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Vladimir Build Guide by Dr Eggmund

Middle Vladimir《12.17》: The Best How To Guide for 5 Years

Middle Vladimir《12.17》: The Best How To Guide for 5 Years

Updated on September 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dr Eggmund Build Guide By Dr Eggmund 1010 81 5,436,932 Views 76 Comments
1010 81 5,436,932 Views 76 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dr Eggmund Vladimir Build Guide By Dr Eggmund Updated on September 18, 2022
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Vladimir
    The Blood Lord (Top Lane)
  • LoL Champion: Vladimir
    The Crimson Reaper (Mid Lane)

Runes: Top Lane Best: Early Poke

1 2
Summon Aery
Nimbus Cloak

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Early Game/Late Game Presence
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Vladimir《12.17》: The Best How To Guide for 5 Years

By Dr Eggmund


Click on a chapter to automatically scroll to it :) (You may have to retry once so it loads!)


1: Introduction

2: Pros / Cons

3: When To Pick Vladimir

4: Abilities

5: How To Combo

6: Keystones

7: Rune Pages

8: Summoner Spells
9: Items - Core

10: Item Choices

11: The Shoe Shop

12: Laning - Early

13: Laning - Mid

14: Laning - Late

15: Conclusion

Hello! And welcome to my guide for Vladimir! Whether you are a veteran to the game or just picking it up, this guide is for you and for all things about Vladimir. Firstly if you have any constructive feedback or any questions let me know in the discussion section it is very appreciated for improvement towards this guide.

My in-game name is Bundaborg, A Vladimir Main with over 400,000 Mastery Points. I tend to only play normals games with mates, but I fully understand and am thouroughly experienced with this champion. When I play ranked, I maintain a Platinum rank, on the Oceania Server. I've made this guide to share my favourite champion in the game with my thoughts, opinions and views on how he is potentially the most devastating champion to play. I have also made this guide because websites like OP.GG and may give you the meta builds and statistics, but they don't give you the tips on how to play the champ. I struggled with learning Vladimir to his fullest when I first started. I feel like Mobafire is the best place to teach people who are new to champions and hopefully I am able to teach some of you experienced Vlad players some new tips I've learnt along the way.


+ Great Sustain with Transfusion
+ Top Tier Late Game Carries
+ Great Escape Tool with Sanguine Pool
+ Shines In Team Fights
+ Great Engage in Teamfights
+ Amazing AoE attack with Tides of Blood
+ Uses HP instead of Mana
+ Scales Well with AP items
+ Everyone you face or on the enemy team hates you

Vladimir's uniqueness is what makes him shine in the spotlight. Having the ability a heal for half your abilities is what makes fighting a Vladimir so frustrating. Playing passive and poking your enemy laner when the time is right is the key to exceeding in the mid to late game as Vladimir.

- Being a mage is harder to CS (in terms of AD)
- Easy kit to learn, difficult to master
- Early game can be a struggle for newcomers
- Lacks mobility
- High ability cooldowns early game.
- Has NO crowd control
- Can lack early game presence
- Horrible Dad Joke Puns
- His $20 skin flat out sucks

Vladimir's biggest weaknesses are his high ability cooldowns and his lack of crowd control. This makes Vladimir an easy champion to stick to for the enemy laner. Learning to farm and avoiding poke early whilst providing some yourself is key to winning early as Vladimir.

Vladimir will always be a decent or strong champion for your team in the top lane or mid lane depending on your ability to play him. Vladimir can be your teams AP-Carry in team fights, he can be your Tanky-Mage due to his passive if your team is looking for a brick wall that constantly keeps rejuvenating and finally the mixture of both which is very annoying once late game arrives.

Specifically speaking Vladimir is a great choice when the enemy team chooses a high burst laner against you, this favours Vlad due to his Sanguine Pool being able to negate all quick burst damage combos and all in's by the the enemy laner. Once their combos are all gone you have a free canvas to work with and you can use all your high damaging abilities to your full use.

