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Rengar Build Guide by Khal Kitty

Top #106 best Rengar World's TOP lane guide - Khal Kitty

Top #106 best Rengar World's TOP lane guide - Khal Kitty

Updated on October 3, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Khal Kitty Build Guide By Khal Kitty 80 9 514,645 Views 18 Comments
80 9 514,645 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Khal Kitty Rengar Build Guide By Khal Kitty Updated on October 3, 2018
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  • LoL Champion: Rengar
  • LoL Champion: Rengar
    Rengrasp the undying


Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hey everyone, thanks for visiting the hunter's den, in this guide I'll explain everything I know about Rengar, be careful, this guide can make of you a dangerous hunter.
Good reading.
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About me

My name is Khal Kitty I'm playing on EUW and I main Rengar since the middle of the season 5, I almost never played him jungle because I love to play him top, but I'm starting to try it out.
I was diamond 2 in season 7 and, according to LoLSkill, the 106th best Rengar in the world. I got 73% winrate as Rengar in Diamond 3 during the preseason. At the moment I can't play as much as I was doing before so I stopped to climb, I just got 3 accounts diamond and a 4th one that I got Plat 5 from silver 4 in one week with 85% winrate on Rengar.
I love Rengar since the first time I tried him out, his kit and his personnality are making of him a very special champion to me.

I have a YouTube channel about Rengar, I already uploaded some guides, but since people never stop to ask me tips for Rengar, I decided to create this guide to help them all.
There is my last montage, don't hesitate to subscribe for more content and follow me in my Rengar's journey :

My channel

(click to see)


Last montage :
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Join the discord :

I created a Rengar discord for people following me on YouTube, this is a little community with awesome guys ready to discuss about Rengar or everything else at any moment, join the squad !

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Why Rengar top ?

Let's get into this boys !
Here is the real question ! Why Rengo top ? Because this is the skillest way to play this champion. Rengar has a lot of mechanics that no one uses properly because people didn't practiced enough (I'm about to cry every time I get my Rengar picked by the enemy team, they always play it so bad).
Rengar's kit fits well with toplane since there are three bushes to use for his passive.
No one really knows this matchup since only few people are playing it.
You will get first blood almost every game since no one really expects Rengar's early powerspike.
Once you reach mid game you're like a second jungler, your map pressure and your map control are supposed to be insane and it allows your team to get well in the game. Team job is op.
Rengar is really stressful for the guy who's facing him since he can gap close at any moment, surprising and stressful, use it at your profit to pick lane advantage.
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Pros and cons

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Rengar's skill set is offering many functions, each spell is offering offensive AND defensive options : Unseen Predator allows you to gap close AND escape, reach high distance quickly or even dodge spells, Savagery is offering good damages and an auto attack reset (so you can jump twice on two different targets to reach high distances quickly), Battle Roar heals you for the half of the damages you took the last 1.5 seconds and cleans CC like a QSS when empowered, it is also offering some interesting AoE damages, Bola Strike is a skill shot that slows (stun when empowered) the enemy, allowing you to chase or to run out from a bad situation, finally, Thrill of the Hunt is making you instantly under camouflage, giving you instant move speed, a free jump 2 seconds after the activation of it, a lethality buff on the first hit if you jump on the closest target and reveals the enemies around and the invisible champions, once again, there is many ways to use it, assassinate an isolated target, zoning (Rengar's ult is scary), run out from a bad situation, run to a wave of creeps dying under turrets, giving visions on an enemy, scooting... Rengar is a multitask kit champion, learn how to use it well and you'll be able to face many situations.

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I am used to change my runes every game. I can't stick to one special page, this is how I ever played League, so here's my 3 rune pages I use at the moment, I let you test them all and chose your favorite (or do like me and adapt yourself to the game) !

Rengar Assassin

I like to use this page when enemy team doesn't have a lot of cc, nothing can stop you from one shotting one or two carries, most of the time I pick Ignite when I go for this page, it allows you to have an incredible damage pool with Electrocute since the beggining of the game. This is a snowball playstyle, it means you'll probably be useless if you fail your laning phase and don't get any kills later on. Your best opportunity then will be to use your ult to rush turrets or hinibs and offer an advantage to your team.

