I only poke him with E's and try to never go into passive proc range, since if he decides to all-in me, I'll need to waste summoner spells to survive. He's too tanky to kill, but he can't kill Lux either if she stays far enough away.
Before 6, I'll harass her with E-AA (she won't be able to punish since her charm doesn't pass through minions and even if her Q hits, it deals less damage through my W than I deal to her. Post-6 I'm mindful of how I use my Q's - if I miss, she can use it as a window of opportunity to go in and I might need to waste my flash to dodge her E if she does. As a general rule I'll play close to my turret after 6, 'cause a good Ahri might be able to kill me otherwise. I'll poke her with E without going for passive procs. There's a slight delay between the casts of her R, so I'll try to use my Q right after she uses one charge as it's easier to hit.
I'll harass her with E-AA pre-6. Lux outdamages her with E-AA-Q-AA if she shields too and if Akali W's, I'll retreat. After 6 I won't trade, only poke with E's and farm. Barrier is enough to save any all-ins she might attempt, and if I Q her under my tower during a dive, she's usually dead. Constantly staying behind minions makes it so she can't E and would need to commit her R to gap close. Worth noting her E can take her back to her W if she used it on her shroud on first cast.
During early stages of laning phase, Lux can definitely outdamage Anivia, especially because Anivia's Q is telegraphed and easy to dodge (however if it does look like it'll hit, I'll W myself and still outdamage her). It's possible to have pressure in this lane before 6 and farm better, but she's still unkillable thanks to her passive. Once she gets RoA, I'll stay out of her W range, a good Anivia can Q-W into a stun and kill anyone with the sustained damage from her R. After 6 her waveclear is one of the best so I need her dead with no TP or a herald to push mid tower.
I'll try to trade a lot and win lane early since that's the only time I'm going in for passive procs. After 6, if she catches a stun with Tibbers, usually both Barrier and Flash need to be used to survive. Building Banshee's Veil can help dissuade her forced Flash + R engages.
Aurelion Sol
Pushes since level 1 and forces Lux to farm under tower - which is usually hard, especially with no time to set up the ranged creeps. He is THE champion for early roams, and I'll usually warn my team ever since champ select that I can't follow and that they need to back off when they see '?' pings, as early as level 3. I will however try to ward his sides of the lane to tell if he's actually roaming or just staying out of vision to create pressure.
I avoid long trades with him, as his sustained damage is too much for Lux to deal with - short trades are the way to go. I'll try to use my Q as he casts his soldiers and has a harder time reacting to skillshots. Being next to his tower post-6 is usually a bad idea if his R is up, a good Azir can quickly push me under his tower or cost me my Flash.
If she hits her Q, I'll wait for the movement speed burst to fade before using my Q. If I hit, I'll follow up with AA-E-AA; if not, I'll W and walk away. Mercury's Treads are a good buy here if I'm losing lane, and can get them really early - Lost Chapter > Merc's > Luden's Echo. After 6 if she's trying to chase me down, I won't risk turning around to Q since she might use that time to stun me with her R. Also if I'm getting low on HP I'll Flash immediately and not give her time to cast W and ground me.
Mostly this lane is a farm fest, Corki is too tanky to kill - and most of them buy Hexdrinker early anyway. I'll just be careful to ping my teammates when I know he has package up (and keep in mind he has another cast of W after using said package).
I'll take as much advantage of my range as I can before 3 - trades are easy to win when she has no gap closer and her Q is easy to dodge, but after 3 I'll stay away. She usually rushes a pure AP item (ex: Rabadon) and has more damage than Lux - she's also unkillable unless I can proc a full combo with passives, but if I can do that it means I'm in range of her E and very much dead. Her E has a reset when she uses it on a target afflicted with her Q debuff, so she can Q a minion, E to it, E to me and pull me in with R if I'm not careful. She's not a huge problem in lane, but turns into a monster later on.
When he goes out of vision, he's probably trying to hide his W cast animation and sound to surprise you with a stun, so I'll walk further away until he shows up again. Unless his stun hits, his Q is easily dodgeable so I try to take as many early trades as I can or just straight up take advantage of my range and poke with with AA's. Lux's Q doesn't let him R.