Whilst Vladimir however is a very flexible carry in your mid/top lane role, like every champion he is far from perfect and there are times where it may be best to go a different champion depending on your team comp. For example if you are laned against a HIGH SCALING CARRY (looking at you Nasus) and you are doubtful in shutting them down early due to your lack of damage. It may be best to put Vladimir aside. Additionally, recognise that your team may be needing crowd control or they might need more AD rather than AP damage, so cater for this gaps to balance the teams strengths and weaknesses respectfully.


Crimson Pact (Passive): This ability means that the more health that you have the more ability power you have. Whilst visa-versa the more ability power you have the more health you gain, what kind of backwards **** is this?

This passive is what causes a variety of builds to work on Vladimir, you can build him to be a full AP Mage, a mixture of both AP damage and some defensive items, or a full sustain tank.


Transfusion (Q): Vladimir's bread and butter ability. The ability to heal in lane from minions or champions whilst dealing decent damage is a super reliable ability. Instead of a mana bar, it indicates how many Transfusion stacks you have built up. Once you have two stacks of Transfusion it activates 'Crimson Rush' which increases your movement speed slightly, increases healing from Transfusion and also deals nearly double damage to a regular Q. Maxing this ability first assures us that we gain more sustain and also good ranged poke to zone enemy champions.


Sanguine Pool (W): Sanguine Pool is what makes Vladimir so annoying to the enemy team, it's essentially a free Zhonya's Hourglass which can slow enemies within it and make yourself invulnerable for a few moments! However It has two weaknesses, one, that it uses 20% of your current health which is a lot especially in the early game, and two it has a ridiculously high cooldown early game when used, so you have to be careful and smart about how you use it as it can leave yourself very vulnerable. However if you use it correctly you will dodge lots of damage in a teamfight and the 20% would seem like nothing. We max this ability last as it doesn't provide much damage to Vlad's kit.


Tides Of Blood (E): Tides Of Blood is ridiculously good in teamfight situations, with a few items you can devastate enemies teams with it. Tides Of Blood is an Area of Effect ability which deals damage to all within the circle hitting targets closest to Vladimir (meaning it doesn't pierce through minions). We max this ability second as it provides great damage like Transfusion but doesn't give us any sustain so it is not as effective to max this ability first.


Hemoplague (R): Hemoplague just adds to Vladimir's AOE arsenal, along with tides of blood you deal loads of damage when the ultimate procs. It also provides utility for the team as all enemies who are hit with Hemoplague are dealt an extra 10% damage from your teams abilities. This can mean the difference in teamfights. Finally when your ultimate procs you deal damage to all enemies affected after a few seconds and heal depending on how many champions were affected. We max this ability whenever possible (Levels: 6, 11 & 16)

All footage shown in these GIFs belong to SkinSpotlights, for other ability demonstrations, skin spotlights and lots more find them on Youtube here SkinSpotlights' channel

Poking In Lane

The greatest thing about Vladimir for beginners is that he has barely any combos to learn, simple poking methods in lane then an all in combo is all that you need to do, otherwise it's just using what ability that isn't on cooldown. Save your W Sanguine Pool in case the enemy retaliates before attempting to all-in someone


Charge E --> Release --> Empowered Q --> Reset

--> -->

Q --> Q --> EMPOWERED Q --> Try and pressure your enemy with your empowered Q as much as possible

If you decide to take Flash, there is a very useful surprise burst combo that Vladimir can utilise!

All In Combo

--> --> --> --> -->

Charge E --> Flash --> R --> Release E --> Empowered Q (Preferably) --> Sanguine Pool (To dodge damage from the enemy) --> Ultimate Procs (Plus Ignite if possible)

This is the best all-in combo for Vladimir hand's down and it is a must learn if you want to pull off this champion. The problem with Vladimir is that he lacks mobility. This means Flash is 90% of the time necessary in order to surprise the enemy and land your E, Tides of Blood along with your Ultimate, Hemoplague.

