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Don't fight him in early, you have way better ganks, so try to make yourself an advantage by that.
You're faster than him in jungle, have better ganks, and you should win fights with him, try to counter jungle him.
Don't fight him in early, he need's lvl 6 to perform good ganks, so try to get advantage for your team by ganking early.
Try to counter his ganks, and don't realy fight with him in early, you won't kill him and he will heal anyway.
Watch for her in your jungle, don't fight with her in early, and try to perform as much ganks as you can in early to get advantage for your teamates.
You're faster jungler than her, so try to gank often.
You can fight her in early, watch for counter ganks, you should be faster than her.
You're way faster than him, better ganks, and you should win every fight with him, as long as you'll save E to push him from healing.
Don't fight with him in early, you should have better ganks than him, but watch for counters.
Jarvan IV
Don't fight with him in early, you probably won't kill him, try to counter his ganks, and secure your jungle.
Never fight with him, but you can easly run away from his stun by pushing him away with E.
Try to not fight with him, so he won't stack his passive, although you should win fights, and you have faster jungle.
He has faster jungle than you, realy good ganks and he win with you in fight's.
If you won't ban him, try to perform as many ganks, as possible to get advantage for your team.
Also watch for your jungle.
Lee Sin
He is faster than you in jungle, better ganks and he should win fights with you, play safe and gank your teamates.
Secure your jungle.
Master Yi
Strange champion, he's probably faster than u in jungle, but you have way better ganks than this guy.
Don't fall into him after 6.
Never fight him in early he will always win trades with you, he is probably faster in jungle, but you have way better ganks than this viking, so build advantage for your teamates.
Strong in early, but weak in late.
He has good ganks, good jungle and he's deadly in early fights, be careful playing against him.
Try to perform as many ganks as possible.
He shouldn't be a threat for you, but he'll mostly try to counter your ganks.
Both you and him, have nice engages, but you're way faster in jungle than him, so try to take an advantage by that.
You can try to steal his jungle camps.
Careful in jungle, try to not fight him, watch for his counter ganks.
You have way better ganks than him, so you need to get an advantage by that.
Watch for him invading your jungle, you won't have problems fighting him, but you probably won't kill him.
Perform as many ganks as possible, so your teamates won't be scary of him.
Try to not fight him, and gank as much as possible, beware of him stealing your camps.
You can easly outplay her, but don't fall into her combo.
She's slower than you in jungle, but has good ganks.
Don't fight her, beware of her invading your camps, perform as many ganks as possible and get an advantage for your teamates.
You won't kill this wolf, but you can fight him, you should have faster jungle, and you have better ganks, try to take advantage of this.
Xin Zhao
I would not fight this guy, he is fast in jungle and have decent ganks, so be careful.
Try to perform as many ganks for your teamates and get an advantage by that.
Don't fight him alone in early because you won't kill him, watch for his ganks and try to counter them, he is probably slower than u in jungle so u can try to steal his camps.
At lvl 6 ganks you can activate his ultimate with E or your R.
Both of you have nice damage, and ganks are always succesful.
At lvl 6 ganks you can activate his ultimate with E or your R.
Both of you have nice damage, and ganks are always succesful.
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