REACTIVE lane, not proactive - this means I need to wait for him to make mistakes rather than go for random trades, I only AA him from range as we farm. Won't use my spells unless I've previously baited out his E (he can be harassed level 1 with E-AA if he starts W). Before 6 when he tries to go in, I'll W and cast E around myself, but won't detonate it until he finishes his E cast. He will either go out of my E range and not deal damage, or deal less damage through my W than I deal with E-AA. After he uses his Q, I'll use mine too since there are no more mobility abilities left, but won't stick around for further AA trades. Ideally after 6 I dodge his R, but if I don't, I'll use my Barrier (or stopwatch if it's up), W+E myself, detonate after his E, AA+Q+R+AA and he should be dead.
Won't kill him, but he can't really kill me either since they've nerfed him and he can no longer W+Flash. Farm fest, but Lux has the potential to be more useful late game picking off enemies.
I'll start E and poke him with passive procs level 1, but I'll get W level 2 to be able to deny his Q harass when he tries to fight back. Early on I'll do my best to time my AA's and kill his barrels, but if I don't manage it, I'll just stay away from them, poking and farming with E from range. As the game progresses, unless I hit 2 Q's in the 20s cooldown of his W, it's unlikely I'll kill him, so I'll just keep my R to clear waves and have good back timings. He outscales Lux no matter what so there's no real point in my jungler coming mid, it's usually better if he focuses on other lanes.
Level 1 I'll rush to lane and kill his little turrets as he places them if I can. Other than that, most of the laning phase is spent under tower for Lux and I focus on getting as much CS as I can. I avoid roaming in this match-up, as he won't follow and is going to push fast and get plates. This is not as much of a threat because of the kill pressure, but he'll easily get ahead by farming better while I'm struggling under tower. However, ganks can definitely shut Heimer down and make him think twice before playing up to my turret again, so I'll try to ping my jungler for assistance.
Surviving this lane is all about paying close attention to allied minions' HP, as she her Q resets if it kills her target. I'll generally make a point to stay behind the line my ranged minions form in lane. I'll poke her with E without going for passive procs. I'll usually only use my Q if I see one of my creeps getting low on HP and predict she's going to dash to it - if I hit, I'll follow it up with a full combo. Keeping the wave next to my tower is a must or any minion I try to last hit brings the risk of her all-in. Her first power-spike is Sheen and after she finishes Trinity Force, I won't be able to touch her unless I bait her into diving.
He won't be able to land his Q if I stay behind my creeps, so I'll go for E-AA trades; if he tries to trade back with E, that puts him in melee range and it's fairly easy to land a Q into another passive proc. He can't out-trade Lux, especially not through her shield. The fact that I buy Seeker's Armguard/Ninja Tabi (or both) gives him just as much of a rough time as his Hexdrinker gives me.
I out-range him, so I just poke with E without going for passive procs and putting myself in a position to lose a trade. I'll build Zhonya's for his R, but there's no point rushing it as it doesn't deal that much damage early on. If he's some sort of god that lands every single Q, I'll get some Mercury's Treads. He's fairly immobile and pushes easily, so my jungler usually has no issue ganking him and slowing him down from scaling into a late game monster. I'll also spam ping when he's close to 6/gets 6, so my teammates are reminded to back or avoid fights if they're low on HP.
Kassadin is a level 5 threat not because of his laning phase, but because he's absolutely unkillable at level 16 and since I don't trust my teammates to end before that point, I almost always ban him. On the off-chance that he does go unbanned though, I'll E-AA him pre-6 and use my W (I get it at level 2) when he tries to trade back. I'll also do my best to weave in as many autoattacks as I can when he goes for minion last hit. After 6 I just farm safely and stay close to my tower. I don't waste my Q randomly, I wait for him to use his R first. I usually have a hard time killing him in lane without a jungler, despite winning heavily in trades, because of his passive and because whenever he gets too low on health, he just goes B and teleports back. I need a jungler in this match-up if I have any hope of being even remotely as useful as Kassadin is, which is another reason why I ban it. Can also go for a Cull start.
REACTIVE lane, not proactive. At level 1, I'll E-AA and after that I'll only poke with E. At level 2 she usually looks for an opportunity to Q+E+AA+dagger passive+electrocute and burst me down, so I take W second and negate a lot of her damage while I out-trade her with E-AA (and I keep autoattacking as she runs away). Fighting in my minion wave also draws aggro and makes it harder for her to win trades. At level 3 she definitely wants to go in, so I stay out of her Q range - unless I have significantly more HP than her (or have Barrier up) and want to bait her. I'll shield myself as she jumps and will use E and keep autoattacking her, holding my Q until she has no more E resets. Most of the time she forgets I still have Barrier and keeps fighting me. She's the ultimate snowballing champion, so she's constantly looking for roams and I need to keep the pixel bush towards bot lane warded, or my own jungle to see her if she takes that path.
