Ruby Crystal
Heart of Gold is a little too specific...

jhoijhoi wrote:
Actually Adonikam, I'd have to disagree.

I'm Ashe, I have an

But wait.
A guide on MobaFire tells me to buy

I see,

Thanks Mr. Guide Writer.
Would you saying specifying:

With regards to Elixirs, I don't know what so awful about putting them into the build. The two that are most relevant to Ashe I've included at the end.
EDIT: Your Akali guide includes Elixirs...
ONLY include item components when it is necessary to stress buying something first. Most guides will say

it's just ridiculous
And you may think I'm exaggerating - but the sad thing is, I'm not.
I remember there was a guide a few months back that had an Elixir of Brilliance after EVERY SINGLE ITEM in the build. You don't need to stress how good they are - just put it in your main guide text and we'll understand. You don't need to put all four elixirs at the end. You don't need to put health potions in your guide unless they're critical to it, or they're your starting items.

I don't mind if it's something like what I did in my (neglected) morgana guide, where I list components that I'm buying a lot earlier than finishing the product and to give an idea of purchase order + gold required in lane before returning like so:

But when it comes to listing items in a format like:
Boots -> Berserkers -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer
Then yeah, it does get pretty boring to read.

But when it comes to listing items in a format like:
Boots -> Berserkers -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer -> Zeal -> Phantom Dancer
Then yeah, it does get pretty boring to read.
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
I use this kind of thing when:
I want to ensure ppl what to buy 1st (for example when you get IE you will get the idea of buying a cloak before a BF becouse you have cash but for example you dont want more crit at this moment (as you bought PD before for example) so i put a BF Sword->Cloak->IE in my build setup.
I dont find it BAD.
Also the person could place the items like this becouse it is a way of showint that you should recall when you have cash for Zeal, buy it and go back and recall again when you have cash for full PD.
I realy dont find thins thing THAT BAD.
You could ofc make it only a core thing and place only the final itemisation. But as ppl usualy use drafts of the guides to take a fast peek on what to buy and not always go to the description part it isnt THAT BAD.
I want to ensure ppl what to buy 1st (for example when you get IE you will get the idea of buying a cloak before a BF becouse you have cash but for example you dont want more crit at this moment (as you bought PD before for example) so i put a BF Sword->Cloak->IE in my build setup.
I dont find it BAD.
Also the person could place the items like this becouse it is a way of showint that you should recall when you have cash for Zeal, buy it and go back and recall again when you have cash for full PD.
I realy dont find thins thing THAT BAD.
You could ofc make it only a core thing and place only the final itemisation. But as ppl usualy use drafts of the guides to take a fast peek on what to buy and not always go to the description part it isnt THAT BAD.
How I see it is this. If i can go out to my lane, kill a couple of creeps and get the item already, it's probably not needed to be listed. For example, a Sapphire Crystal. 400g, dirt cheap. Unless you really need to show the importance of this item, don't bother listing it when creating Sheen, Catalyst, etc.
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