This combo isn't too hard to perform I would recommend practicing the start of the combo which is holding and charging your E, Tides of Blood then using Flash and letting go of E. It's a bit awkward when trying it for the first time, but it's only a small but important step to get over.

Summon Aery

Summon Aery is an amazing keystone for Vladimir currently. Vlad lacks early game presence with low damage, high cooldowns and slow auto attacks. With Summon Aery Vlad's auto attacks and essential poking/farming tool Transfusion provides an extra threat to lane opponents, which can make a significant difference towards making it to mid game with greater ease!


Electrocute is super awesome on Vladimir because he can burst his opponents. Like Phase Rush, Electrocute is a keystone that takes three unique attacks in order to activate it's passive ability. When the passive activates you damage your opponent with an extra lightning bolt of damage, however Electrocute can only be activated if you use three unique attacks like mentioned previously. Vladimir can easily proc Electrocute with his basic combo of Tides of Blood, Transfusion, Auto Attack. Simple in lane combos can create some great pressure early game, plus in all in combos it makes killing a lot more smoother.

Phase Rush

Phase Rush is brilliant for Vlad as he lacks mobility and with Ghost being quite a weak summoner in the early game, Phase Rush is useful for Vladimir in the mid/top lane. Very easy to proc with three abilities such as Tides of Blood into Transfusion then auto. In lane this quick combo allows us to keep punishing our opponents and dodge skill-shots with some easy to create movement speed giving Vladimir that gap closer which he needs (excluding Hextech Rocketbelt). Phase Rush also provides a great excape tool against top/mid laners who have excellent slows, running towards your tower whilst poking with a few buttons can proc Phase Rush allowing a quick escape.

Runes That I Take On Vladimir

Throughout this season I've experimented many rune pages and so far these 3 rune pages are my optimal choices as of present, these runes are focused in being the best way to maximise Vladimir's potential. The first being my favourite rune as of now Summon Aery, then second being the burst damage of Electrocute and another for my previous but a favourite still to many Vladimir players Phase Rush.

Starting off with, my preference for Vladimir going down the Sorcery Tree.

Summon Aery Rune Page

Summon Aery: I went into further detail in my "Keystones" section just above, but to summarise this keystone allows Vladimir to have a better early game presence. Lacking in damage, Summon Aery provides extra damage to our auto attacks and to Transfusion Vladimir's main poking ability in lane.

Nimbus Cloak: Is a must on Vladimir. Taking it means that we can gap close when we pop our ultimate and go in for the kill. Vlad's ult means him and his team deal extra damage whilst it's infecting thee enemy. Using Nimbus Cloak means that we can stay on our enemy and use all of our abilities to kill.

Celerity: provides a minimal amount of movement speed, but more importantly boosts the power of other movement speed effects. This influences Hextech Rocketbelt, Cosmic Drive and those who take Ghost as a Summoner Spell. Movement speed is highly beneficial on Vladimir as he has no crowd control to lock opponents down, excellent pick.

Scorch: provides a similar approach to the game as Summon Aery. It has a short cooldown and burns enemies for a small amount of damage when an ability is used on them. Transfusion provides the perfect point-and-click ability to utilise Scorch and syncronises with Summon Aery brilliantly to provide stronger poke early game to make it to the mid-game power spike effectively.

Magical Footwear: Great to take for a scaling champion. The more kills we get in the early game, the cheaper our boot upgrade becomes. Vladimir is a weaker early, scaling champion. So the free boots an additional movement speed they provide will benefit our mid to late game.

Cosmic Insight: Means our items receive additional haste, allowing Hextech Rocketbelt or Zhonya's Hourglass to be up more often. Our summoner spells also will be up for us more frequently. If you are going down the Inspiration Tree, a must take

Second in line, my preference for Vladimir going down the Domination Tree.