Level 1 I'll poke her with E-AA, after that I'll stick to farming safely with E and staying out of her W range. More often than not I'll find myself behind in this lane, but that's normal. When she goes in, I'll first use the E for the slow and then I'll try to land a Q. If I feel like she bursts me down whenever I step foot in lane, I'll go Lost Chapter into Mercury's Treads into Luden's. In tough scenarios where the enemies have a magic damage jungler and I'm getting camped, I'll get a Banshee's before finishing Luden's. This delays my power spike quite a lot, but then again, so does dying. On the off chance that I get her low on HP and use E to try to finish her off but she uses W to dash away, I'll cast my R towards the original W position, a lot of LeBlanc players will return to it on reflex.
Lux outranges her and it's easy to poke her down while also farming with E. I'll avoid standing behind my minions to not take damage from her prolonged Q as she farms. She will look for roams since she has easy kill setup with the targetable CC. Her E can make for some very creative paths (even jumping two different walls of terrain at once) to gank other lanes. I usually try to focus on more accessible targets in teamfights, she's too hard to lock down and take out given her Protobelt/Zhonya's/E/R + Aftershock.
Very difficult lane, he can dodge Lux's Q every time with his E. I'll get W 2nd for early trades (personally I value dealing less damage and taking none in return more than potentially dealing more damage but getting burst down). I just try to farm safely with E and go for a defensive build - Lost Chapter into Ninja Tabi into Seeker's Armguard into Luden's. Can also use E for poke but I won't go for passive procs.
She has bad wave clear and will have to get close to minions to farm, so I'll poke her accordingly with E-AA. Her R makes it hard to kill her, but the constant harass into Q+E+R all-ins is enough to kick her out of lane, missing gold/XP. However, most people will only pick Lulu mid (or Janna, or Taric for that matter) in case they have a Twitch/Master Yi jungle. Despite the gold funneling strategy nerfs, they can still be an effective duo and perma-pushing is hard when a Twitch might sneak up mid at any point. What I need to watch out for are level 2 ganks with red buff (and any potential follow up ganks). It's usually easy to tell if Lulu is preparing for a gank, as she'll let the wave push into her and not attack the minions, but I'll do the same. The best way to deal with them is hitting Q's frequently and following it up with the full combo, forcing her R since it has a higher CD than mine.
Lux's E removes his passive with just the slow, so I can E - wait 0.5s - E. If I go for passive procs, I'll use W when he E's me and I won't walk back immediately (that's where he'll throw his Q) - instead, I'll walk forward or stand still. He's hard to solo kill, as I need to focus on farming when he tries to push me in 24/7, but if I focus down the voidlings, that does slow down his push and it only takes 1 autoattack.
I outrange her with E, but won't go for passive procs, as it looks obvious and it makes it easy for her to hit E-Q. When she's casting her R, she's standing still so hitting a Q-E-R combo on her is free. If she's a good Neeko and finds good flanks, I'll buy a Zhonya's for her R - it's telegraphed and good reactions aren't even necessary to use the active properly.
At level 1 I'll E-AA. After that, my Q-AA-E-AA-E/Q-E-AA-E-AA deals more damage than her Q-W-AA-AA and my shield is stronger, but it's harder for Lux to hit a Q than it is for Orianna - if I miss it, she'll zone me further away from the minions. She'll most likely keep her ball up in the lane to zone and this opens her up for E poke since she can't shield herself immediately. Later on she has enough damage and cooldowns to kill Lux and Lux can't kill her, so staying out of her Q range is the way to go. Also it's very important to ALWAYS keep track of her ball during teamfights.
I'll poke with E and can go for passive procs, but that will put me in her E range. If she does jump to me, I'll shield myself as she AA-Q's once and then grabs another element (which resets both her Q CD and her passive damage). This leaves her with no more mobility abilities, vulnerable to my Q. Pointless calling my jungler for help as she can go invisible with her Q twice in a short span of time. After level 6 it's important to keep track of my surroundings, her R stuns when it knocks a champion back into a brush/wall/river. I'll pay attention to her whereabouts during baron/drake fights especially or she'll quickly wipe out the whole team with a well placed R. She needs to snowball to be useful, she'll try roaming bot/top after 6. It's usually easier for Lux to get a pick than it is for her later on. Zhonya's/Ninja Tabi are both great buys when not doing great against her.
