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Fun champions to smurf with for each role

Fun champions to smurf with for each role?

First off the meta is snowball, so it's very fun to smurf, since you can carry almost all games.
Second off all it's much easier to win if you are duo, especially if you are duo smurfing.

Top: Riven (high skill cap, 1v9 if you snowball top)

Jungle: Twitch (1v9 jungler late game)

Mid: Katarina (1v9 in teamfights if resets = pentakill)

ADC: Draven (2 hit enemy adc if ahead with crit)

Support: Bard (Much dmg etc)

6 Tips to off tilt in league

How to off tilt in league of legends?

1. Drink some water (Take a glass or a bottle of water into your room and place it beside your pc so you can drink water through out the game)

2. Eat some food (After a long or tilting game, go get some food, since being hungry can remove your focus from the game)

3. Take a nap (Your brain need 8-10 hours of sleep, if you haven't slept in between this time interval you should not play ranked that day!)

4. Fap (Fapping helps you release stress)

5. Get some fresh air (Makes your brain calm down and let your mind be free)

6. Watch a movie or tv series (Watching movies removes your focus from the game and your frustration)

Best tip for soloQ grind

SoloQ Tips & Tricks

how to climb in lower elo?

1. Play champions with an easy kit instead of difficult highly mechanical champions.

2. Only play the champions that you have experience with.

3. Never first time a champion in ranked soloQ! Play 5-20 normal games first, before going into ranked.

4. DonĀ“t type non game related things in chat! You will distract your teammates from the game and be annoyed when they do even more mistakes.

5. Use and to see the best runes and build for your champion.

6. Learn how to cs and last hit minions (you don't need to kill your enemy to win lane, if you have 15 cs more than your enemy you have 300g more than him which = a kill)
A good thing to do if you are not condident in last hitting is to go into a custom game by yourself and try to last hit as many minions as possible in 1 lane and see how many last hits you have gotten at the 10. mark.
I will give you a rough estimation of how many cs you should have for every 10th minu…

This interesting meta

Well this new meta is interesting: I can play my favourite support -type champion as a bottomlane marksman or jgl mage with very decent winrates, and the best part is that when I pick her nobody even blinks an eye. Ain't that just amazing! I never thought before that these kinds of picks would ever become viable.

This Is What I Am In Leauge

I'm level 27, generally new at the game, and a support main with a tendency to have an interest in top laners (yordles).

My main is Soraka but I also dabble in Nami. I'm currently learning Lulu. I want to learn Morgana, Rakan, Sona, and other enchanters.

Top laners that I like are as follows: Teemo, Gnar, and Kled. I prefer ranged because I can not do melee champions.

I want to also learn champions like Zoe, Lux, Fizz, Veigar, Xerath, Ivern, Kindred Twitch and many more.

My macro and micro are pretty terrible right now but I hope with a little practice that I can improve.

My first ranked

So, I've been playing LoL for a year and a half. I started thanks to some of my friends and it was actually fun! I never played ranked because I'm not a competitive person, I don't care about my rank or whatsoever. But lately I decided that I wanted to try some ranked to see at what level I got to.
By "lately" I mean I decided that 4 MONTH AGO and until now I couldn't play because of my ranked anxiety. I even discovered like a week ago that it was really a thing and not just my head that was going crazy. So I try do read a bit about this thing and about the methods to cope with it and it actually helped (I have the same problem even in normal games if I'm not with at least one of my friends, so I had the opportunity to try them out).
Today I've done two ranked games. One in flex queue because my freind created the wrong lobby and both of us didn't noticed it. My lane was Malzahar vs. Zed; a pretty easy lane, unfortunately Zed got feeded and it was a bit over my control, but it ended wi…

On Ranked

Ranked is a different beast than normals. If you want to get better at the game play ranked.

If you want to learn a champion do it in normals or in Flexqueue. Don't first time it in ranked soloqueue.

Don't link your worth as a person to your performance in the game whether normals or ranked. It is just a game and half the time it is a complete **** show and you can only do so much carrying and so much cheer leading.

Don't worry about your LP gains and loses. LP loses and gains get closer together the closer you get to your true rank. If you figure something out and go on a huge winning streak your MMR will go up and you will start gaining more LP for wins because the system wants to place you with players of similar ability to you.

Worry about your own play - Your mistakes and your successes.

Work towards consistently making the right plays and the right calls about where to be on the map.

Then deliberately apply your knowledge each and every time you get onto the rift.

Accept …

How to play xinzhao go to jungle season 8

Passive - Determination

Free damage and free healing. Scales with level and 10% AD. (It still has a a 40% AP scaling for URF-mode AP xin fans).

NOTE: This work off of basic attacks and also xinzhaow.png strikes, which means you can finish an unsuspecting foe with the final jab on xinzhaow.png combined with this burst.


xinzhaoq.png Q - Three Talon Strike

Gone were the days where Xin abused 3124.png for huge bursts and knockups on Q. The base AD and bonus AD scaling on this ability isn't where it used to be. It nevertheless remains one of Xin's significant CC when ganking and useful in dueling. This is maxed second for greater output and because of xinzhaoe.png's relative poor scaling.

Note: xinzhaoq.png is an AA reset, use accordingly.
Note: xinzhaoq.png reduce his abilities' cooldown by 1 second each. Thus when dueling, it is worth puttingxinzhaow.png on CD first.


xinzhaow.png W - Wind Becomes Lightning

This ability is unique to post-rework Xin. It's similar …

Aatrox Rework First Impression

Only took me two evenings of trying to get him on the PBE, but finally got my chance. (if you have a friend that can duo with you that will improve your odds of getting him as for the moment he is a priority pick).

The new Aatrox feels really really weird. Kind of like they kludged elements of

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide