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Zilean Build Guide by Sersche

Support Zilean Support (The Time Master *****)

Support Zilean Support (The Time Master *****)

Updated on December 5, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sersche Build Guide By Sersche 5,894 Views 0 Comments
5,894 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sersche Zilean Build Guide By Sersche Updated on December 5, 2015
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Hello everyone. As you see this is not a very beefy guide but just one to get you started on your own (also this is my first guide). The champion we are gonna be talking about today is the Support Zilean. Zilean is an annoying support when you build and use him correctly. So lets get started.

I am gonna all do it in one chapter because it is easier on me and you also cause I hate to just endlessly scroll and I'm sure some of you guys do too. So the first thing we are gonna talk about are his Skills

Q- Throws a time bomb that can stick on to any target at all. If you throw one then another one right after the first will explode on impact and stun all around it.

W- W reduces all cooldowns by 10 Seconds. So using a Q --> E combo is the most efficient thing you can do with Zilean for stuns.

E- Zileans E can Slow Enemies and improve movement speed on Allies including your self.

R- Zileans R is the best R I have seen in the game yet. It will revive you or a teamate on a Leathel hit back to life giving you or the person you resserected 600 health back.

Passive - Zileans passive puts expirence in a bottle and can realease it when you have enough bottled up to level up an ally.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sersche
Sersche Zilean Guide
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