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Reviews R'US: Will read your guide!

Creator: Nighthawk July 30, 2011 11:04am

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Mar 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 30, 2011 4:21pm | Report
Good to see you already have a backlog of requests :P When you have time, I'd LOVE for you to review my Ashe guide ^^

Guide For (champion): Ashe
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: The reason why I'd like this to be reviewed, is because I have reviewed so many guides that I have may have become blind to the faults of my own guide. It is getting harder for me to look at my guide with new eyes :)
What I'd like you to focus on: Structure, relevance and whether or not some things can be condensed without the guide losing integrity. I really can't find anything wrong with it, yet there must be, as I keep getting downvotes.
Guide Link: Ashes to Ashe's

Thank you in advance, Nighthawk. Hope you enjoy reviewing!!! You'll get a lot of customers, I'm sure. And as I said, feel free to review any and all future requests on my thread ^^
guide writing tips 'n tricksashes to ashesfancy a sig?

♡ sig unintentional collab with Jovy and me ♡
AngelPixe's Forum Avatar
May 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 1:47am | Report
Guide For (champion):Akali
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed:if there anything to improve on
What I'd like you to focus on:anything
Guide Link:
VKZ95's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 2:18am | Report
Guide for: Mordekaiser
Why I'd like this to be Reviewed: I want to know what experienced players think of my guide
What I'd like you to focus on: items (what could be changed)
Guide Link: Mordekaiser

Mordekaiser the metallic nightmare RIFT, thank you JEFFY40HANDS for this awesome signature
ChefoSLR's Forum Avatar
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Feb 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 6:47am | Report
Champion Guide for: Leona

Reasons why I want you to review it: I think it's a very in-depth guide on Leona, I worked on it for 4 days. If I can get some comments from a real pro, that would be great. =)

Things I want you to focus on: My choice for masteries and runes and whether my explanations are good enough for everyone to understand.

Link: Leona, Bloodstained Light (Updated)
<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 8:31am | Report
Guide for: Soraka

Reasons I want it reviewed: Still need some constructive criticism, got a several comments that were really short and a couple that actually helped me out, so I just need someone who's neutral (like jhoi) to look at it and tell me how bad it is.

Things I want you to focus on: Nothing in particular, comment about it as you see fit.

Link: AP Soraka: No, my horn doesn't poke through my Deathcap
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 8:37am | Report

Guide for: Soraka

I just need someone who's neutral to look at it and tell me how bad it is.

Don't worry, I can do that for you :)

It's bad.

What, you were expecting more?

Ok then.
ALL the items are just too expensive and unrealistic for a support. (obviously except for Shurelya)
2GP10 items needed.
Too much CDR (6+3+5.85+15+15=44.85).
"Gold can't buy you rape." - Mr Sark
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 9:02am | Report
Yo Searz. If your gonna review guides, use the format instead of just coming like a baws and giving your opinion :P

Alternatively start your own review thread :D
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 9:29am | Report
I would do it if I thought I had the time. I think I'm gonna stop reviewing guides altogether since I don't really have time for it.

Besides, I don't know if ppl will be able to handle my honesty.
"I walked up to her big butt and asked her *** butt what." - Lil Wayne, lyrical genius

"I can't decide where I stand on abortion, on one hand it is killing children, on the other it gives women a choice." - ???
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 10:39am | Report
Atm I only have time to review 2-3 guides per day so i'm pretty backlogged lol.

Plus if people really want to improve their guides honesty is pretty much a necessary. Especially being brutally honest.

<Ancient Member>
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 31, 2011 11:28am | Report
Searz wrote:

What, you were expecting more?

Ok then.
ALL the items are just too expensive and unrealistic for a support. (obviously except for Shurelya)
2GP10 items needed.
Too much CDR (6+3+5.85+15+15=44.85).

No, I really didn't expect more than that.

Where are you getting those CDR numbers?
It shows I'm getting 9% from masteries and 30% from items....I don't have any CDR runes on the rune page, so it should only be 39%.

Look at it for what it is: as a guide for AP Soraka (as much as you may hate it), is it good? I don't care about a comparison to support Soraka, if that's your argument for why it's bad then I'm just going to ignore you.

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