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MOBAFire Weekly Challenge #73 - Too Fast!

Creator: Hades4u February 22, 2021 4:04am

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<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2021 4:04am | Report

Hey everyone! We're excited to announce our latest MOBAFire Weekly Challenge, a community event that will spice up your League matches! We all know that nothing's better than a good match of League, but now it will be even more exciting with our weekly challenges that anyone can take a shot at. Check out this week's challenge and good luck in trying it out! 😊

More information on the weekly challenge and how to participate can be found below.

Pro Tip: Make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to never miss a weekly challenge!

Weekly Challenge - Too Fast!
Beat this week's challenge of winning a match with 3 movement speed items for the chance to be one of our worthy winners!

All items that grant bonus movement speed (let us know if we missed any!):

You're free to attempt this challenge in any 5 vs 5 Summoner's Rift match against players using any champion. Remember to focus on the Nexus though, winning the match is the ultimate goal while our challenges are a fun bonus! ;)

There will be 10 winners chosen randomly from all the eligible participants that will receive a 1380 RP Code each.

Only matches that have been played during this week (Monday, 22th - Sunday, 28th PST) and have beat the challenge are eligible.

Clarification: You must win a match as any champion with at least 3 complete items in your final build that grant bonus movement speed. Items with movement bonus as stats, passive or active ability all count. Only fully upgraded items count, meaning item components on their own don't count. Matches of game modes such as Nexus Blitz, URF, ARAM don't count towards this challenge. If you would like to find more people to play with, check out the Weekly Challenges Together thread. Good luck and have fun! :)

How To Participate
  1. You must have a MOBAFire account to be able to participate. Don't have an account? You can create one here.
  2. Play this week and try to beat the Weekly Challenge - Win a match with 3 movement speed items!
  3. Once the Weekly Challenge has been fulfilled, browse your match history and look for the match where you beat the challenge.
    Instructions: League of Legends Client > Profile > Match History
  4. Access the match and take two screenshots - one of the Scoreboard tab and one of the Stats tab. (example)

    The following information must be visible in the screenshots:
    • Summoner name and level (top right & scoreboard)
    • Match date and game mode
    • Item Build
  5. Upload both screenshots to imgur and post the link in this thread. You can only submit one match!
    Note: You can link the album with both screenshots or their links individually.
  6. That's it! Winners will be announced together with the next Weekly Challenge post and will receive an email to claim their prize!
    Note: The winners' League of Legends accounts must be in good standing in order to claim their prizes (e.g. not banned).

Previous Challenge Winners!
We would like to congratulate the winners of last week's challenge! Make sure to check your emails and claim your sweet RP! :)

We wish you good luck and we're excited to hear your thoughts on our Weekly Challenges!

Feel free to ask any questions and let us know if you have any fun idea for the next Weekly Challenge! :D

Screenshot Methods:
  • Use the "Print Screen" button from the top right side of your keyboard and "Paste" in Paint.
  • Use Snipping Tool (available by default on Windows).
  • Use GeForce Experience, Lightshot, OBS or other tools to take screenshots easily.

Friendly Note: We are always looking for feedback to improve our future challenges and your experience. If you wish to help, please take a few minutes and fill in this quick form! :)
ivern11's Forum Avatar
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Apr 23rd, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2021 8:17am | Report
very cool
"Lord Grompulous Kevin Ribbitton of Croaksworth. I am at your service, my liege."
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Sep 24th, 2020
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TheInkKingLoL's Forum Avatar
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Mar 31st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2021 8:32am | Report
OMG XD I was going to be trying Zoom Zoom Hecarim this week anyways! Perfect!
"We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle"
maxio520's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2021
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2021 8:55am | Report
Does death's dance also count?
And Stridebreaker?
xZealous's Forum Avatar
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Oct 13th, 2019
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 22, 2021 9:33am | Report
thx for the hard work guys
Midget_Gibby's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2021
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Why did this random build work? XD
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Feb 9th, 2021
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Katarina otp hahahah
xXShadowGRXx's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2019
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Good Luck to all!
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Aug 12th, 2020
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