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Luther3000's avatar


Rank: Veteran
Rep: Esteemed (442)
Status: Offline
Awards Showcase
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 20415 [user_id] => 84383 [achievement_id] => 6 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 279977 [display_order] => 2 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2014-02-20 17:03:43 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
Record_UserAchievement Object ( [record:protected] => Array ( [user_achievement_id] => 20425 [user_id] => 84383 [achievement_id] => 43 [relation_type] => Build [relation_id] => 279977 [display_order] => 3 [is_hidden] => 0 [create_ts] => 2015-03-18 21:50:21 ) [getcache:protected] => [cache:protected] => Array ( ) ) 1
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Luther3000's Mobafire Blog

14 Nov
Hey there FRIENDS, since I'm not only an incredible AD carry player but also a masterful genius at the videogame Legend League in general, I thought maybe you'd all like to see me vomit out some wisdom. All over the floor.

Stuff I think is strong:

Graves - Insanely high damage.
Lucian - His ult is practically 100% of a squishy's health at all levels, and he gets 30% CDR now.
Kalista - She can actually use a normal ADC build and get crit now without losing Hurricane for E.
Miss Fortune - See Lucian, plus her autos and Q deal literally a million damage....
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01 Sep
I don't usually make these but a whole lot of things have happened recently so why not. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So I'm not sure how many people will know this already, but I've been suffering with social anxiety and depression for a long time. I left school at 16, lost contact with all of my friends and haven't done a thing since then. It was fairly ****ty and as time passed I began to get negative mood swings more frequently, but I was always able to cope with them aside from the occasional outburst. Starting to play League probably helped since I made a lot of online friends and I could ****post on...
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18 Oct
Because people totally care about my opinion.

Lightslinger - This is a pretty dang good passive. It's quite similar to Caitlyn's but you can trigger it whenever you want and repeatedly. Q + AA is enough to win trades with a lot of AD carries.

Piercing Light - It's kind of awkward to use and it feels like it should be a skillshot, but it actually is more similar to Miss Fortune's Double Up. The scaling is good but it costs a ton of mana and it's really irritating when people are able to dodge it without even trying. Only being...
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14 Oct

Views: 1501 Jinx First Impressions

Welp I sure wasn't expecting another AD carry this soon. Don't worry, I have a review friends, since this is apparently a thing I do now.

Get Excited! - At first glance it might seem somewhat useless since it requires a kill or tower death to take place, but the movespeed boost is absolutely huge. Triggering this in a 2v2 duel or a teamfight gives you free reign to go as deep as you want and chase down everything or kite at lightspeed. Also if your opponents don't take it into account and hang around anywhere near a low health tower you can...
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26 Aug

It's been a long time and a ton of *****ing and negativity but it finally happened. Almost two months ago I was feeling very confident initially going through Gold I and into my first promos only to go from 2-1 to 2-3 and then back down to 20 LP on an 8 game loss streak. Considering that I felt I did all I could in most of those games I'd been left feeling pretty upset and demoralized all the way up until yesterday, where we destroyed lane and won 3 games in a row to get back to 100 LP....
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