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Help and Advice on making a Fiora Build

Creator: MyBloodisBlack September 14, 2013 3:16pm
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 9:45am | Report
there are people on this site that are even that kind enough to tutor someone to become better. try it if you want :)

Thank you for your kindness good person
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
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Apr 19th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 5:27pm | Report
sirell wrote:

To start off, your build is ridiculously squishy. You're likely going to be poked down and even a Thornmail won't help you in that regard. You have no tenacity and no defences so you're pretty much gonna get stunlocked and killed. Even if you do somehow survive, you will do an ult, wreck lots of damage and then... die. Lifesteal isn't going to save you when you can't autoattack.

Another point is that Fiora has absolutely 0 sticking power unless she has a Frozen Mallet.

Blade of the Ruined King isn't that good an item on her given the active range nerf means that she can rarely get in range to properly autoattack efficiently before most opponents just run away from her. Not to mention you don't have any spectacular movement speed to keep up with enemies.

Your build is ridiculously expensive and Fiora isn't exactly a farming monster during any time in the game.

The truth is that it's pretty hard to itemize for Fiora during a game because she's pretty bad as a champion overall. The only time she has maximum kill potential is at level 4 and level 6 due to her burst at those levels. After that, most top laners will just outscale her and be more useful in a teamfight environment. Fiora can't engage, can't peel, can't tank and just gets kited 24/7. Even at level 4 she has problems killing enemies because she has a really **** gap closer and no CC to make sure she lands her AA damage. Most champs can just walk away from her.

If she rushes Frozen Mallet to get the slows she needs to AA the enemy to death, she loses damage and gets out-traded. If she rushes damage first like Ravenous Hydra as a lot of Fiora players seem to do, she gets damage, a meh wave-clear but no way to stick that damage onto the enemy.

My honest advice is actually just to avoid writing a guide on how to play Fiora because she is just so bad that no one should play her.

If you want to survive laning, I would suggest stacking Doran's Blades to begin with into your first major item (probably Ravenous Hydra or Bloodthirster). After that, I don't know. An end build might look something like:

Mercury's Treads (because she is just too susceptible to CC)
Ravenous Hydra
Last Whisper
Frozen Mallet
Phantom Dancer
Guardian Angel

Alternatives may include:

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Statikk Shiv
Wit's End
Infinity Edge
Black Cleaver
Warmog's Armor
Spirit Visage
Banshee's Veil
Trinity Force

Not sure if someone answered you but I will just tell you my opinion. First, he already mentioned Spirit Visage, Second, even with the BotRK nerfs, she already has 2 gap closers, which allows her to get in range for a BotRK. Her W also passively gives you AD, which you also max. 15 AD with the first level and +5 for the next 4. If she rushes Frozen Mallet, your W damage should help you catch back up..Her E also gives her a insane movement speed buff. She can tank, take the damage then ult when your close to death, not that hard. Her ult also lasts for 2 seconds, in which your team can follow up and deal tons of damage. Plus any fiora should get a tiamat early game making her wave clear faster.
Reo Kawamura
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Jun 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 6:08pm | Report

Ok I am just going say this and if people don't want to then thats cool

I seriously want to improve as a League of Legends player, I want to learn all I can to improve my gameplay and my skills as a whole but I need help to do so, but not just any help, I need someone who truly understands that I have autism and aspergers and although I am trying that sometimes I will be stubborn and require patience.

I know I got alot of improving but I know with a little guidance I can be a good player too, I have the upmost respect for all the best players and even the worst players because I learn so much from everyone I meet so I am now sdmitting my flaws and my mistakes and asking just one person to show me an act of kindness and help me please.

Well, the million dollar question is, what server do you play on?
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 6:51pm | Report

As if on demand, someone picks Fiora in a ranked game for my Silver I promos. Took Ignite/ Exhaust, gave First Blood and died again in the first 10 minutes, because she was dumb enough to go Ignite/ Exhaust.

