after his e with a quick q . Create a freeze just in front of your tower
He will try to all in you at level 3 if you let him get heavy poke on you pre 3. He will Try to roam alot. Deny him cs and get plates.
Care and ward common jungle paths to gank your lane. He will normally have an early game jangler who will want your booty
i pray for your sake he doesnt have an ekko jungle. If he does good luck.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Honestly this filthy champ right here should be banned.
Early game you can aa and poke him down however he will normally go for a corrupting potion and heal most of the dmg.
If you find yourself up against this dude farm abuse him as much as possible pre 6. Once he hits 6 this shit is aids to play against.
His q interrupts your r channel and cancels it. Wait for him to be on you before you q him. If he r q you instantly you can just q r e and harrass him. Depending on how fed he is and the damage he deals he will either try all in you or run.
Matchup Difficulty: Dodge or ban
? Dudes trolling if he picks this mid lane.
Look for kill level 3. Contest him on cs, aa him and q e when you get a chance.
Matchup Difficulty: Easy
This match is not easy. Majority of the time when you encounter this the guy will know what he is doing.
Focus on farming and the fancy footwork. Early on his wave clear is better than yours.
If he wastes q e you can look for a trade.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
If he starts q lvl 1 you can look to trade and proc electrocute. Care his early dmg and combos do huge damage with Press the attack
Primary focus cs. lvl 3 you can look to kill him with rank 2 e. Save your q for when he uses e and you will have a favorable trade.
1 Thing I will mention is you should avoid him procing Press the attack because it will chunk you hard.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Farm up early. You have to be useful to your team later in the game. Need to think about when to spend mana. She will play like a bitch farming and running away from you. She will try shove you in at 6 and roam. This matchup is rather painful against a lux main.
She will look to harrass you with her e. She will generally walk up once she has thrown her e. q her and trade with electrocute.
level 3 you can look to kill her after baiting out q. Bear in mind she will try q you through a minion.
you 1 hit her later on in the game if you don't get caught by her q.
She will try to cheese you by hiding in bushes.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Boring lane to be honest. He will speed away from your q. All this alt stoner guru will do is look to double bomb you out of lane. Play back in lane and focus on csing.
Focus farming, match his wave clear, Fancy Footwork. Warding common jungle ganking paths.
if you want to kill him = bait out e dodge 1 bomb land q e w r and kill him.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill Dependent
Twisted Fate
I really cant pin this difficulty. Each tf I face seems to play differently.
There are two playstyle which I generally see.
1.) Pushes like a monkey and can't manage his mana leading you to freezing and destroying him on cs and getting a few kills.
2.) He will early push trying to set up a slow push in his favor. He will stand far back out of your range. and blue card spam to match your push. He will out sustain you mana wise, Push you in and roam to help jungler leaving you stuck under tower with no mana and a big wave to deal with.
Matchup Difficulty: Questionable
Easy to kill him. Focus farming and wave managment
Same as Vel'koz and other ranged mages. This matchup can go one of two ways.
1.) He will out trade you with q early and try to zone you off cs while dodging your q with his q movement speed.
2.) He will stand really far back and try to harrass you with e.
So far i have found the second playstyle to be never players on the champ. when he goes to proc his q passive on you look to q him then e and aa. This will proc electrocute. They will be slightly shocked by the damage with he doesnt play with his shield properly. He will then normally play passive and try e you.
once you hit 4 you can look to trade nicely with your w placement.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent.
Really think this matchup is skill dependent. q her once she dashes in e aa.
She will look to harass you with q in lane. Fancy footwork is needed in the matchup. Post 6 this becomes difficult to fight with her ult.
Focus on farming in lane and scaling. Like lux she will try cheese you and hide in bushes be careful.
I find that liss will look to roam and make plays after 6 as her kill will generally guarantee kills and turn team fights.
