Saw a comment on an old Olaf guide and I thought, well Ragnarok should pretty much make you be able to stomp the reworked Ashe because she can't slow you so she can't critically strike you or kite you very well. And sure enough it works like a charm.

On top of that he does a boat load of damage to squishy targets even if he is building full tank via Reckless Swing.

I feel like Olaf works best with a buddy to dive the back line. Don't get me wrong, he is pretty terrifying by himself when he is in your face if you are an ADC or APC, but if you have a dive buddy you aren't going to be the sole focus, so you will survive longer to cause more mayhem. Shyvana is a good dive buddy. Get an Orianna to throw a ball on one of you and it it is GO TIME!.

Some Lifesteal is pretty much essential on Olaf. It really does make you that much harder to take down, hence giving you time to do your job which is diving and murdering the other team's damage dealers.


Mordekaiser - You stomp him. Start with a Long Sword and 3 Health Potions and kill the fool for clicking more than once.

Darius should win trades because of the Hemorrhage, however if you stack health you can survive his burst and then he is screwed because he can't get away from you.

Gnar could be easy, could be hard, but I would put this in the mostly hard category. You can all in him at level 2 if you go Ignite and start longsword and pots and make your move while he is in mini-gnar form. To do this you need to dodge his Q, Boomerang Throw, and hit him with your Q, Undertow, and then nail him with an E, Reckless Swing, and Ignite him. You may need to pop Ghost to finish him off, but if it works you should have lane control from that point on. If you can't establish lane dominance, the lane is going to suck as he will just keep pushing you into tower and poking you with Q. Stay away from him in Mega-Gnar form, but if he gets the Hop or Crunch on you (see what I did there? XD) then pop Ragnarok and walk away.

The thing that makes Gnar hard is the synergy between Hyper and Boomerang Throw. Between the two he gets faster and you get slower if he can get three stacks of Hyper on you. That is an oppressive combination, especially when you consider that proc'ing Hyper, in addition to speeding him up, does % max health damage as magical damage. So itemizing against Gnar is a nightmare. I would just say build a Warden's Mail, but since he can proc Hyper with Boomerang Throw or Hop, slowing his attack speed doesn't help all that much. Building health doesn't really help either as that just makes him do more damage to you.

;tldr - you'll most likely be busy dodging Boomerangs a lot and getting zoned if you have stacks of Hyper on you in this lane. Try to kill him early and beg for jungle help to keep him down.

Having seen this match-up 3 times already, I'm sure I'll see it again. I think my next attempt will revolve around building Frozen Heart, Boots of Swiftness, and a Null-Magic Mantle as fast as I can.

Ekko - mainly dodge Timewinder to avoid getting poked down and build health and MR aka Spirit Visage and murder him if he decides to go in on you. After dying a couple of times he is probably going to roam and his roams are more deadly than yours for the most part.

Fiora - Stack armor and health. You win trades if you avoid attacking her while she has Riposte active and lose them if she does, so check your swing and back off win it is active. Sunfire Aegis is actually pretty effective against her as she will be in the range of Immolate if she tries to duel you and she most likely won't be building MR against you.

Aatrox - this lane works like this. You can knock off a quarter of his heal with a single Reckless Swing. However he just heals it up. If you try to poke him with Undertow you burn through too much mana to no great effect. I would say save if for when he jumps on you, but he just out heals you especially if he buys a Blade of the Ruined King. If you ever do get the upper hand on him, he will just jump away, or jump away after his passive pops. I would probably run Flash in this matchup so you can either avoid his all in or follow him if you do pop his passive. I am tempted to try this match-ups running a 21-9-0 build and go BotRK myself then buying a Warden's Mail after that and follow up with Boots of Swiftness or Mercury's Treads.

Nasus - Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions + 1 Mana Potion. You do pretty well in this match-up. If you can freeze the wave near your tower to keep him from stacking Siphoning Strike you win/will very likely draw jungle attention because they have a Nasus that isn't stacking, which is also a win for your team if you can keep them both busy long enough for your team to do something.

Hecarim - Cloth Armor + 4 Health Potions + 1 Mana Potion. You guys are going to beat on other a lot. You win the sustain war early. It gets a little harder when he gets Trinity Force. His ultimate is more useful than yours, though the fear doesn't affect you. The problem is you can't use that opportunity to go in on the carries because A you have a horse in your back line and B since half your team is feared you'll just take focus fire and die.

Cho'Gath - harass the **** out of him so he can't sustain off the minion wave. May be worth starting Crystalline Flask to keep up the harass up or Boots to make sure you dodge rupture as the other starting options aren't that great against him.


Hit level 3 and gank. Just be really cognizant of your angles with Olaf as that is going to be key to hitting Undertow and hence getting off a good gank. If you do hit them with Undertow, that are almost invariably going to Flash because they know a Reckless Swing is coming next in addition to whatever damage and or CC your laner brings to the table.


Undertow - If they are running from you, then throw it through them (that is, ahead of where they are going) so you can pick it up on the run to get the cooldown refresh.

Ragnarok - you get a lot of passive armor and magic resistance from this ability, so don't pop it until you really need to. I'll try to come up with a better way to describe this as I play Olaf more.