Rengar bruiser/offtank

This is the page I use the most, allowing you to have an easy laning phase and some outplay possibilities with the heal and the movespeed of Fleet Footwork, it allows you to take multiple trades while healing yourself easily. You also can take Press the Attack against some matchup if you feel you'll need armor pen, this rune works pretty well on Rengar too since you can auto 3 times the same target pretty quickly.

Rengar Tank

I love to use this page when my team already gets enough damages and doesn't have any tank. You probably won't be able to pick a lot of kills during your laning phase, but your scaling will be crazy, once you get Black Cleaver, Spirit Visage, Guardian Angel and a random lifesteal item like Death's Dance, you're basically unkillable. All of this added to Battle Roar, Grasp of the Undying, Second Wind, Legend: Bloodline, Triumph and Revitalize will make of you a king in teamfights, able to destroy carries, tanks and everything else while healing like crazy, tanking most of the spells and forcing the focus on you. This build requires to be good at farming, because if your farm is bad your powerspikes will arrive pretty late in the game.
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You absolutely need this summoner spell, this is a key for outplays, spell dodge, engage, disengage or even chase. As Rengar you need this summoner spell more than all the others to play with the bushes and do many other things.

Wanna stomp your lane and take first blood at 100% ? This summoner is made for you, I'm not using it that much, my playstyle fits better with Teleport since I like to be everywhere on the map, taking lane advantage can be really worth in some games, by the way, ignite allows you to secure kills and trophies, you can use it on any champion, it will always be worth since this is true damages and adding a grievous wounds unlike Exhaust which is almost useless against a lot of champions.
This summoner is also good if you're not that much confident with Rengar damages, if you're beggining to play Rengar top, I think ignite is better

This summoner spell is useful against difficult lanes or when you plan to just farm and play safe, thanks to it, you can back/gank and return to your lane without any greeding for creeps or waste of it, you also can go bot earlier in the game if there is an occasion, Rengar already is a mobile champion, but Teleport helps him to have an even more significant presence on the map, so use it in two cases : You want to have more impact on the map (to pick objectives like dragons, barons or just to help your team mates) / you want to play your laning phase safely (like against a Camille for example).

To be honest, I never use this one, but it can be useful if you wanna deny one champion's dps during a trade or a teamfight, since exhaust is also a slow, it allows you to pick up kills way more easily during a melee, I don't like this summoner spell because during laning phase, if you use it, most of the time, your opponent just has to flash and he is out, I don't have this kind of trouble with ignite, so, an interesting summoner spell which will add some utility to Rengar in some situations.
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Learn how to stuff yourself is something important if you wanna get better in LoL, Rengar can build maaaany stuffs, this ammount of choice can be scary, but I'll explain everything in this section :


This item is the Rengar's MUST HAVE if you're playing Bruiser or Tank, you need this as a Rengo top lane, more HPs, more armor pen, more AD and 20% CDR.

You need these two items if you're playing assassin, Tiamat will offer you lane control, in most of the cases, it's really important to be able to clear waves fast and put your opponent under turret to roam or just force him to respect you.
Duskblade of Draktharr is your main source of damages, once you have it, you basically can one shot most og the carries and roam easy thanks to its passive blackout which allows you to detect wards and to destroy it. Also, think about maximizing your use of its other passive nightstalker with bushes during your laning phase.


These boots are perfect if you wanna have more impact on the map, roam, pick up kills, gank other lanes, they are perfect for the early/mid game, once you reached late you should probably change for Ninja Tabi or Mercury's Treads.

Good boots against full AD team or heavy AD top laner, rush them if you really need some armor.

Same story than with [Ninja tabi], buy it against heavy ap damages or against full CC team, tenacity will reduce them.


This stuff is perfect for Rengar, Rengar is a forcing focus champion, once you jumped in, no one can ignore you, Guardian Angel is a dissuading stuff which is working in the exact other way, people won't focus you BECAUSE you will revive, so you're not their priority, if they still focus you, your team will dps at the same time, and you'll revive. This item is perfect to make the game goes faster, you are the one who decides when the teamfight starts because you become an engager with this revive, you have a big carry potential at this timing, focus the objectives and pressure !