Electrocute Rune Page

Electrocute: I went into further detail in my "Keystones" section just above, but to summarise this rune allows us to burst out mid laners and tear them apart at all stages of the game. Electrocute is super strong on Vladimir as it turns him into not only a late game monster, but an early game abuser with his extra burst from Electrocute.

Taste of Blood: has great use on Vladimir, whilst he has early game sustain from his Q Transfusion other laners who have that better early game presence will be tough if they know the correct timing to poke you. Taste of Blood will give us that extra sustain in lane by hitting the enemy champion with an attack every 20 seconds, helping us stay alive and healthy in lane. With Dark Seal's passive of increased healing from potions and with Transfusion our aim is to farm and stay in lane healthy throughout early game and Taste of Blood helps with it.

Eyeball Collection: Easily summarised this one, Vladimir can heavily snowball games, his mid-late game is so strong that with Eyeball Collection if we get a few takedowns on a few champions, out AP is going to increase and it's game over for the enemy team. So once again, get kills, eyeball collection takes effect, even easier to kill next time. It's an easy but effective cycle.

Ravenous Hunter: Once again in the Domination side we take another sustain rune Ravenous Hunter. Ravenous Hunter gives us a base 2.5% healing on our abilities and further increases it by 2.5% for each time we take down a unique champion. this means we can gain a total of 12.5% increased healing with 5 unique champion kills which will make us all the more annoying. With Vladimir's main focus on high AP builds this means our Transfusion will receive more healing power plus this awesome rune Ravenous Hunter.

Nimbus Cloak: Is a must on Vladimir. Taking it means that we can gap close when we pop our ultimate and go in for the kill. Vlad's ult means him and his team deal extra damage whilst it's infecting thee enemy. Using Nimbus Cloak means that we can stay on our enemy and use all of our abilities to kill.

Transcendence: Is Brilliant for this rune set up. Our goal with taking Transcendence is to achieve as much ability haste as quickly as we can. Vlad's Transfusion is super beneficial to him when we can get it as often as possible. A must take.

Finally, my old favourite going down the Sorcery Tree.

Phase Rush Rune Page

Phase Rush: I went into further detail in my "Keystones" section just above, but to summarise this rune allows us to have great potential to not get outkited in team fights, but also provide us with a great gap closer and excape tool throughout the whole game, taking Phase Rush means we can swap out Ghost for more kill potential summoner spells in order to get ahead early.

Nimbus Cloak: Is a must on Vladimir. Taking it means that we can gap close when we pop our ultimate and go in for the kill. Vlad's ult means him and his team deal extra damage whilst it's infecting thee enemy. Using Nimbus Cloak means that we can stay on our enemy and use all of our abilities to kill.

Transcendence: Is Brilliant for this rune set up. Our goal with taking Transcendence is to achieve as much ability haste as quickly as we can. Vlad's Transfusion is super beneficial to him when we can get it as often as possible. A must take.

Gathering Storm: allows for extra late game potential, taking this means the longer the game runs, the more damage Vladimir gets. Whilst Vlad already is a great scaling champion, sometimes it might not be enough to carry. With this extra boost, you will be seeing results.

Magical Footwear: Great to take for a scaling champion. The more kills we get in the early game, the cheaper our boot upgrade becomes. Vladimir is a weaker early, scaling champion. So the free boots an additional movement speed they provide will benefit our mid to late game.

Cosmic Insight: Means our items receive additional haste, allowing Hextech Rocketbelt or Zhonya's Hourglass to be up more often. Our summoner spells also will be up for us more frequently. If you are going down the Inspiration Tree, a must take


Ghost: Provides many strengths to Vlad's playability. Sanguine Pool and Ghost helps to escape ganks. But more importantly, late game we can use ghost to zoom and stay on enemies whilst unleashing hell.