Late game focus on peeling carries and cock blocking engages
Matchup Difficulty: Skill Dependent
Dodge his q spam. Use the minions to your advantage when he tries to e you. Most of the time his jungler will try to gank you often.
You can abuse him early and snowball the lead. Possible ignite flash for added aggression.
Abuse him early or he will abuse you later.
tldr dodge q. Use minion wave when hes looking to use second e charge. save q for after his gap closer
Matchup Difficulty: Skill Dependent
Take ignite for early kill at 3 with rank 2 e. Poke with aa and cock block that cs from him. Make sure to ward because you will tilt him completly if you survive ganks and keep doing that. You will slowly break his mental.
Matchup Difficulty: Easy
You can win this matchup easily.
Over time this match gets anoying as she gets free infinite mana . you Can try to play for early aggression with ignite but i would recommend taking tp for this matchup.
Care for the flash w this can get you insta killed if you getting ganked.
Make sure to ward common ganking paths
Matchup Difficulty: Easy tp extreme
Only reason I'm putting this in major is because of the opportunity for ganking from the enemy jungler.
Matchup Difficulty: Annoying
Difficult to win point to be honest. Haven't faced enough Vlad's yet.
two playstyles i have encountered so far go as follows.
1.) Vlad has good footwork and will know how to use his kit to dodge your q. Out sustains your trading by playing really far back and walking up for cs. You lose your mana bar and he heals everything up. He will freeze the wave close to his tower making you over extend for cs. This makes you really susceptible to being camped. From my experience when this happens his jungler isnt dumb. He will make your life miserable. Call jungler to help break freeze. Once you hit 6 easier to play the matchup.
2.) The wants to try vlad or is inexperienced. Perma pushes without thinking. doesnt have wave management and cant dodge your q. He wastes his w easily.
As with most matchups you need to feel out your opponent and look for every small opportunity to put pressure on him. Playstyle one makes this reall hard as he will just back off. Playstyle 2 will crumble and play extremely safe giving you the lane.
If you want to kill bait w. its a long cd. At 6 r him w behind so hes stuck in r. q e r. He will die without flash
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Not too sure on where to place this one yet. Haven't played against many zoe players.
Can go easy for you if she cant dodge skill shots. Difficult to get proper aa on her in lane. at 2 she will skill her e which makes the matchup abit tricker to play. hover behind minions if you are going for Easy lane to be honest just abuse her 1-3 if you cant kill her wait 6.
q e aa trade. Her movement speed gets anoying to try land skill shots/
at 6 she will try to catch you off guard with her range, usage of bushes and mobility. Again it depends on the player you are against.
6 fight= r her w behind her, q direction of her r location stun her aa e she should die if no summs.
Just kill her.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Haven't played vs many gp mids yet.
You can out trade him if you play around your q cd.
Option of going ignite and going for lvl 3 kill if you aa q and drag him down.
Time aa with barrel charges. if he takes ignite id play somewhat safer in lane.
He will try chunk you down with q spam and out sustain. bully with aa from out of his range.
You need to feel out your enemy and test him under pressure.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
Bully her pre lvl 2. Zone her off cs and do as much dmg as u can. A good kat will wait for 2 before trying to trade with you.(Other than q spam which you can avoid by standing by the side of your minions)
She will generally wait out her daggers and go in at the last second. She will try bait out your q don't fall for it.
This match can be really tricky. Focus on farming, wave management and denying her roams. If she goes for a roam fully push her in and deny her cs and gold.
Cant avoid if she gets kills. Spam ping her position and try get vision in their jungle early.
If they have cc jungler create freeze just infront of your tower else you going to have a miserable time.
Hold onto your q like you do your your hatred of teeto.
This matchup is really tricky. Its all mind games and reading your opponent. Need to play this matchup more to get a better read
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent
This can be considered major to extreme. If you are not careful with your positioning she will poke you down easily.
Her burst is crazy if she gets the q on you. Can double dash so care. at 6 if you miss step you are generally dead if you are don't have your wave frozen.