Good to craft against champions like Yasuo or Tryndamere, also offering a slow and an auto attack speed reduction (15%), really good against any time of ADC or attack speed and crit champion.

More move speed and bonus damages on the first hit if stacked, good for more map presence and one burst potential.

Offering extra AP (and AoE) damages, good to push lanes or pick long trades against low range champions.


Probably my favorite MR item and a MUST HAVE if you're playing offtank or tank, more HPs, more MR, more lifesteal, more CDR, more life regen. This item is offering so many things an it suits so well with the rest of what you can build on Rengar like a Ravenous Hydra or a Death's Dance. Its passive (increases all healing received by 25%) prokes on Battle Roar, which is clearly fabulous.

Good item if you wanna rush some MR but still wanna be competitive in 1v1 or effective at kill picking, its passive can make you win the trade even if you're not against a heavy AP champion thanks to lifegrip. Combined with Spirit Visage against a full ap team you're basically unkillable.

Really good item for some situations, pick it against high CC team, offering MR, CC cleaning and lifesteal, this item can be useful in few situations.


Offering you a free critical hit every time you leave battle for few seconds, this item is perfect for one shotting, combined with Duskblade of Draktharr you basically one shot any carry without any problem.

I don't often buy this one, but it can reveal itself pretty useful, its active is allowing you to go in more safely and the stuff in itself is offering pretty descent damages.

I still love Youmuu's Ghostblade, since enemies are now awarned of Rengar's ult from the other side of the map, the movespeed offered by Youmuu's Ghostblade's active is a real blessing to catch them before they got helped by their team mates, btw this stuff is offering pretty good damages.

A good item if you want to take the map control : ward detection, move speed and extra damages after beeing unseen during 1 second, good if you plan to roam a lot.

Perfect stuff against big fat tanks like Maokai Malphite or even Sion, buy it if you need to crush some HP bars.

You won't need this really often, just in case you're facing something like Swain or Dr. Mundo to cut its regen, but I prefer pick ignite instead of this, your carry ap still can buy Morellonomicon which is a better compromise to me.


I love this one, it is offering life regen, life steal, good damages, AoE damages and an active that helps to burst even more. Really good to split push and assassinate, this is probably the item I build the most in this category.

This one is really good too since it heals you for 15% of the damages dealt (33% effectiveness for multi targets effect), it also reduce the damages you're taken since 15% of them are changed in bleed effect which means that you can survive longer in teamfights and 1v1.


This item is especially worth if you wanna help your team to catch targets, the slow and the HPs are allowing you to go deep in the fight and annoy enemy's backlane, be carefull with this way to play, if your team can't follow you or if they get zoned, you will get destroyed for nothing.

This one is good to zone enemies carries since it offers good damages AND a good ammount of HPs, combine it with tanky items and you'll be scary, your zone potential will be really interresting.

Once again, a good stuff to zone, good to build if you're already having a good ammount of AD, item's passive scales with Rengar's passive.

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How to play

As Rengar, your early powerspikes are at lvl 1, 3, 4 and 5. This is exactly at THIS timming that you need to pick the advantage (you still can pick it after but it will be harder), at lvl 1, Rengar's damages are really surprising, jump on your matchup each time that you have your Savagery up, so you AA- Savagery and run back in a bush, do it till you reach the 3 stacks, at this point, if you did it well, you opponent is around midlife or even worse, jump one last time AA- Savagery-AA-Empowered Savagery-ignite (if you have it), and boom *first blood*. This is how you're supposed to win your lane early. During lvl 2, play a little more safely because you don't have the same advantage than before since you can't reach 4 stacks in one jump and your matchup probably has better abilities for a trade, once you reached lvl 3, you're touching a new powerspike because you can jump and execute a poke combo or a one burst combo (look at tips and tricks section) getting insta 4 stacks by landing all your spells, so you can hard burst or just poke and go out safely with empowered Battle Roar. You also can proceed to a double 4 stacks Q, you have to get to 4 stacks, use your Q before juming, jump (your first empowered Savagery will proke), use E during jump, Q again, W-AA and empowered Q again. This combo is deadly, you need to know it.
Lvls 4 and 5 are supposed to be played the exact same way but when your opponent hits 6 you have to stop, most of the toplaners have a strong powerspike or just outscale you at lvl 6 like Irelia, Renekton, Tryndamere, Jax, Illaoi, Garen and many others, your ult isn't made for laning, it can be useful to escape from a gank, to chase your opponent if you already picked the advantage or to finish him under his turret without taking too much tower shots but it isn't worther than ANY other toplaner ulti in therm of 1v1 potential (except maybe pantheon, but he already destroys you without it anyway).
At lvl 6, you should try to gank midlane or to invade enemy's jungle with your ulti to take a free kill and a free stack, look at your map, ask yourself "where can I pick a free kill ?" and go for it. If there is nothing, just wait for an opportunity.
Try to get toplane turret as fast as possible, if you get the first turret you'll get 500 gold and you obviously want it to take an even bigger advantage on the game, try to get rift herald aswell, this buff is really useful on Rengar, your assassination potential will get to the sky and this buff will stay for a long time.