Ignite: Gives us that bit of extra kill pressure for Vladimir early game. If you get ahead as Vlad you are the one of the most threatening figures on the rift mid-late game so make sure to take it!

Teleport: Teleport whilst it isn't as great for early game ganks as Vladimir isn't very strong early. Teleport is great for Vlad to soak up Exp and stay strong whilst laning and to keep a strong map presence.

No Flash?

Flash: Essential for any champion in the game and it is important to consider on Vladimir. Vladimir can use flash to escape and engage with a surprise combo making, which is why it is one of the best summoner spells in the game. However Ghost provides a lot more benefits mid to late game, which is where Vlad strives. 99% of games aren't won early game when you play Vladimir, which is why Ghost is the more effective summoner spell. Sanguine Pool and Ghost also provides a relatively safe escape from most ganks. Whilst Flash will always be brilliant, Vlad needs the movement speed to succeed.

These are the core, first three & essential items for the rune page heavily-centered around Summon Aery and Electrocute. The build consists of Hextech Rocketbelt, Cosmic Drive and Zhonya's Hourglass as they provide mobility, plenty of "Ability Haste" to reduce high cooldowns as well as high damage and Magic Penetration for Vladimir. Night Harvester is also similar to Hextech Rocketbelt but aim's to increase burst output. Either of these two Mythic Items are viable depending on your playstyle and goal as Vladimir.

Mythic Items

Hextech Rockebelt:
Mythic Passive: All legendary items receive a small amount of Magic Penetration.

Hands down one of my favourite items to build on Vladimir. Been building this item since protobelt days and it's even better now. Provides Health, Ability Power and plenty of Haste. The item active also provides a small gap closer that deals damage and grants movement speed. It's a mythic item that covers all of Vlad's needs. The item active helps with Vlad's lack of wave clear early and can be used to roam to lanes quicker by pushing in waves. This item can be used while in Sanguine Pool too increasing movement speed and gap closing at the same time. The Mythic Passive of magic penetration for each Legendary item can be beneficial towards teams that will look to build defensively against you. An brilliant item in all aspects.

Night Harvester:
Mythic Passive: All legendary items receive a small amount of Ability Haste.

Another Mythic Item that has great synergy with Vladimir. It provides the same Health, Ability Power and Haste that Hextech Rocketbelt does, but it's passive allows it to deal an additional amount of free damage to each champion. Even better is that this passive is a certain amount of time per champion, so you can deal this additional damage to a different champion instantly. With an AOE kit like Vlad, his burst is insane with this item. The item passive provides movement speed too but not as great as what Rocketbelt provides, which hurts with staying on targets. The Mythic Passive of haste for each Legendary item is without question brilliant for Vlad, lower ability cooldowns means Vlad will heal more often and deal damage more often. An excellent item for Vlad.

So which Mythic Item is better? It depends on your playstyle. To push quickly, roam for you team and to chase down champions more effectively. Your preffered choice is Hextech Rocketbelt. If you are looking to burst teams quickly, scale hard and sacrifice the better wave clear and movement speed potential. Then Night Harvester is for you. Whichever you prefer, both Mythic Items provide similar outputs but in different methods.

Legendary Core Items

Cosmic Drive: is a brilliant item and it's designed for champions like Vlad. High AP, Health and plenty of haste. To top it off, a few seconds of movement speed and increased haste. Vladimir's major weaknesses as we know are movement speed and high ability cooldowns. This item covers every strength and weakness of Vlad's kit. It's a must have.

Zhonya's Hourglass: Has been an essential item for any AP champion for a long time now and that's because it has one of the best active abilities in the whole game, allowing you to be UNTARGETABLE for a few seconds. Very useful in many situations, especially when you are being focused in a teamfight, use it to lose attention and gain a few seconds off of the cooldowns of you abilities.