Early on I'll deal more damage with E-AA than he does, so I'll do my best to harass him then. After he gets Catalyst of Aeons (which is pretty early), I'll stop having any sort of kill pressure on him. He's never really my priority in teamfights as far as damage is concerned (he'll have RoA, Seraph's, Zhonya's), I'll just be a CC bot and land my Q-E and zone him so that the rest of my team can hopefully deal with him.
Her Q and E are both easy to dodge. Usually a farm fest. I might go Cleanse if they have a lot of other CC on their team or if their jungler is something like Elise
Can constantly harass him with E and even go for passive procs if I'm in a position to hit a Q as well - in that case it doesn't matter if he does his full combo, I'll still outdamage him. At 6, I'll stay out of his range and poke safely with E. After he gets RoA/Zhonya's he's unkillable and I'll only ever really Q+E him in fights, holding my R for squishier targets.
Lux out-ranges him and I'll go for passive procs as long as there's at least 1 minion betweens us. I'll trade with him if I land my Q, as my Q-AA-E-AA deals more damage than he does through my W. Important to remember that his W heals more when he's low on HP and it can come as a surprise, even at early levels. Later on I'll try to Q+E+R without letting him get close to me.
I'll farm and poke safely with E while being mindful of the balls on the ground and not being at an angle where she can E me into a stun. When I land a Q I'll go for the E-R, but I won't step up for any passive procs unless I'm 100% sure it will kill her (if it doesn't, my position/movement will be telegraphed and she'll have an easy time stunning me, possibly costing my my flash/barrier/life). Zhonya's can be a helpful too in denying her R damage, but as a general rule I'll avoid being that close for her to R.
No reason whatsoever to be in her W range, I'll farm and poke safely with E. If I land a Q, I'll follow it up with a full combo and force her back. Post-6 she'll be looking for roams around the map and needs to be pinged as missing immediately, her R makes me reach side lanes very fast.
REACTIVE lane, not proactive. I'll farm and poke safely with E, but won't go for passive procs after level 2. My W is enough to nullify his W, but I won't stick around to trade back, his all-in burst is extreme. He can start roaming as early as level 3 using his E and once he gets fed in a side lane, he'll get fed from me as well. He's hard to follow since Lux is immobile, and without good vision setup in my own jungle it's difficult to know whether or not he's roaming bot/top or waiting to kill me. I'll spam pings and buy control wards and if I can see his movements, I'll follow and try to help my teammates. If I can't follow, I'll try to push in, but will probably not go for plates unless I have vision on him - his E makes him really fast and Mobility Boots only add to that. I'll build Zhonya's for his R and honestly for the armor (Ninja Tabi are a good purchase as well).
Twisted Fate
I'll poke him with E-AA and I'll be somewhat aggressive since I out-trade him. He will look to gank side lanes once he gets level 6, so I'll warn my teammates when he's close to it. Usually unkillable after RoA, but Cleanse makes Lux unkillable too.
I'll poke him with E-AA early on and force out his TP. After level 3 I'll avoid passive procs unless I trust my happy feet to dodge his Q-W inside his cage. All in all, I out-range him and he's an easy target for a one-shot before he gets Zhonya's (I'll get a Zhonya's of my own for his R). He scales extremely well though so having a jungler drop by and shut him down early is a good idea.
I poke him with E without going for passive procs after level 3, as he'll deal more damage with his combo, even through my W. He can constantly push me in and poke under tower with Q while I'm forced to use all my mana to CS. The best advice I have for this match-up is "just dodge and CS enough to stay relevant". I'll build Zhonya's for his R and if I feel like I'm having a really rough time, I'll get Mercury's Treads.
I'll poke him with E-AA. If I land my Q, he can't deal the same damage through my W. As he gets some items it's safer to stick to E poke and since he'll probably go for Barrier/Cleanse, harassing him out of lane is the most I can do. After level 6 I stop trying to fight him, instead just E-R-ing him after a good Q.
