How much does Soraka suck now?
every once in a while I just gotta step into the troll pool for a few more prove to myself that it's not worth it.
Comes down to comfort really. You drive a car long enough and you get used to the way it feels when you sit in it. Some reason someone else comes along and decides to change your seat placement and the radio station/CD/Satelite radio you typically listen to and all of a sudden you feel aggrovated. You get in your car, hit your head on the door frame because the person who used your car last is a foot shorter than you. The radio turns on and you have your ears blasted out by loud music/voices etc.
Your initial knee jerk reaction is WTF THIS IS ********....Then you put your seat back, get your radio back on the right station, then you chill the **** out and realize you pissed your pants over nothing.
I did this when they changed Tryn, I've finally gotten used to the idea "stuff in life changes all the time, why would LoL be any different?" you get used to it, you get over it, you move on. Or forever be that "guy/gal" perpetually pissed at everything because nothing stays the same.
+rep Jeffy, that was amazing to read.
I am moving this thread on
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
Why you may ask?
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
So that we dont have to look at that massively over-sized trollface that is slowing down the uni mac I am using
Shameless plug:
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
I play games, I write stories. And I make youtube videos that are way to long.
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