Welcome to Major Swain's Season 4 Itemization Ideas.

The Items I present to you are academic, but hopefully you see the reasons WHY I created them. I think there are niches that Riot has yet to fill as far as Items go for Champions. Champions are not viable if items do not exist to compliment their kits. Hecarim is an excellent example of this, in Season 2, he was a meh Jungler, but with Season 3 Itemization changes by Zypherous, Hecarim's kit became viable because of Tanky CDR + Damage Items like Iceborn Gauntlet and Spirit of the Lizard Elder. Some of the Items I have suggested may be useless or overpowered, keep in mind that this is just brainstorming. I am appreciative of useful critiques.

Niches that Riot needs to fill:
-Hybrid Penetration
-Infinity Edge for Melees
-Crit % Items for Melees
-AD Sheen Item
-Armor/Attack Speed Item
-On-hit healing Item
-More Seeker's Armguard build paths

Guinsoo's Rageblade Reimagined (Hybrid Penetration)
30 AD
50 AP
Unique Passive: Your basic attacks or spellcasts grant you 6% Attack Speed, 6% Armor Penetration, and 6% Magic Resist Penetration for 8 seconds. This bonus stacks up to 5 times.

Blasting Wand + Brutalizer + Combine = Total Cost
860 + 1337 + 303 =2500

Reasons: Hybrid Penetration has been an item that the LoL Community has been asking for for a while. Riot's response so far has been that because hybrid champions utilize hybrid damage which is hard to counter-build for opponents, then making Hybrids a hybrid Penetration item would make them overpowered. However, I think that the every Champion should have the ability to deal damage and have items that promote their play style. While hybrids such as Jax, Akali, Kayle, etc... have been hard to balance in the past, they could still use such an item. And there are a number of hybrids such as Warwick and Shyvana who are not hybrids in the traditional sense (AP and AD), but have abilities that deal with magic damage and with physical damage. Make itemization for hybrids easier =)

Sword of the Divine Reimagined (Replaces Youmuu's Ghostblade and Sword of the Divine)
Melee Only
30 AD
25% Critical Strike Chance
20 Armor Penetration
10% CDR
UNIQUE Active: Gain 20% Movement Speed and 40% Attack Speed for 6 seconds. During these 6 seconds, gain one 100% Critical Strike Chance Auto Attack per 20% Critical Strike you have - 45 second cooldown.

Brutalizer + Avarice Blade + Combine = Total Cost
1337 + 800 + 663 = 2800

Reasons:Youmuu's Ghostblade is good, but it is undertuned. Sword of the Divine is just a bad item with a cool concept tied to it. My idea would change take SotD's active and put it on Youmuu's, but it would be toned down and would actually scale with the more crit you buy. If you bought this item and an Infinity Edge, you would have 50% Crit Chance, and when you used this item's active, you would have 2 100% Chance Critical Strikes. And at 60% Crit, 3 100% Crit Strikes. And at 80%, 4 100% Crit Strikes. Melee ADCs have a tough time getting anything done because they need to be on the frontline and in harm's way. The movementspeed active gives Melee ADCs the chance to get in to deal the damage. I think with this change, Melee ADCs would feel more useful. (Alternatively, if Youmuu's active gave the user 35% tenacity for its duration, this might also help to solve the problem.)

Titan's Hammer ( Infinity Edge for Melees)
Melee Only
50 AD
25% Critical Strike Chance
45 Armor
10% CDR
10% Critical Damage
Passive: Gain +1% Critical Damage per 1 Flat Armor Penetration.

Brutalizer + Cloak of Agility + Chain Vest + Combine = Total Cost
1337 + 730 + 720 + 713 = 3500

Infinity Edge is incredible expensive in more than one way, it is also a huge opportunity cost. For most Melee Champions, getting an IE is unthinkable, even for Champion who would benefit from it the most such as Garen, Gangplank, Shaco, Xin Zhao, Tryndamere and others. This item progression breaks up the build path into bite sized chunks that make it much easier to build. I could have simply given the item 250% Critical Damage like IE, however I thought that by tying it to a limited stat such as Armor Penetration, it would make the item's scaling slower. This mechanic can be changed. Note: the 10 Flat Armor Penetration is exchanged for 10% Critical Damage when the item is upgraded.

Xypherous' Mace ( AD Sheen item for Assassins)
80 AD
30 AP
10% CDR
200 Mana
Sheen: UNIQUE Passive - Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 75% of your total Attack Damage (2 second cooldown).

Sheen + Pickaxe + B.F. Sword + Combine = Total Cost
1200 + 875 + 1550 + 75 = 3700

Assassin's have a tough time with itemization because a number of items that have high AD also have critical strikes or lifesteal attached to it. While those stats are good, they are not necessarily good for all Assassins. AD Assassins want AD, CDR and Armor Penetration. The mechanic of the Sheen proc I created might need numbers tweaking, but I think it is a step in the right direction.

Spiked Shield (Armor + AS Item)
50 Armor
45 Attack Speed
Active: On-hit: Enemies lose 20% Armor and 20% AD for 1.5 seconds and you increase your AD by 3/4's of the lost AD. 8 second Duration. 45 second Cooldown

madred's razors + Recurve Bow + Dagger + Combine = Total Cost
720 + 900 + 400 + 580 = 2600

An Armor/Attack Speed item is an odd combination, however there are a number of Champions that could use it such as Rammus, Malphite, Taric, Irelia, Trundle, Volibear, and others... Tanks and Offtanks sometimes want Attack Speed, but don't want Lifesteal or AD or Crit or MR. I think that there is a niche role that this item could fill. The active is not necessary and could be replaced with anything like a passive, it is simply a placeholder. The active I put on there is to make it more enticing, as a tank item that could reduce the effectiveness of Enemy ADCs similar to a Randuin's Omen.

Barbed Whip (On-hit 'Lifesteal' Item)
50 Attack Speed
80 Ability Power
Unique Passive: Heal 15% of all damage (magic and physical damage) you deal with your Auto Attacks.

Hextech Revolver + Recurve Bow + Dagger + Amplifying Tome + Combine = Total Cost
1200 + 900 + 400 + 435 + 265 = 3200

On-Hit Builds suffer from one acute problem: they cannot heal themselves, despite some of them being able to put out Damage Per Second close to what an ADC can. Blade of the Ruined King is the closest they have, but the healing scales off of AD. I think the Meta would change, perhaps drastically if such an item were made. We might see AP Varus and AP Kog'maw in the Botlane.

Bottled Wind (Mini-Knockback Item)
55 Ability Power
350 Health
50 Armor
10% CDR
Unique Active: The user emits a gust that knocks back all opponents a distance of 400 units.

Seeker's Armguard + Kindlegem + Combine = Total Cost
1160 + 850 + 190 = 2200

This is a controversial item for me. Riot has a stance that no items are allowed to have Hard CC. I acknowledge that and find that line of reasoning understandable due to some of the possibly Over-Powered combos that could be made using this item (Alistar W, Q, plus Active for example). However, one problem I see among supports is that they often get insta-killed by Enemy Mages and Assassins throughout the game. The mentality I see goes like this, "If the ADC is too hard to kill, lets just kill the Support quickly." With this item, Supports would have a fighting chance against melee Assassins at least or to help protect their ADC. The other problem I foresee is that this is another nail in the coffin for Melee Champions that don't have a gapcloser and Melee ADCs.