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Recommended Items
Runes: Defensive
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Shepherd of Souls (PASSIVE)
Yorick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Kites you out or condemns you to a wall, She is the worst kind of annoying and normally gets away from you unless you have your team with you and can close her down.
Welcome to my Yorick Jungle Guide
Yorick is a great TOP LANER and JUNGLER due to his DAMAGE and TANK/TOUGHNESS stats, He is able to clear the Jungle and stay healthy/well sustained while doing so. He is also able to duel with the likes of Xin Xhao and Lee Sin early game due to his base stats and stat increase per level.
Q - E - R - W
Passive - FINAL SERVICE: Yorick raises a grave for every enemy champion, large monster and 12th / 6th / 2nd (based on level) non-champion enemy that dies near him, as well as for every enemy he kills with Last Rites Last Rites. Only 4 graves can exist at the same time, with the furthest ones being replaced by the newest. Large monsters that die near Yorick always leave a grave.
Q - FIRST CAST - LAST RITES: Yorick's next basic attack within 6 seconds has 225 range, deals bonus physical damage, and heals him for 12 - 82 (based on level) health, doubled to 24 - 164 (based on level) health if he is below 50% maximum health.
Last Rites resets Yorick's autoattack timer. If there are at least 3 Graves nearby, Yorick can cast Awakening Awakening within Last Rites' cooldown.
SECOND CAST – AWAKENING: Yorick raises a Shepherd of Souls Mist Walker under his command from each nearby Grave, consuming the Graves he used.
W DARK PROCESSION - ACTIVE: After a 1-second delay, Yorick summons a circular wall of spirits around the target area that lasts up to 4 seconds, which enemies cannot walk through.
Dark Procession can be targeted by enemy champion basic attacks and takes 1 damage per attack, dissolving after taking enough damage. Turret shots instantly dissolves the wall no matter how much health it has.
E - ACTIVE: Yorick hurls a globule of Black Mist that splashes across an off-centered area, dealing 15% of target's current health magic damage to all enemies hit, down to a minimum threshold.
70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+ 70% AP)
Affected enemy champions and monsters are Slow icon slowed by 30% for 2 seconds, and marked for 4 seconds, during which Yorick gains 20% bonus movement speed when moving towards them.
R - ACTIVE: Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist, who remains on the battlefield until her death.
Hunters Talisman isn't a great option since you only ever use 2 ability's and they have a high cool down so they are never spammed and when farming you mostly rely on auto attacks and your Last Rites.
Blue Buff Route
Which should be Blue Buff > Gromp > Wolves > Gank Mid or Top -> If you have enough HP go get red (if your enemy has a jungler that may try to counter jungle you).Benefits: This route is the best route due to the fact that you are a single target figher with no AOE abilties. It keeps your HP high so that you are able to Gank lanes easier.
Down Sides to taking this route is if enemy has a counter jungler they can steal your red buff, Starting from Red Buff gives more experience earlier but is harder to do.
Red Buff Route
I personally don't try to start from red side no matter what.Route: Red Buff > Krugs > Birds > Crab > Gank Mid or Bot, If you have enough Hp go ahead and clear Blue side too since it is way easier than red side.
Benefits: With this route you get by far the best experience. You can even be lvl 3 in 3-4 mins. Great route for 3 lvl gankers like Shaco,Xin Zhao, Lee Sin etc.
Down Sides: This route have many mob spawns and if you dont have any aoe skills it is really hard to do it. It is time consuming but great on gaining exp and its also good if you know (or believe in your laners to do well early game).
Stalker's Blade If the enemy team has someone that can kite you out take Stalkers, But you can always swap out Trinity Force for Iceborn Gauntlet for the slow and Sheen effect.
Stalker's Blade and Enchantment: Bloodrazor is better if you have multiple mobile champions or someone that can kite you early game before getting the rest of your build.
Tracker's Knife is normally better in higher elo's which allows more vision but still have the dueling capability but never go Trackers Knife with Bloodrazer Enhancement as it serves no purpose and really isn't needed.
Boots of Swiftness are also a good viable option when up against champions that are able to slow you for example: Nasus - Wither (W).
Berserker's Greaves are good if you are going down the attack speed path due to the synergy with Guinsoo's Rageblade (helps you build the stacks faster).
Mercury's Treads are good against teams with a lot of crowd control or if you are constantly being targeted by CC due to being far ahead.
Skirmisher's Sabre: Warrior - Challenging Smite can be cast on enemy champions, Revealing them for 4 seconds, reducing their damage against you by 20% and making them take 60 - 162 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds from your basic attacks for the duration.
Or you can take Tracker's Knife if you need the vision or are in a higher elo/confident about playing him.
