Nullifies your damage and engage. Singles you out in teamfights. Not winnable unless he AFK's.
Very obnoxious laning phase. Can stun you the second you get out of your W with his W+Q combo. Does alot of damage.
Kills you lvl 1 and shuts down the fact that you are tanky. You can bait out his ult with your E, though. Unlike Urgot's ult, its not a recast so if you react quick enough you can waste his ult.
Can poke you out early, but if you catch him out of position your team can kill him
Same deal with Xerath but she can 1v9 so try your best to just distract her. Beware of her polymorph, though. Better used on you than ur fed Aatrox.
You can supply everything zeri needs, she can space herself far enough but can be as mobile as you
I play kench draven bot occasionally with me and a friend, and its VERY solid. Early kill pressue can get draven far beyond in gold, and you can protect him fairly nice being tanky and with devour.
fasting senna. 👍
Boring laning phase but not a bad adc, just not particularly great.
Pretty good synergy. can sit back and place traps while dishing out huge damage as you run in and go bananas.
shes just a good adc, the only synergy i see is your slow making her skillshots easier and ur w vision for her ult.
Slow City. Best if you have at least one fed teammate
At least theres SOME scaling in the bot-lane with him. not very good at early at all so you just kinda afk in laning. You can roam if you trust your kog'maw to not be babysat, but mostly its just safer to stay in lane. Never know when you need to devour him.
Kog'Maw but isnt total dog pre-6. Scales nice and doesnt need babysitting as much.
She is self sufficient and its very hard to KS her as support.
Tahm Kench
this is you.
You can supply everything zeri needs, she can space herself far enough but can be as mobile as you
I play kench draven bot occasionally with me and a friend, and its VERY solid. Early kill pressue can get draven far beyond in gold, and you can protect him fairly nice being tanky and with devour.
fasting senna. 👍
Boring laning phase but not a bad adc, just not particularly great.
Pretty good synergy. can sit back and place traps while dishing out huge damage as you run in and go bananas.
shes just a good adc, the only synergy i see is your slow making her skillshots easier and ur w vision for her ult.
Slow City. Best if you have at least one fed teammate
At least theres SOME scaling in the bot-lane with him. not very good at early at all so you just kinda afk in laning. You can roam if you trust your kog'maw to not be babysat, but mostly its just safer to stay in lane. Never know when you need to devour him.
Kog'Maw but isnt total dog pre-6. Scales nice and doesnt need babysitting as much.
She is self sufficient and its very hard to KS her as support.
Tahm Kench
this is you.
Runes: Standard
Grasp of the Undying
Shield Bash
Second Wind
Legend: Alacrity
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Grasp of the Undying
Gathering Storm
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak
Second Wind
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace
Shield Bash
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Overall obnoxious. This is my permaban. Fought this matchup once and it was on someone who never played sett. I barely won the 1v1. Very deadly but you can counterplay his dives and slow his engages.
Very slippery and unpredictable. You can probably win an extended fight if he tower dives you, but his engage is too sudden outside of that. His knockup is deadlier than it seems.
Obnoxious and hard to catch. Windwalls your Q and can escape from your W. You dont even have the early game advantage due to his Q simply being better. Might be able to cheese something out before minions get to your lane.
You absolutely win against her if you hit level 6 before her. HOWEVER, she is ABSURDLY slippery and deals TOO much damage from SO far away, Late game you are useless against her. This champ is absolutely ridiculous and no matter how far in the dirt you put her she will get pentas out the ass 5 minutes later. You cant out-cs her, kills dont matter, what do you do? Pray. Pray she goes AFK.
This is the only tank that can match you in damage,cc and mobility. You cant catch him and he can combo you. Watch out for this guy. Killable if you get a gank.
Pain in the ass. He can turn the tides on an extended fight and thats where kench thrives. Try your best and only take smart fights. Your engage beats his but he may beat you if you dont play perfect.
Dr. Mundo
Very obnoxious to lane against but you can kill him if he doesnt have passive and ur getting a gank. Super slippery. Play safe, its better to go even than go negative
You can win early trades, but dont engage on him past 6. Let him engage onto you and you can slip away or fight back. YOU CANNOT SHIELD HIS EXECUTE RECAST, ONCE IT HITS YOU TRY TO RUN.
Possible to W out of his cage but his lil goblins are gonna be a bother. He bonks you pretty hard and builds Sunderer. Is stronger than you think. Abusable early though.
Care for hooks and you shouuuuld scrape past laning phase. Can turn the tides of a battle easily with her ult and her tentacles are a pain.
Is a threat if he has ult and if he is a level up you. If you are a level up on him then you win pre-6. Easy to bully but can turn send you running to your turret just as fast. Killable, but he has an execute so be cautious.
Same as garen, his ult is an execute and he has quite the cc and dots. Engage if you are CERTAIN he has no flash or his abilities are on cd. You can poke but always stay infront of minions to avoid his hook. Do NOT Fight Pre-6.