I'll poke him with E and go for passive procs when his second bar is low (so his Q heals less and deals less damage). Despite the constant poke, he's still hard to kill due to his sustain, and I won't bother using my R simply because I've landed a Q without baiting out his W first (28s CD lvl 1). I'll stay behind minions when he's charging his E - also after level 6 if I'm low and I see him charging his E just barely in range of me (and know he has flash + R up), it's a good idea to flash away preemptively. He's a late game monster and I definitely need Zhonya's for his R. Also Morello to somewhat diminish his healing (I'll ask my AD to build Executioner's if he hasn't already).
Just like Vel'koz, Xerath simply does what Lux does in lane, but better. His combo always deals more damage. Most Xeraths won't Q right on top of a champion, but to one of its sides. I try to notice which direction he usually goes for and dodge the opposite way (or I'll use W if it looks like the Q is about to hit). He clears the wave with W-Q, but Lux doesn't have the same luxury, so it's good to make peace with the fact that he might have better CS as I'm pushed in 24/7 - however that does leave him vulnerable to ganks. If my jungler doesn't come, I'll farm to the best of my ability and hope I can get better picks later on than he can.
REACTIVE lane, not proactive - the only way to win this match-up is through Yasuo's mistakes. I won't step up higher than the line my ranged minions form in lane to avoid him dashing to me with E. I'll AA him whenever he comes close enough to remove his passive, but I won't waste my spells if he still has minions to jump to and dodge (if I hit anything, I'll proc my passive, as long as I STAY BEHIND THE LINE MY RANGED MINIONS FORM IN LANE). After 6 it's ideal if I'm around half HP and I get hit by a Q under my tower and he gets baited into diving me with R, forgetting I have barrier up. Otherwise he's hard to kill (ahead or not) without jungle help. His W doesn't stop Lux's R.
REACTIVE LANE, not proactive. Levels 1-2 I'll go for E-AA trades. At level 3 my W can mitigate some of his W-Q damage. As a general rule, bad Zeds will cast W on top of a champion (or in the same line that he forms with that champion), in which case it's easy to dodge to the side. Good Zeds will cast W to one of the sides of a champion (let's assume right) and then use Q towards the left side, because the first instict is to dodge left when seeing a shadow to the right - however dodging to the right is the right option. His Q is easier to dodge than Lux's E, so I'll focus on poking him down before 6. Unless he's very low on HP, I won't risk missing my Q if I know his R is up. If I'm low on HP, but have stopwatch/barrier, I'll try baiting him and casting Q behind me (where his R always goes). I go Lost Chapter - Seeker's Armguard - Zhonya's - Luden's even when I'm winning lane, to always nullify his R. Ninja tabi can be useful too. Important to remember that dying once (to a gank or just solo to Zed) makes this lane be over for Lux. Falling just a tiny bit behind can cause a snowball that will win him the game.
Lux out-ranges him so I'll poke accordingly with E (his Q is easier to dodge than my E) and try forcing him into a bad back. After he gets level 2, I'll refrain from passive procs (and will generally stay out of his autoattack range) since his W and E can be thrown through minions, Zhonya's nullifies his R.
Lux's trade damage is significantly better than his early on, so I'll go for E+AA passive procs and I'll use W whenever it looks like his Q will hit. I'll force his R with my own whenever I'm able to.
I'll poke with E and go for Illumination procs as long as I'm behind minions. She will just try to clear waves with her Paddle Star, so I won't stand in the way of the projectile; she doesn't have a way of catching Lux out. When she Portal Jumps and her initial location is in range for my spells, I'll cast my Q and all-in her.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Jarvan IV
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Lee Sin
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Master Yi
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strenghts and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Nunu & Willump
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strenghts and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as theAll junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.y're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Xin Zhao
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Jarvan IV
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Lee Sin
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Master Yi
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strenghts and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Nunu & Willump
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strenghts and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as theAll junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.y're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Xin Zhao
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
All junglers have their strengths and weaknesses, so take this whole "synergies" section with a grain of salt as they're mostly rated by how reliably they can hit their CC so that Lux may follow up with her Q.
Also Lux prefers AD junglers as opposed to Magic Damage based ones, so that the enemy mid laner can't stack MR.
Hiii, I'm Anca and I used to be a Lux onetrick for the longest time (I started playing League and immediately fell in love with her somewhere in S5 when I ended Gold V up until S9 when I ended Master). I probably have somewhere around 2 million mastery points on her combined on all my accounts and this guide started as a Word document for one of my friends who wanted to learn Lux at the time, but I figured others might benefit from it too so here we are!