Tracker's Knife: Warrior - Consumes a charge to place a Stealth Ward at the target location (600 range), which reveals the surrounding area for 150 seconds. Holds up to 2 charges which refill upon visiting the shop.
Ninja Tabi - UNIQUE – ENHANCED MOVEMENT: +45 flat movement speed
UNIQUE: Reduces incoming damage from all basic attacks by 10% (excluding turret shots). Does not reduce damage of on-hit effects, it does however reduce damage of basic attack modifiers.
Trinity Force - UNIQUE – RAGE: Basic attacks (on-hit) grant +20 flat movement speed for 2 seconds. Killing a unit grants +60 flat movement speed instead. Bonus movement speed is halved on Ranged role ranged champions.
UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals (200% base AD) on-hit bonus damage (1.5 second cooldown).
- Iceborn Gauntlet - UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals (100% base AD) on-hit bonus damage (1.5 second cooldown).
UNIQUE – ICY ZONE: Triggering Spellblade also deals (100% base AD) physical damage to enemies surrounding the target and creates a icy zone for 2 seconds, which Slow icon slows enemies within by 30%. The zone has a radius of 180 (+ 55% bonus armor) units.
Stalker's Blade: Bloodrazor - Chilling Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing 28 - 166 (based on level) true damage and stealing 20% of their movement speed for 2 seconds.
Ninja Tabi - UNIQUE – ENHANCED MOVEMENT: +45 flat movement speed
UNIQUE: Reduces incoming damage from all basic attacks by 10% (excluding turret shots). Does not reduce damage of on-hit effects, it does however reduce damage of basic attack modifiers.
Trinity Force - UNIQUE – RAGE: Basic attacks (on-hit) grant +20 flat movement speed for 2 seconds. Killing a unit grants +60 flat movement speed instead. Bonus movement speed is halved on Ranged role ranged champions.
UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals (200% base AD) on-hit bonus damage (1.5 second cooldown).
or instead
- Iceborn Gauntlet - UNIQUE – SPELLBLADE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds deals (100% base AD) on-hit bonus damage (1.5 second cooldown).
UNIQUE – ICY ZONE: Triggering Spellblade also deals (100% base AD) physical damage to enemies surrounding the target and creates a icy zone for 2 seconds, which Slow icon slows enemies within by 30%. The zone has a radius of 180 (+ 55% bonus armor) units.
- UNIQUE: Basic attacks grant +8% attack speed, +3 attack damage and +4 ability power for 5 seconds, stacking up to 6 times, granting a total of +48% attack speed, +18 attack damage and +24 ability power. At 6 stacks, gain GUINSOO'S RAGE.
UNIQUE – GUINSOO'S RAGE: Every other basic attack will trigger on-hit effects an additional time.
Titanic Hydra - If you want to concentrate on split pushing this is an optimal item but wont help you much in team fights.
Ravenous Hydra - If you are needing more sustain and the enemy team has 3 or mode melee champions this is great for dueling.
Bloodthirster - If you are looking for Life Steal and raw damage then this is a great choice, You can take this instead of Guardian Angel.
Sterak's Gage - It synergize' well with Trinity Force but is normally not the best item to take unless you find yourself being targeted and need the attack damage.
Maw of Malmortius is good against Burst Champions like Zoe (Normally the case now until she gets nerfed).
Never take Gargoyles Stoneplate because you are never in a fight long enough since your will take most of the damage and act as a peel since it will always push before the team (And is normally focused due to the amount of damage it does).
Randuin's Omen is the best if you're going against a fed or annoying crit damage champion (Tristana, Vayne, Jhin) and also has a good active for team fighting (Catch up to low health carries or an annoying support).
Thornmail is really good choice against a full AD team or multiple targets that are able to lifesteal from you.
Guardian Angel is probably the best choice here since it allows you to be the for front of the team fights and also give you an escape if your support/tank is still alive with the ability to peel.
Frozen Heart is good against people that are primarily attack speed (Champions like Kogmaw), It slows down champions attack speed by 15% which allows you to survive easier and take down the enemy carries.
Sunfire Cape is viable but 90% of the time you dont want it due to the Passive, Since if you walk into lane and accidently hit a enemy minion with it your Mist Walkers will stay in that lane and endlessly push it.
- Has the abiltiy to solo Dragon, Rift Herald and Baron.
- Has very High Sustain in Jungle.
- Has the abilty to slow a target which makes it great for ganking a lane with no CC.
- His ultimate allows you to outduel almost anybody and also makes solo pushing lanes a breeze.
- Slightly mana hungry early game but easily manageable.
- No gap closer due to the fact that he is melee (Relies on hitting your E or a laner CC).
- Kind of useless without ghouls/maiden.
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