Skill matchup. You dont win lvl 1-2 but certainly win past 6 if she engages on you. I suggest playing passive, but if she has no dash/flash she is very killable. Her parry can stop your devour and q stun, so try to go in if she doesnt have that. BUY BRAMBLE FIRST. TRUST ME SHE DEALS MORE DAMAGE THE MORE HEALTH YOU HAVE, JUST TAKE THE ARMOR THEN START BUILDING MYTHIC.
Skill matchup. He does alot of damage and has some solid cc. You can W away and shield his ult though. You win early trades if his E, Vorpal Spikes, is down.
Skill matchup. Engage if he has no abilities. BTW His passive still hurts you if you devour him. Easy to kill if he doesnt bap you with his mace.
If AP, you can either tank or dodge his e and he is a very easy kill. albeit slippery. If AD, wait for him to use his W on minions and put a point or two into E before maxing W. If tank, easy matchup.
Skill matchup. Play around his rage meter and you 100% win, but you can easily go toe-to-toe against him even in mega-gnar form as long as he isnt turbo fed. Not a threat, Not something you can ignore. Force him to use ult on you.
If she takes ignite, you win after first back. Dont challenge her until you have bramble/bami's. Collect farm with Q, and you win if you land a good W.
Skill Matchup. Obviously inting into teemo is not going to help you, but you can definitely 1v1 him if hes caught out. If you bait his blind you win any fight if you play it right. Care for shrooms and you should be fine.
Can turn the tides on dives but other than that, just go for engages when she shoves wave on you. Seperate her from her wave (which ideally would be at your turret) and you win the 1v1 as long as you are even/more health. Brambles only necessary if you are HARD losing, which you probably wont be.
Your only concern about her is her being a tad slippery and her true damage being harmful late game.
Can play passive very well so you might have a hard time killing him, but he can rarely ever kill you. He IS a threat late game, however.
Possible to lose to her but you probably wont. Bramble isnt necessary but it certainly shuts her down. Buy bramble if you are not confident.
Lee Sin
Easiest matchup ever. She cant do anything against you. Let her shove into you for the first couple of waves, though.
Runes: Standard
Grasp of the Undying
Font of Life
Second Wind
Legend: Alacrity
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Font of Life
Bone Plating
Legend: Alacrity
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Fleet Footwork
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand
Font of Life
Second Wind
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Howdy! I'm Sock. I am currently 17 years old, and I main Bard And Tahm Kench. I Am making this guide so new players who want to give the reworked kench a shot know what to build! He is very strong right now, and id be honored to show you all how to pick him up!
Pros of playing Tahm Kench + Funny and interesting dialogue + Pairs well with fed jungler/carry + Surprisingly mobile + Peel God + Amazing lore + Really fun to play + Is unlikely to get gutted with nerfs + Insane kill pressure + Super good against split-up teams
Cons of playing Tahm Kench - Telegraphed abilities - Hard time following slippery champs in the early game - Cant do much if the enemy team stays together or is clumped - Very little scaling
INNATE: Tahm Kench's basic attacks deal 8-60 (based on level)(+2.5% of bonus health)bonus magic damage.
PASSIVE: Tongue Lash and basic attacks against enemy champions apply An Acquired Taste stack for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times, with the duration refreshing on Tongue Lash and subsequent attacks. The stacks decay once every 0.67 seconds when the duration ends.
Tongue Lash and Devour gain additional effects against enemies with 3 stacks.
ACTIVE: Tahm Kench lashes his tongue in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them by 50% for 2 seconds, as well as healing himself if an enemy champion is hit.
If an enemy champion is struck while at three An Acquired Taste stacks, all of their stacks are consumed to stun them for 1.5 seconds.
During Tongue Lash, Devour can be cast at no cost to swallow the target enemy champion hit while at 3 An Acquired Taste stacks after pulling them towards him.
Tongue Lash's range and travel speed can be increased by Tahm Kench's size.
ACTIVE: Tahm Kench dives into the waters, channeling for 1.35 seconds and upon completion blinking to the target location, emerging after a 0.15-second delay and remaining unable to act for 0.65 seconds after the channel completes.
Upon emerging from the depths, Tahm Kench deals magic damage to nearby enemies and knocks them up and stuns them for 1 second. If at least one enemy champion is hit, Abyssal Dive refunds 40% of its cooldown and mana cost.
Enemies can see the indicator for Tahm Kench's destination after he has channeled for 0.75 seconds. Tahm Kench grants sight of the area during the channel.
"Boy, the world's one river, and I'm its king. Ain't no place I ain't been; ain't no place I can't go again."
PASSIVE: Tahm Kench stores a percentage of the post-mitigation damage he takes as Grey Health on his health bar, up to a maximum of 300% of his maximum health.
While Thick Skin is available, and after taking no damage for 4 seconds, Tahm Kench rapidly heals himself to restore 30% − 100% (based on level) of his Grey Health. Every 0.264 seconds he heals for 10% of his maximum health.
ACTIVE: Tahm Kench converts his current Grey Health into a Hybrid shield that lasts for 2.5 seconds.