I queue support/mid now, but on the off chance I get mid (which is rare) you can witness my very washed up hands playing Lux if you drop by my stream! (I usually try to be educational and talk about the things I'm doing during the game/answering any questions)
Lux's Q is a great zoning/kiting tool that makes enemies think twice before advancing towards her, and hitting it gives her team a window to get free damage on the enemy front line or time to run away. That said, if there's easier CC to land on my team than Light Binding (ex: Nami's Tidal Wave, Riven's Ki Burst, Fiddlesticks's Terrify), I'll wait for that CC to hit first and then continue the CC chain with my Q.
Depending on whether I'm the primary carry or not, I'll decide if my Q is better put to use trying to catch the squishy Sona and killing her, or snaring the enemy Rengar that's just about to jump my Lucian. The Light Binding can hit as many as 2 different targets, so if I'm trying to catch my laner off-guard, I'll try to aim it through an enemy minion. Part of the animation can be cancelled and the cast is faster when Lux uses Light Binding- Flash.
When chasing enemy champions, it can be a good idea to hold on to my Q for as long as I can - I'll have a higher chance to land it since the enemies will walk in a zig-zag trying to dodge it.
Lux's W can be a potent defensive tool, so it's good to keep an eye out for the teammates that are getting dangerously low on HP. Thrill of the Hunt mark on my AD carry? Soraka is getting low from Zed's Ignite? Enemy Ezreal just cast his Trueshot Barrage? I always try to keep track of my Prismatic Barrier cooldown to help my teammates out when I can.
Notable mention: when I'm getting all-in'd and want to run away, I'll W towards the direction I'm running to if I want the shield to come back faster.
During laning phase, Lucent Singularity is useful for harassing the enemy laner and farming (in tough match-ups where walking up to the wave is difficult without dying, Lux can E-wait for it to detonate-E-E the ranged creeps). Post laning phase, the key words for Lux's E are zone and poke. I'll use it as part of my combo when trying to kill someone, but if I'm playing the fight slowly, I'll settle for harassing my enemies with it. In case I miss it, I'll let it detonate by itself, as it creates a slowing zone the enemies won't want to pass through. I also won't detonate it right away if there's an enemy inside it, since the slow can help me land my Light Binding.
Another use for it is when an enemy champion is chasing me down, I'll cast Lucent Singularity on myself and run away, as the slow usually dissuades their attempts to catch up to me.
On top of that, Lucent Singularity provides vision so I can use it to not have to face-check dangerous brushes, or to see Baron Nashor's HP despite the enemy team's Control Ward in the pit.
I'll usually avoid dumping my R on the first full HP tank that happens to be the closest to me only so my team can't spam ping it's ready after the enemies ace us; instead, I'll try to hold on to it for a good opportunity to blow up a high-value (ideally previously CC'd) target. This doesn't mean I'll only ever keep my R to finish off a kill - if I find a way to R Zyra, Neeko and Fiora, that's good too, I don't always need to keep it for the Vayne. The point I'm trying to make is just that it's suboptimal to waste it on the 3k HP, 200MR Maokai and Trundle just because they're stunned.
Additionally, during laning phase Lux's E+R combo is very useful in clearing out waves without cannon minions. It's also great at sniping targets low on HP or stealing objectives in tandem with Lucent Singularity.
Luden's Tempest
Ideally this is my first item as it helps with Lux's full combo burst and ranged minion waveclear, but if I'm losing lane I will get Lost Chapter for the mana sustain, rush a defensive item ( Seeker's Armguard or Verdant Barrier, whichever the situation calls for), and then finish Luden's Tempest.
Liandry's Anguish
Better mythic option than Luden's Tempest if playing into tanks that stack HP/MR. Also useful for the mythic passive empowering other legendary items with ability haste.
Crown of the Shattered Queen
I never want to be forced to build this since Luden's Tempest is such a good item on Lux and I should be able to avoid any threats with good positioning. However if the enemy assassins are too fed, this item is valuable.
Rabadon's Deathcap
Pretty straight-forward buy as it enhances Lux's one-shot potential by a lot. Depending on how well I'm doing and how much MR the enemies have bought, this is my 2nd, 3rd or 4th item (not counting boots).
