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Choose Champion Build:
Xayah ADC
Xayah Mid Lane
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Clean Cuts (PASSIVE)
Xayah Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
High mobility champions makes it hard to stack feathers on them
As soon as Xayah got to the PBE Servers, me and my friend decided to master both Rakan and Xayah. At first game her kit was simple to use at first look, but mastering her and doing good combos are complicated so that's why I planned to create this guide for helping new players and people wants to master her.
Essence reaver: Good item because of his mana restoration and getting 100% Critical strike can end giving you 40% Cooldown reduction.
Runaan's Hurricane: Good item because of his "Wind Fury" Which can be useful when using it with Xayah's W.
Rapid Fire cannon: Good against champions which you can't get in range without taking damage like caitlyn or jhin so you can poke alot
Phantom Dancer: Good against Divers and assassins because it gives extra 12% Damage reduction.
Infinity Edge: Extra critical strike and attack damage.
Mortal's reminder: extra armour penetration and gives her advantage against tanks
Phantom Dancer: Good at chasing champions which goes well with Xayah's W which gives movement speed.
Runaan's Hurricane: Good item because of his "Wind Fury" Which can be useful when using it with Xayah's W.
Rapid Fire cannon: Good against champions which you can't get in range without taking damage like caitlyn or jhin so you can poke alot
Phantom Dancer: Good against Divers and assassins because it gives extra 12% Damage reduction.
Infinity Edge: Extra critical strike and attack damage.
Mortal's reminder: extra armour penetration and gives her advantage against tanks
Phantom Dancer: Good at chasing champions which goes well with Xayah's W which gives movement speed.
Feather Circle (Escape Trick):
Start stacking feathers around you using Q + AA + W + AA + R + AA + E
Good trick for trying to control teamfights if you're in a good position.
Flash + E (Offensive Trick):
Stack feathers behind you, use E and flash behind enemies. It can end up dealing massive damage if you stacked good amount of feathers and also surprises them in order to not give them time to react and escape.
Simple Combo:
Q + 2 AA + W + 2 AA+ E
TeamFight Combo:
Q + W + AA + R + E
Simple Escape Combo:
Q + R + E
Start stacking feathers around you using Q + AA + W + AA + R + AA + E
Good trick for trying to control teamfights if you're in a good position.
Flash + E (Offensive Trick):
Stack feathers behind you, use E and flash behind enemies. It can end up dealing massive damage if you stacked good amount of feathers and also surprises them in order to not give them time to react and escape.
Simple Combo:
Q + 2 AA + W + 2 AA+ E
TeamFight Combo:
Q + W + AA + R + E
Simple Escape Combo:
Q + R + E
Not hard, Depends on the player's skill, but there are some combos for wave clearing:
Early levels (2-6):
You must have a position which you can get the melee minions with a Q + AA(Check picture below)
Click Here
Mid Game (7-14):
You must focus getting more than 160+ Farm within 20 minutes.
Late Game (15-18):
Use your ultimate in the beginning of the fight for extra CC
Early levels (2-6):
You must have a position which you can get the melee minions with a Q + AA(Check picture below)
Click Here
Mid Game (7-14):
You must focus getting more than 160+ Farm within 20 minutes.
Late Game (15-18):
Use your ultimate in the beginning of the fight for extra CC
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