This works similar to Pyke's grey health, where he can only heal his full amount near two enemies, alive or dead.
ACTIVE: Tahm Kench swallows the target champion for up to 3 seconds, rendering them vanished and unable to act, as well as granting them displacement immunity for the duration.
If the target is an ally, they are granted a Hybrid shield for 2.5 seconds, refreshing after they are Regurgitated. Tahm Kench is slowed and unable to cast movement spells while an ally is swallowed, but may still cast Abyssal Dive.
If the target is an enemy, they are suppressed for the duration. Devour can only be cast on enemies with 3 An Acquired Taste stacks, consuming them in the process. Tahm Kench is grounded and slowed by 40% while an enemy is swallowed.
After 1 second, Devour can be recast into Regurgitate while Tahm Kench's belly is full, and automatically does so at the end of the duration. Allied champions can exit at will by inputting a movement command after the same delay, unless they're immobilized.
Ignite Is used on Tahm Kench the most often. Why? Well, because its good. Like really good. It opens up kill pressure that usually you wouldn't have as kench. This summoner spell can either be used to get that early kill as you stun and knock people up.
Teleport Is really only used in top lane. Taking it anywhere else is simply not as effective. Teleport Gives kench that presence that can possibly win early skirmishes. Or, on the other hand, can be used to greed in your lane to catch a juicy wave of CS.
Exhaust Is a situational summoner spell thats VERY good into bruisers or hard hitting yet immobile adc's / supports. It punishes them for attempting to go in early and can shut them down in a teamfight.
TOP LANE: Your goal in top lane as Tahm Kench is to bully the enemy laner and make their laning phase hell. If you get far enough ahead, you can go roam to mid and give them a kill too. Late game, you are gonna be tanky so try and be a big ol sponge for your team. You are one of the most hard hitting tanks in league, and you can get away with alot more than you expect. In laning phase, i suggest you let the enemy shove first wave. If you make the enemy sit under tower all game you WILL get ganked. Not exactly an issue if your W is up, but its better to let them act all confident for a while then solo/duo kill them. Also, dont be afraid of ranged top. They turn their brains off so they dont ever care about the minion wave, so let them permashove, you will always be in a good position to W in. Go for Q trades early and you can get them low enough for an all in at level 2-3. ranged top Laners are only good if you let them be. DO NOT SEND HERALD TOP, YOU DO NOT GET ANY BENEFIT OUT OF IT. ONLY SEND IT TOP AGAINST PASSIVE LANERS LIKE GP OR IF YOU DONT THINK YOU CAN CHALLENGE TURRET WHILE THEY ARE UNDER.
ADC: Now, you may be asking, "What is the difference between Fasting Senna and ADC Tahm kench!?:. The difference lies in the fact that Tahm Kench ADC is playing Farming Tahm WITHOUT Senna. Tahm Kench is basically a fatter ezreal, with the engage of a Kalista ult and survivability of a tank. The ADC role is so ****ed that a tank or mage outperforms most marksmen.
SUPPORT: Previously, Tahm Kench was one of my favorite supports. NOWWW He's EVEN BETTER. He is one of the strongest supports. Back in my day, stridebreaker had a dash and Tahm Kench Could swallow you around LEVEL 3! I really do miss that. Anyway, he is one of the strongest peel supports. However, The important thing is Tahm Kench Is no longer a get out of jail free card, and is now a tanky engage cc champion, making him healthier to deal with while making him objectively worse.
Grasp of the Undying Is THE Tahm Kench Rune for solo lane kench. Heal is very useful and can be proc'd with his Q. Not much else to say. There are other options though. Guardian Is the support keystone, very useful in such a pokey lane. It is always useful throughout the game, gives kench the much needed utility. Lethal Tempo Is honestly not even bad. You can stack passive super duper quick.
You pretty much win earlier harder with this rune. falls off but its fun. Glacial Augment Is an interesting rune page, with the season 12 rework of the rune you can apply it on your stacked Q, Ult, and W. Phase Rush Is a good rune for focusing on short trades. Very weird in team fights but it will get you through a rough lane Hail of Blades is a solid alternative rune page, letting you dish out quick damage and getting 3 An Acquired Taste stacks quickly to proc that Tongue Lashstun. This is mostly for fun, and i wouldnt suggest going anything other than grasp on kench if you wanna climb or win tbh. Electrocute Is similar to Hail of Blades but easier to proc and deals more damage. Pretty solid alternative to the Phase Rush setup.
In Conclusion: Tahm Kench Is a duelist tank top laner, a better bot laner than most marksman, or a tanky engage peel cc support. He lacks AoE damage, but exceeds in single-trio target damage. His abilities are a bit telegraphed but not impossible to hit. Very interesting lore and funny dialogue, give it a read sometime! Also his theme slaps. Tahm is jack of some trades and master of none. He is in a really really good spot now and is usually able to hold his own in any matchup. His counterpicks are rather niche and he is uncommon so no one really knows how to counter him like they do with Sett or someone meta.
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