A must have into AD match-ups. If I'm not against an all-in champion like Zed or Fizz and I need the armor, I'll just buy the Seeker's Armguard and finish the full item later.
If I go base and am left with 350g, I'll buy a Dark Seal. If I get 8-10 stacks on it, I'll upgrade it to Mejai's Soulstealer.
Banshee's Veil
Very useful if I'm losing an AP match-up, or if I need the extra defense against a double AP mid-jungle threat (ex: Syndra+ Evelynn). Also a worthy mention if I'm playing against a long range engage tool, such as Rocket Grab or Glacial Prison.
At level 9 I always get Farsight Alteration, as it has multiple uses, especially for Lux. It can give vision for a snipe, it can give vision for Baron Nashor, it prevents you from having to face check dangerous bushes and provides vision for your team during a fight.
Control Ward
Control Wards are some of the most important items, and they're only 75g. During early/mid game, I'll place it in one of the pixel brushes and I'll try to always have another one in my inventory in case it gets removed by an enemy. However if I'm getting constantly pushed in and my jungler is losing too, I'll place it in the brush at raptors and play to that side, to avoid potential dives. I'll often keep buying Control Wards even when I only have 1 item spot if I don't have enough gold to buy a full item - one well placed Control Ward can make a bigger difference than a Blasting Wand.
Elixir of Sorcery
Useful when already on full build for more AP and mana regen, but I'll also buy it if I have gold before a Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon fight that might decide the game.
The game starts at 00:00, not when minions spawn. If you have a Thresh, Blitzcrank, Morgana or anything else with a long range engage tool on your team, ping assistance in the enemy jungle and try to get your team to invade. Despite the fact that invades are so common, there are still games where they will succeed. If your ally hits his skillshot, be sure to quickly level up your Light Binding and keep the CC chain alive.
If you're not invading with your team and you're blue side, it's very likely the enemies aren't defending their top side jungle, so sneak in and drop an early ward at the Raptor camp.
If that doesn't work or if you're on red side, just drop your ward at 01:20 in the pixel bush opposite to where your jungler is starting to see a potential early invade by the enemy jungler.
Use your Lucent Singularity to damage the ranged minions (and the enemy mid laner at the same time if you can) and stick to autoattacks to kill melee minions.
Farming under tower:
melee minions = 2 tower hits + 1 autoattack
ranged minions = 1 tower hit + 2 autoattacks
Perfect CS is considered to be somewhere around 10 CS/min. Decent CS is considered to be somewhere around 7 CS/min.
It's good to strive for those numbers, but at the same time remember your game is not a professional game where people have perfect lane assignments. SoloQ games are more hectic, they have roams, they have aggressive plays, they have teammates trying to get other teammates ahead in an environment where it's harder to communicate. The current meta is very snowball-y and having good CS just isn't enough to win. So don't rationalize staying in lane to get 2 bonus waves while the enemy mid goes bot and gets a double kill, while complaining they just didn't listen to your pings.
My point is: people would rather have a 5 CS/min mid laner that impacts the map than a 10 CS/min mid laner that afks for the whole game. Help your teammates.
Recognize key cooldowns from the enemy mid and play according to them. If Zed uses his Living Shadow, if Zoe uses her Sleepy Trouble Bubble, those are good trading opportunities because you have your abilities and they do not. Don't prolong the fights though, because they'll get their skills back up first.
Keep an eye out for allied minions getting low on HP, because enemies will attempt to last hit them. Try to hit a Light Binding or Lucent Singularity as they're locked in their autoattack animation.
When landing a Light Binding on an enemy, it's usually a good idea to follow it up with E-R, unless the enemy mid is a tank such as Ornn or Galio. Important to check if the enemy built Mercury's Treads, in which case you won't be able to follow up with E-R in the duration of one Q.
Lane Positioning
It's important to always keep an eye on the minimap and recognize on which side of the map your jungler is playing on, so that you can play on that side of the lane. In case of a gank, it's easier to get assistance.
If, however, your jungler is the one looking to gank, try playing on the opposite side of the lane so that you force the enemy mid to play towards your jungler.
Constantly reassess the state of the lane and decide if you should play aggressively or defensively. If your Flash is on cooldown or simply if you're against champions like Irelia or Yasuo that have an easy time getting to you, it's important to keep the wave close to your tower and play behind the line your ranged minions form in lane, not allowing your enemies the chance to engage on you. On the other hand, if your summoner spells are up and you're ahead of the enemy mid laner in terms of item/level powerspikes, you will want to be aggressive and force them to miss CS or make mistakes.
