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Vi Build Guide by Kiyo_Crescent

AD Offtank Victorious Violent Vi

AD Offtank Victorious Violent Vi

Updated on August 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiyo_Crescent Build Guide By Kiyo_Crescent 1,334 Views 0 Comments
1,334 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiyo_Crescent Vi Build Guide By Kiyo_Crescent Updated on August 7, 2014
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Hey guys! This is a guide on, in my opinion, one of the strongest junglers in s4.
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With this guide, you go AD marks & quints to maximize damage, with scaling mr and armor for basic tank stats during ganks.
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Go with the offensive masteries, for the extra early game damage to jungle creeps and champions. The basic defensive stats also help during ganks.
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Be careful with your early game, because there is where you set the premise for the rest of the game. If you need tank stats for your team, grab an early giants belt. Go damage to start, it will give you the power to take out carries or assassins easily.
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Skill Sequence

I start e for the aoe and double proc. Start the charge at around 1:50, so that your cd is shorter. Go directly into q for mobility after that. R>Q>E>W. Q just does massive damage on hit, and its a great cleanup skill/dive skill. If the are less then 10% under turret, you can easily q/e for a kill pick up and then run. E gives great aoe/tower damage. Her W is very powerful, but that power especially shines in the late game, where the armor shred just becomes so massively helpful.
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Flash/Smite. Nothing else is worthwhile.
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Pros / Cons

Great Damage
Coolest Chick Ever
Incredible Carry Takedown
Great Peel

Scary If You Get Behind
Easy to Over Commit WIth
Long Cooldown for Ulti/Q

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I recommend going EXTREMELY farm heavy. Golems -> Wolves/Wraiths -> Lizard Elder -> Small Golems -> Wraiths -> Wolves -> Wight -> Gank Bot/Mid. If top or mid need a gank after Small Golems, Go for it.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kiyo_Crescent
Kiyo_Crescent Vi Guide
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Victorious Violent Vi

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