Rabadon's Deathcap: is essentially Infinity Edge for an AP champion, increases damage output heaps for any build. With his passive the more AP you build the more HP you gain too! This will benefit both aspects of Vlad significantly. So if you are going to be the late game carry this is a must have!

Void Staff: Magic penetration is insanely good on many AP champs, especially for Vlad. A passive that increases magic penetration plus some AP is a solid item to slot in towards the end of your build path if you wish.

Spirit Visage: Very good item, and it suits Vladimir's kit. So keep these in mind plus you gain increased healing on your abilities which is a great reason to build this item.

Morellonomicon: This item is the sustain/tank sustain destroyer. If there is a major threat who heals too much, get Oblivion Orb and look to complete this item. You can burst through their magic resist with extra magic penetration and you also inflict grievous wounds by hitting them with a form of magic damage. Very solid team-oriented item with an AOE kit like Vlad's.

Banshee's Veil: Against an Ahri, LeBlanc or especially hook champions like Blitzcrank or Thresh this item can be very beneficial so you don't have to waste Sanguine Pool or even die to their Crowd Control abilities. This item provides an incredible spell shield, some needed AP and magic resist to top it off.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter: If you like to go a hybrid build of AP and tank items, I would buy this item as a last or second last item. Whilst I don't like tank Vladimir it still provides both health and ability power. There are two choices for Vlad in my eyes, you can make youyr enemies slower with items like Rylais, or you can build items to make Vlad faster and chace down enemies. I know that option B is what I'd pick.

Elixir Of Sorcery: Vladimir on AP Steroids.

Elixir Of Iron: Vladimir on Steroids.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots provide an extra bit of ability haste. As well as on your summoner spells which can have benefits throughout the game.

Sorcerer's Shoes: These boots are so good for AP Mages allowing you to bypass more of the enemies magic resist (which trust me they'll buy against a Vladimir). With an additional burst of magic penetration Vladimir will have no trouble beating tanks, adcs or anyone on the rift.

Plated Steelcaps: Great selection against champions like Yasuo or Tryndamere champions whose kits revolve around auto attacks. Not only can it protect you from their AA's, it can also give you some much needed armour against them to help trade with them or reduce their damage output. It is better to be alive in a fight and do less damage than to do no damage at all.

Mercury's Treads: Never really build this on Vladimir, however if you are up against an Ahri or an Annie this can save your life providing extra Magic Resist and less duration on Annie's stun and Ahri's charms. Tenacity is what you are mainly looking for when building these boots. However with Sanguine Pool and the potential to dodge incoming attacks as well as stuns, I would trust yourself without these boots most the time.

Vladimir's hardest time and most people would agree is his early game. Like many mage champions, Vladimir has low AD or attack damage meaning that farming is a little tough when you are being pressured by another laner at the same time. If you want to make farming easier, go ahead and start off the game with a Doran's Ring as it provides a small amount of extra damage when you auto attack a minion. REMEMBER, farming is probably the most important part of the game and the early game is crucial for Vladimir to get ahead of the pack. So use everything you have to your advantage.

The biggest issue I find with Vladimir's early game is his lack of early game presence. If there is a fight in the river, you will lose most fights if the amount of allies and enemies is even. Vladimir's lack of early game damage is the major cause of this as well as his lack of Crowd Control. Additionally his benefit of using health instead of mana is a sin in the early game as you are dealing damage to yourself with a lack of items to compensate for your low health pool.

Early you want to use auto attacks and importantly Transfusion (Vladimir's Q) to poke enemies, whilst healing yourself. You can use it as a farming tool to help you achieve that extra CS. Once you get level 6 and gain your ultimate Hemoplague, look to make a play on you opponent if possible. Or if you can't, push the minion wave into their tower and look to help another lane. There is always something you can do around the map, vision, ganks etc.

This is when you start feeling the difference in your gameplay. Your farming issues should have resolved by now and your damage output is climbing as well. You should have some ability haste along with some damage items making you a huge threat to any opponent.