Only went 5/8/4, meaning she didn't have much impact in the game, especially considering the overall score of:

30/25/62 to 25/31/34. So even though kills and deaths were near, we had a massive advantage through assist gold, which Fiora was not able to get.

Pantheon offered better ganks and map control, even if he did go negative feeding Swain (as did Lux who couldn't comprehend that she doesn't counter Swain if she stays in his ultimate form's range or walks into his snare). I struggled a bit against Caitlyn and Leona to begin with because they're a really aggressive matchup to play against. But I froze the lane and just outfarmed her. Once I got Trinity Force, I had no problems. Admittedly, I did die once to Fiora, but in exchange, she lost 3 of her teammates and dragon as well as burned both Ignite and Exhaust on me. Other than that, I got two kills onto her and any other fight, Pantheon, vi] or [[lux would literally make her disappear pretty much as soon as the engage started.

Once I got a Guardian Angel, she couldn't touch me. I'd just poke down her entire team with missiles and then Valkyrie in when Vi hit the 'engage' button.

Fiora was pushing turrets well, but it cost her every time, since we'd just engage on the enemy team, quadra them and then only need on or two players to recall to deal with her.

tl;dr: Fiora sux balls.
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 6:51pm | Report

Well, the million dollar question is, what server do you play on?

He plays on EUW.
Quite Nomible
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Apr 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 4:17am | Report
yeah so I went against a zed once with wukong and I destroyed him with going 11-0 in lane so zed is useless.
TL;DR: doing one match and concluding that a champion is useless is just plain stupid, like it actually gives a proper vision of the whole champion gameplay and stuff. you were not even playing toplane either, so the example you gave was close to useless.
nog even kort samengevat: een lampje is voor dove mensen, een ratelapparaat voor blinden. het mooiste is natuurlijk een combinatie van beide: een lampje met een ratelapparaat, voor het geval er iemand langskomt die blind én doof is.
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 5:31am | Report
sirell wrote:

He plays on EUW.

Yes, Sirell is right I am on the EUW server
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 5:52am | Report
Maybe this is slightly better?

Start off with my mastery for this build isof course I will need to know if this indeed exceeding the Lifesteal cap if there is one

When it comes to Thornmail or Last Whisper its all depending on your preferance, the Thornmail will offer you more Armor to deal with bigger fights however Last Whisper will help towards dealing greater damage and thus greater sustainability in one on one fights.

the whole point of these items is to basically allow Fiora to do more damage as a whole, attack faster and to last on the battlefield longer due to her Lifesteal.

finally the runes


Press the Attack
Lethal Tempo
Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest

Ive added 6 armor Penetration and 3 Attack Damage Marks into the build as well as 2 Lifesteal Quints for added Sustainability
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Thatdudeinthecotton's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 6:35am | Report
While Spirit Visage does boost the heal from lifesteal, it doesn't increase a characters lifesteal stat (when you check their stats that is, the number won't change). Not that it matters though since there isn't a lifesteal cap.

I think youd be well served with getting a Vampiric Scepter right after boots as it provides good sustain.
Would maybe swap Last Whisper for a Youmuu's Ghostblade, as it builds out of The Brutalizer (a pretty strong, cost efficient item), provides crit, CDR and has a powerful active for going all in (or running away, whatever).
Finally I think you may want to get Frozen Mallet a bit sooner as the sticking power and health it provides is probably better than a second lifesteal item at mid game.
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 7:15am | Report
So basically Spirit Visage gives 20% to whatever heals you e.g. if Lifesteal gives you 100 health then spirit visage will add an extra 20 heal back yes?

I do like the idea of Youmuu's Ghostblade although the items I listed arent actually in any order - in truth if they were they would go as follows
Ravenous Hydra
Frozen Mallet
Mercury's Treads and Enchantment: Furor
Spirit Visage
Vampiric Scepter
Youmuu's Ghostblade or Thornmail

But thank you for pointing that out to me
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"

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