She can push a wave really easily and dodge ur q with her e. once she gets her first pack she will perma force push you in and roam. Ward river and spam ping your team mates.
In team fights Play the role of cockblocker and zone with your r while staying out of range of danger.
focus on freezing wave the best you can. cs like a champ call for jungle help. God help you :)
Matchup Difficulty: Painful.
This match can be easy or it can be really difficult. I normally look to abuse him hard early before he can fight back. aa q spam and deny him cs. Ward and track jungler (Important)
ninja tabi and seekers armguard are good buys. They will mitigate most of his burst. Just care of his empowered q.
Haven't found this matchup hard yet
Matchup Difficulty: Easy - Tricky
This match feels like it goes in your favor. You can abuse this guy extremely hard. Even go for a early kill if he is a monkey.
If he gets on you you will most likely lose the trade cuz of his w heal.
Reminder that you when his chain lands you can activate your q as it is flying, Save it for when he gets onto you. He will be dumb most of the time and waste his w for straight up dmg with his passive. you can stun him walk away, When he turns to leave you can e aa and win the trade nicely.
Watch out for his jungler as this can turn from extremely easy into a nightmare of a matchup.
Make sure to ward river to avoid getting abused
Matchup Difficulty: Easy - Skill Matchup - Hard
Jarvan IV
Master Yi
God Tier Synergy if they arent a monkey you could even 2v5 if you position properly.
Lee Sin
Xin Zhao
Dr. Mundo
Jarvan IV
Master Yi
God Tier Synergy if they arent a monkey you could even 2v5 if you position properly.
Purpose of this guide is to capture my progress and record weak points to focus on and improve as a player.
So far this has been going really well. I managed to turn a really rough start in placements from a 25% w/r over 20 games. Then I picked up writing this guide and have managed to pull it back with a 54% w/r and climbing pretty well. Writing this guide has really helped bring back focus without much tilt.
Greetings fellow Summoners.
This is my guide to playing Anivia. This is my first guide I have made. My intention with this guide is to improve my own gameplay. Over time I will be updating and changing a lot of the content. While it is a tad bit selfish thinking i find it helpful to capture my thought processes and decision making in games as I climb the ladder.
Great... So what can this guide provide me as the reader then?
Understanding of matchups through my own shortcoming.
Primary focus in game.
Play style and Adaptability.
Whatever you came looking for(Hope you find it).
So That being said
Anivia, The Cryophoenix
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore . Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo Predator consequat.
Duis aute irure Infinity Edge in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Champ select finishes and you are waiting for those last 10 seconds till game loads. What you should be doing is thinking about team comps and strengths and weaknesses of enemy comp vs yours. Do they have an early jungler and you have a tank jungler? is there a draven botlane? is Teemo taunting you from top lane? Do you want to freeze wave and give that Master Yi or Lee Sin a free snowball?
Depending on the enemy team comp, you will have to choose how you will be playing your laning phase.
So all that being said what do I need to do? as the game starts depending on the matchup I focus strictly on farming(This is your Primary focus in lane). My current goal at this time is to hit 7cs/min each game. I have been keeping track of my scores, cs and general thoughts on how I played the game e.g. focus on warding, missing too many cannons. I have found for me this has helped alleviate tilting. I'm basically playing a game with myself on what I can get done in game. Win or lose it really doesn't matter the games outcome.
Path to improvement, Notes (In Progress)
Bear in mind cs and gold are incredibly important. I'm also not saying you must ignore assisting your team mates, even if your team ints their ***es off.
All it takes is 1 team fight to wake up those weak mental team mates. They somehow get a small glimpse of hope when they see the possibility of a win.
Best feeling in this game? having your team flame each other for 15 min then you have 1 tf where you play like a beast. Team chat goes dead silent and your team starts playing around you. You end up winning the game through 1 teamfight that flipped the teams mental
Focus on getting 7 cs per min with roams and helping your jungler when scuttle crab is up.
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