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Poppy Build Guide by RedViper1308

Jungle Vipers Poppy Guide To Glory

Jungle Vipers Poppy Guide To Glory

Updated on October 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RedViper1308 Build Guide By RedViper1308 16,895 Views 0 Comments
16,895 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RedViper1308 Poppy Build Guide By RedViper1308 Updated on October 17, 2024
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Runes: Tank and Bruiser Poppy

1 2
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Cash Back
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Vipers Poppy Guide To Glory

By RedViper1308
About Me
Hi my name is RedViper1308. I am in Gold right now but i don´t really play Ranked. I have nearly l Million Points on Poppy so i think i can say a bit about her.
About Poppy
With Poppy you have a wide amount of options to play her. You can play her as Bruiser, Tank and even as Assasssin.

You can play her defensive and agressive.

Whatever Matchup you have you can always support you team and you have a very good peel for your carry´s if you lose your lane.
Poppy can tank more than it seems. Your passive shield is the perfect tool to exit a fight with 1% hp or turn the fight to your favor. If you play her a bit at some point you can guess where your shield will land. You can even bait the enemys to walls with it or secure kills. Play around it and you will win most fights. Don´t forget if someone steps on it, it will disappear!

Her Q, the slap on the Gound with her hammer make the gound underneath it unstable, slows enemys and deals the same damage again after a second. Great ability if you need to run away or if the enemy wants to run away. Combines very very good with Hydra and Iceborn ;)

Her W is the area around her that stops any dashes in it, gives movement speed and passive armor and magic resist. You should avoid using it for it´s movement speed cause of it´s cooldown. At some point you will need your W but it´s on cooldown cause you used it for movement speed. But be careful you can nighter block any ultimates nor some exceptions. You can not stop: Master Yi Q, The Jump of Smolder, Ezreal or Katarina leaps, Nautilus hook will hit you and he moves a bit into your direction and you will still get cc from it, same for amumu Q, the second part of ekko´s E, Fizz E oc, lissandra e and tahm kench W.

With her E she takes a minion or champing takes it and pushes it forward basically. If you hit a wall the enemy will get cc. Also good to escape if you E a minion.

If you push ur ulti button just a sec long the enemy will get knocked up for a short time. If you charge it the enemy will get knocked over the map towards their nexus.
The knockup is good for group fights, if you play with yasuo or when you play assassin poppy.
The long charge is good when you want to seperate 1 champ from the teamfight or if you loose the fight and would die otherwise. But you are also able to finish someone with it with it´s long range when your ulti is fully charged.
Maby i will expand this guid to it´s full glory onother day ;)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RedViper1308
RedViper1308 Poppy Guide
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Vipers Poppy Guide To Glory

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