At this timming, you don't have that much 1v1 potential for you matchup in toplane, but your carries assassination potential is at his best state, any isolated target is a free kill (if this isn't a tanky target), use Thrill of the Hunt to scoot and catch free kill, you have to take the map control, don't move everywhere like a ******, focus the objectives (turrets, dragons, nashor..), group with your mates, pressure everywhere, ninja gank botlane (from the lane bushes), you have to take the advantage EVERYWHERE on the map and you can.
You're supposed to be focused on what you're building too, your stuff will change the game, build what is the most adapted to the situation refering to my itemisation section.

At this point, everything depends of the team composition of both teams, if you are the source of damages of your team, you're in a bad position, because Rengar can't carry alone late, except if you're facing bonobos, you need a team which is good in its game and ready to carry you as much as you carry it (that's why I told you to move on the map and help everywhere), use Thrill of the Hunt to zone and scare your enemies, allowing your team to pick objectives, try to split when you see that you can, stick to your team if you feel like your team mates are going to fight even if you're not there (yeah that's sad but a lot of people don't know how to play safe and if on guy try something in 4v5, the others will try to help him (sometimes even if they know this is stupid)), you need to know your team mates and adapt your playstyle to their one.
Most of the time in late game, everything ends on a team fight, so let's talk about this.

You can't try to assassinate a carry surrounded by his team (except if the game is a stomp in your favor), you need to make your opponents busy by the mark upon their head, I'm obviously talking about a grouping team, if you can assassinate an isolated target BEFORE the teamfight starts this is just perfect, even if at my elo people are almost always grouping against a Rengar.
Remember to care about your positioning and analyse the situation, if you're playing assassin, don't go first, you need your team to engage or you will just die before to kill anyone, wait for a CC or a go in from your team, an enemy team's splitting, use it at your advantage, the better way is to come from behind, so they have to care about two sides and AoE spells which are used against your team don't touch you or, if they do, it means that your team aren't touched by these spells.
Once you assassinated your target, try to stay alive, don't die to do like 100 more damages to the support, no one cares, your AD damages are useful to pick objectives, let your team end the job or keep fighting if you're not about to die. Unless you did snowballed the game, playing assassin Rengar is hard and needs to think about your placement and your potential impact. Go in and die will just bait your mates.

Well, we're starting to talk about the unknown role of Rengar, in fact Rengar is a really strong zoner thanks to his ultimate, if you wanna play this style, you need to know that your ult isn't just a spell to jump and assassinate, it also pressure alot, Rengar's ultimate is scary, everyone knows you can jump at any moment, I don't even know how many times I saved a team mate just by clicking on R against 4 men while having 100 HPs just making them think I was full life and ready to kick their butts, they don't know where you are, they don't even try to know it, they just wait for your jump the good thing is that if you don't, they waited for nothing and during that time, your team was killing the nashor or taking a turret, this is how you can use your ult, remember it.
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Tips and Tricks (all combos) (will work on new videos for new Q)

Most of these combos still work, I'll just change the ones which doesn't work anymore with reverted Q when I'll have time for it !