Once you have achieved this power-spike you can likely 1vs1 most enemies if you have gained enough gold from last hitting them creeps without copping too much punishment. Along with a good or even EXP Advantage. Continue to play aggressive when you have vision of other enemy opponents. Make sure you pressure them with your Q's as you would throughout the early game.

Finally once you've pushed your way up look for a roam into a different lane to either feed yourself with a kill and pressure their lane's turret, or help your top or bot laner get ahead. It may be difficult closing onto them without having any sort of Crowd Control. However, I would also recommend having summoner spells such as Ghost or Flash built up just incase. Make sure to have full awareness of the playing field around you, trust me your other lanes will appreciate you for it.

This is Vladimir's time to shine. If you have
    1. Successfully farmed throughout the early and mid game
    2. Been pressuring your laner and getting kills
    3. Taking objectives and having a presence around the map

Then congratulations if you have ticked a majority of these boxes then you will find the reason I've mained Vladimir for the past 3 years.

Vladimir is a lethal asset for your team late game. As Vlad you are able to produce INSANE amounts of AOE (Area of Effect) damage with your Hemoplague and Tides of Blood. With the sustain from Transfusion and Hemoplague, you also have the ability to go in to the middle of teamfights, reset, then repeat. You become very annoying and yet very threatening.

With ridiculous damage, increased healing and a massive amount of Ability Power with a set of abilities a child could use. You will take down ADC's or even high AD Top Laners such as Irelia, Darius and more with ease. You can take out almost anyone in a 1vs1 if you don't waste your cooldowns and perform the correct combos (stated in the previous 'How to combo' section).

In a teamfight or when you want to force a fight, try to have your Transfusion passive with at least 1 stack so you can activate Crimson Rush sooner in a teamfight. It can be the difference to taking out an ADC losing their high damage source or not dying sooner.

In teamfights you can be the engager and the damage output, if your teams prepared signal to go in with the all-in combo mentioned previously in the combo section. If they focus on you activate Sanguine Pool your W and keep using your Q and E to heal and produce significant damage. You can also add in a Zhonya's Hourglass to repeat a similar process like when using Sanguine Pool to dodge a majority of incoming attacks.

With Vladimir's kit, his late game sustain, his late game damage - the enemy is in deep trouble for allowing you to reach peak male dominance and you need to take full advantage of this if they let you play your game this long

Hope you Enjoyed!

Thank you everyone for over 3 million views on my guide!

I'm glad that my guide has been effecting a lot of people. Hope you enjoyed my guide on Vladimir, I hope it helps you get that little boost of knowledge for the champion I love playing. He's not hard but he is one that's hard to get used to!

Once again if you have any enquiries don't hesitate to ask and please give me your opinion on how i can improve! :)

My Final Thoughts On Vladimir

Vladimir is a champion whose abilities are easy to understand for any player but only turly effective in the right hands. His playstyle is very unique, despite having a basic kit to understand. It can see many new player's (like myself 3 years ago) struggle to understand his early game and get past that stage efficiently. However if this stages is completed well the player is rewarded with a monster of a champion that can destroy enemy teams mid and late game.

Big thanks to jhoijhoi for helping me with the prepartation of this guide, you can check her out here jhoijhoi's profile

ALSO A MASSIVE THANKS TO Rock3tt being a huge inspiration into why I learnt Vladimir, he knows the game well better than me at the very least!

He is a very good teacher his videos are terrific content and enjoyable to watch. They certainly helped me get off the shelves when beginning this champion as well.
You can find the man's youtube channel here Rock3tt's Channel

Finally, a big thanks to Katasandra for assisting in the recreation/new tangent in this guide, their coding and presentation skills is unparamount and it is what allowed for this guide to take a better look (that I hope you guys enjoyed!). Please check their beautiful Lissandra guide here: Katasandra's Lissandra Guide!
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Dr Eggmund Vladimir Guide
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