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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order R>Q>W>E
Whisper (PASSIVE)
Jhin Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents | ||
1. Introduction Some informations about me and guide. 2. Pros and Cons Intormations about advantages and disadvantages of Jhin. 3. Runes More about runes. 4. Summoners Quick about summoner spells. 5. Abilities Briefly about skill sequence. |
6. Items Build order, cores, situationals, example full build. 7. Champions More about counters, match-ups and synergies. 8. Tips and Tricks Tricky stuff. 9. Other Guides Mine other guides. |
Hello everyone, I'm HG White
from EUNE. I'm playing league since 2012 but I still learn about this game. I'll give you some tips/advices about Jhin. Maybe he is really hard to master, but after seeing this guide you should know what you're doing. Please give me your feedback to improve my guides :D.
+ Very long-range poke + Always crit with 4th attack + Good scaling + With criticals really good kiting + High damage Jhin has got single target burst damage. Remember that crits give you movement speed. When you are reloding you can't attack so use spells (generally Dancing Grenade) to farm while doing this. |
- Low early mobility - Can't do anything with basics when reloading - Easy to catch with gap closers - Skillshots - Paper Jhin is hard to master champion. You can't last hit with basics while you are reloading so you have to spent mana. Jhin doesn't have any mobility except his basic attacks (critical strike). He is susceptible to gap closers. |
Fleet Footwork
- 5.4 Attack Damage (adaptive) - some amount of damage that helps killing creeps in early, fighting and scaling your abilities (every ability scale with AD)
- 5.4 Attack Damage (adaptive) - same as above
- 6 Armor - in my opinion armor in this meta is the best choice on bot lane (lot of ad junglers and also agressive bot laners). (15-90) Health (by lvl) or 8 Magic Resist can be taken in some situations. Health against mixed damage carries like Ezreal and magic resist against lot of magic damage (especially adc and support like Kai'Sa, Brand etc.
Fleet Footwork vs Press the Attack vs Lethal Tempo vs Conqueror - Fleet is more suitable cause works well with Rapid Firecannon and gives Jhin sustain. Other runes are just ok or bad. Press the Attack isn't that good cause of low attack speed. Lethal Tempo is just bad because jhin does not have profit of attack speed cap remove. Conqueror gives a bit "burst" and it could be good but not that much because jhins attack speed is very low.
Presence of Mind is acctually best rune for jhin due to his mana problems. +500 maximum mana after 5 takedowns and also mana in teamfights after that helps a lot. Also with that you don't have to rush essence reaver.
Triumph can give you high advantage in duels especially against Ignite or damage over time spells, also it gives bonus gold for takedowns - good rune.
But Overheal it's bit better after changes because it works well with Fleet Footwork, Legend: Bloodline, Taste of Blood, Ravenous Hunter, supports with Relic Shield and supports with heal like Sona, Soraka etc.
Legend: Tenacity is not recommended on adc. Legend: Alacrity doesn't work good as Legend: Bloodline (especially after changes 10 -> 20 stacks BUT 8 -> 12% life steal) on Jhin (for me of course) because this champ doesn't got additional attack speed. Attack speed cannot be improved and it transforms into attack damage - (0,25 % AD per 1% attack speed so - 4,5% at 18% of alacrity). So you'll tell: Hey White it's 4,5% bonus AD! It's insane value. In my opinion 4,5% damage < 12% lifesteal.
Quick math for some amounts:
- 100AD + 4,5% AD + 0% lifesteal = 104,5 AD and 0 healing from each attack
100AD + 0% AD + 12% lifesteal = 100 AD and 12 health from each attack
- 300AD + 4,5% AD + 0% lifesteal = 313,5 AD and 0 healing from each attack
300AD + 0% AD + 12% lifesteal = 300 AD and 36 healing from each attack
Coup de Grace [7%], Cut Down [4-10%] and Last Stand [5-11%] - what should you choose? I think it depends on team compositions. If your opponents have got 2 tanks and off tank or 3+ tanks you should choose Cut Down. If your team has got incredibly shielding and enemies has got mostly off tanks you should take Last Stand cause they can't execute you and Jhin is going to deal high damage at low or even medium health. Other options should be Coup de Grace because it's good rune almost always.
Second runes:
nimbys cloak
Gathering Storm
We want to max out Dancing Grenade, because it's our main damage dealer. Also it hasn't got long cooldown so it help with last hitting while reloading. Then Deadly Flourish, because it allows you to make higher damage from range and longer root duration. We level up Captive Audience last because we don't need this that much early cause it's easy to dodge. |
Early game try to poke enemies with Dancing Grenade but don't comne to them and use that Q. Try to make minions health low and then use Q on one of them - damage increase for each kill (up to 105% bonus damage). It can deal insane damage as Miss Fortune's Double Up, example:
Don't waste Deadly Flourish to deal a bit amount of damage (unless you've got Manaflow Band or someone stepped on your trap) - it has 14 sec cooldown. If your jungler is going to gank, hold it and use just in time to root for about 1 sec (early).
Captive Audience - level up this at 5 or even later (sometimes I level up this at 13). You should use it as a wards, traps and sometimes in fight. Wards:
*still getting database
Match-ups |
Synergies |
Ashe, Caitlyn, Corki, Draven | SUPPORTS WILL BE HERE |
build changes: |
build changes: |
More about Jhin
1. Use your Q Dancing Grenade to poke enemy champions, but use it when minions are low (it will increase damage by 35% per minion killed (up to 105% - 3 kills).
2. While using ultimate Curtain Call care about assassins and high crowd control like Leona or Nautilus. You should look at enemies to shot then at yourself to watch out for hunters (on you of course).
More about ADC role
1. Use wards. Your support isn't the only person in team that should buy Control Wards. Don't be scare to spend 75 gold, it's about 3 melee minions - it can save you from enemy jungler or roaming midlaner. It's better to spend 75 gold than give 300 gold to enemy and lose farm.
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