Snare Gap [needs 4 stacks] : AA from a bush - Bola Strike - Flash
This combo is my favorite one because I discovered it by myself and I think I'm the first one who included it in YouTube montages, this my gift to Rengar's community, I hope my trick will be useful to you, it is to me ! I decided to name it Snare Gap because of the distance you reach in a short time.
Pretty hard to execute, easier once you get used to it, you will need to practice to make it work every time.

Video :

bola flash : Cast Bola Strike - Flash
Bola Strike casting time allows you to flash before it goes out, pretty surprising, almost undodgeable, use it to surprise, finish a target or just snare or slow.

Video :

Slow jump trick : Bola Strike - go to a bush - jump
I saw soooo many Rengar running like ****** after their target without even noticing there was a bush just next to them, please, don't do this after you red this guide, I don't deserve this.

Video :

Bush outplay : Go to a bush - jump on a target - go to a bush - jump on a target - etc..
Even if it doesn't look like, this requires a lot of practice on Rengar, you won't do this the first time you play him I swear to you, keep practicing, remember that bushes are your friends and that you can use them to outplay.

Video :

Bush flash : Flash to a bush - Jump on a target
This can be used to gap close on a high distance or even more : dodge a spell and THEN come back to fight, I love to use it that way, it allows you to reverse such bad situations and take the advantage back.

Video :

One shot combo : Jump - Bola Strike - Ravenous Hydra (spam it like a pig or it won't go) - Savagery - AA - Battle Roar - Empowered Savagery - AA
Well, on the paper it looks like a 3 hours combo but in reality, I personnaly execute all of it in 1.8 sec.
Just practice (now we have training tool, this combo can be learned in something like 20 min, nothing hard to do even if a lot of Rengar montages on Youtube are about one shots, this clips are awkward af since a bronze can do it if he practices enough).

Video :

Safe poke combo : jump - Bola Strike - Savagery - Battle Roar - Empowered Battle Roar
This combo is useful in laning phase to poke safely, just go in, use your spells, and double heal to get out full life and canceling CC if needed.

Video :

Red plant jump (not working anymore (patched) ) (push cancel mechanic) : Jump on a red plant - Savagery
Use Savagery while jumping on a red plant will cancel the explostion effect for Rengar, pretty hard to execute, you need to use the dash at the perfect timing, practice and it will become easier.

Video :

Q dash jump : Savagery - jump
Remember that Q is offering a mini dash ? Well, this dash is offering a cute mechanic to jump on target you can't reach if you don't use it.

Video :

Q flash trick Savagery - Flash
Well, this combo is working like bola flash trick, Q's casting time allows you to flash before the spells goes, same effect than bola flash trick : surprising and almost undodgeable.

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Warding is something you should learn because it works with all champions and all lanes, the thing is : with Rengar, warding is a little bit different.
Why ? Because you always need to have at least 1 available ward in your trinket during you laning phase to be able to outplay in bushes if you get ganked or if you wanna pick a trade in the bushes. You NEED to buy 1 or 2 pink ward at each back to ward the river bush, here is a map with location where you can put a pink to be safe, actually, if you're not confident enough with Rengar to be able to outplay 2 guys, just ward the bushes with your trinket, keep your trinket if you feel that you can do it.
Well, that was for the early game but what about the mid and late ? You need to have the vision on strategic places to be effective at your best potential, you need to watch your map and see where the enemies are, here is 2 maps of location you have to ward you and your team to have the best vision (depending on each situation, adapt yourself).
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The final word

Well, thank you all for reading this guide, I don't know if it will help a lot but I hope so, at least I won't have to respond to everyone who asking me tips ahah.
It took me a long time to do this guide, but I actually learned some little things by writing it, I tried to do it complete, I will update and making the guide better little by little now, I did the biggest part !

Special thanks to RENGAR HUNTS, Probert, cuteguy69, RIP RENGO 2016 (don't pay attention about his name xD) and Rengar Fuccboi.
All these guys were hot to help me recording the tips and tricks videos when I was looking for some help since I couldn't do it alone, even if I only needed one guy for few videos (3 or 4) they all were like "we're here for you buddy !".

One last time, thanks for reading ! ;)

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