Note: when going for a Blue Buff, go out of vision first. The enemy mid will know when you come back that you went for it, but no reason to give the enemy team more information than you absolutely have to.
Basic Wave Control
If you desperately need to back, try doing so on a cannon wave, so that the enemy mid can't completely push it in, or that even if they do, the cannon minion tanks 6-7 tower hits, allowing you to get back to lane in time for XP.
If you have just gotten a kill and want to back, push in the wave first.
If you have just gotten a kill early and want to back but don't have time to push in the wave because the death timers are so short and you can't wave clear, leave more enemy minions than allied minions, depending on where the wave is (if it's closer to your tower, you will need to leave 3 caster minions, if it's closer to the middle of the lane, 1-2 casters are enough).
When you manage to push in the wave, whether you are actually roaming or just placing a ward at the enemy Raptor camp, it's important to first go out of vision and create pressure no matter what.
If you're going to roam to another lane through the river, place a Control Ward in the pixel bush to make sure you aren't spotted. Hold onto your Light Binding for as long as possible so that the enemies walk in a zig-zag in an attempt to dodge it as you gain distance and then throw it once you get closer. It will either get you a kill or force a Flash.
Don't overstay your welcome though and don't overforce plays, as the enemy mid will gain an XP advantage, and possibly gold advantage as well by taking free plates.
Once you get back to lane, it will most likely be the enemy mid laner's time to roam, as he has pushed in the wave and you're forced to catch it. Make sure you're pinging it appropriately. Some mid laners (ex: Talon, Aurelion Sol) roam as early as level 3 so it's a good idea to ward their sides of the lane in an attempt to recognize if they're actually roaming or simply staying out of vision to create pressure.
Jungle Help
"Ask not what your jungler can do for you, but what you can do for your jungler."
Always keep track of your jungler's position.
if he is in your jungle and he is getting invaded, go help
if he is in the river trying to get crab, play towards that side and be ready to go help if the enemy jungler shows up and a fight ensues
if he is invading and you've pushed in the wave, go hover around him
if he's invading and you're getting pushed in on the other hand, it's probably a good idea to ping him to back because in case of a fight, the enemy mid will be able to rotate first.
Scenarios after the first tower falls bot/top
My bot got the enemy outer tower bot, in which case there are several things for them to do before they come mid:
kill the Rift Herald for a better chance of getting the mid tower
Once these steps are met, we can group mid and siege.
My bot lost their tower and now the enemy bot swapped to mid.
My bot is farming mid, so my job as a mid laner is now to catch and push side waves and in any windows of time where I don't have anything to do, go out of vision and hover between a side lane and mid, trying to find picks. I can also do that by walking with my jungler or my support as they both have Oracle Lens and can clear and establish vision, making it easier for me to shoot abilities from fog of war. I will also buy my own Control Wards after every base trip to make it easier to bully out the enemies.
It's important to always keep track of neutral objectives, recall and be back on the map with full HP and mana at least 20-30s before they spawn.
What do to after getting a pick? (or multiple picks)
Assess the situation and decide which objective(s) you can go for:
Elder Dragon
Dragon Soul
Baron Nashor
placing and denying vision in the enemy jungle/around the next neutral objective which will allow you to get more picks
How do you teamfight?
ideally you would want a teamfight around a choke point to make it easier to land your skillshots (or find a way to stand in Fog of War)
keep track of your defensive cooldowns ( Zhonya's Hourglass, Flash, Barrier) to know what kind of situations you will be able to get out of and what you will need to dodge at all costs
if an ally has a targeted CC, wait for that to hit first before using your Q and prolonging the CC chain
think about everyone's whereabouts to avoid getting surprised by a Qiyana flank that wipes your team
stick to your jungler and support as they clear vision, do not let them walk alone as they are very likely to get killed if they lack any kind of escape tool
try to keep track of Flash cooldowns for champions that mostly use it for engages (ex: Vladimir)
don't overextend without vision
don't overextend for vision
the death timers are huge so any mistake can cost you the game - don't push alone in a side lane if you don't have full information about the locations of your enemies, and I can't stress this enough, but especially against assassins
before you get the gold to finish your last item, keep buying Control Wards
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