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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
This is my own personal jungle Evelynn guide made this guide to show my friend how i play with my Evelyn, if you hate my item build you can stay with your Evelynn stable build and play style.
Pros :
Cons :
- Fast Jungler/Farmer
- Very Good Ganker
- Make useful of Agony's Embrace
- Can get a kill on tower diving without dying.
- Great scout for the team
Cons :
- Very squishy
- Mana pool always empty
- Bad at escaping
- Can't solo kill
Evelynn main DPS/farming skill it can help you farm the whole creep wave in just couple of seconds.
Another reason why i love Evelynn because of this skill, every time you hit a champion with a spell it gives 4/8/12/16/20 MS for 3 seconds and stacks up to 4 times, it gets even better when you activate the skill its gives you 0 Collision and 0/40/50/60/70% Movement Speed for 3 seconds, "Champion kills and assists refresh Dark Frenzy's cooldown" WHAT? but be careful on using this skill if you use it without thinking it can turn out bad it's like a life and death skill.
Evelynn Ult's that damage dealing 15/20/25% (+1% per 100 Ability Power) of their current Health in magic damage and shields you for 150/225/300 per enemy it hits at the same time, it doesn't do much that damage but again the slow is very helpful at team fights and ganking an enemy.
You might be thinking "why level 2 Hate Spike at level 4 when you're maxing Ravage first?" It's simply because to clear jungle and higher dps than lvl 1 it's enough to chase down a running ADR/AP. it's also the same with leveling 2 the Dark Frenzy first than maxing out the Hate Spike basically because of the movespeed bonus.
I play my Evelynn with my 4 favorite items that synergies well with her abilities. And the last 2 slots are for the optional ones.
This is like the glass shoes of Cinderella except it's meant for Evelynn. Gives 45 MS and 105 MS when out of combat. I personally like this boots for Evelynn because it synergies perfectly with Dark Frenzy.
I really do like this item for Evelynn first of all it gives 10% CDR which means faster spam = more damage and when you used this item into an enemy it will receive a 20% Magic Amplification = again more damage. Synergies well with Ravage, Agony's Embrace and Hate Spike
Info : 65 AP, 45 AD, 10% LS, 20$ Spell Vamp.
A spell vamp and a lifesteal for one item, works perfectly with Ravage plus it can slow enemy by 40% MS the slower the enemy, more chances of killing them.
Synergies well with : Ravage and Hate Spike spam.
Info :
This is like the glass shoes of Cinderella except it's meant for Evelynn. Gives 45 MS and 105 MS when out of combat. I personally like this boots for Evelynn because it synergies perfectly with Dark Frenzy.
I really do like this item for Evelynn first of all it gives 10% CDR which means faster spam = more damage and when you used this item into an enemy it will receive a 20% Magic Amplification = again more damage. Synergies well with Ravage, Agony's Embrace and Hate Spike
Info : 65 AP, 45 AD, 10% LS, 20$ Spell Vamp.
A spell vamp and a lifesteal for one item, works perfectly with Ravage plus it can slow enemy by 40% MS the slower the enemy, more chances of killing them.
Synergies well with : Ravage and Hate Spike spam.
Info :
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