Early game is favorable for you but in the mid game and late game his tf is same/higher than yours. Try to counter gank him if you can as you probably will win 2v2.
His w is pretty useful for your w as it's gives you regen based on enemy number. I prefer going tank against him
He can't do much to you but he can kill you 1v1 with his lıfe steal. Try not to fight him alone and if your team doesn't give him a lot of kills early you can win as your team fighting is better. I prefer going tank against him.
He has pretty high damage so try not to fight him 1v1 early. Start opposite side as him and try not to gank same places as him because his 2v2 is stronger than yours. Your team fighting is better and you can win late game. You can go either AD or tank.
Try to counter gank him you can 2v2 early unless he get's a reset.
In team fights you are stronger until he gets a reset then try not give him more. You can go either AD or tank.
She can fight you early, mid and late game but if you are ahead even just a little you can kill her. You have stronger team fights than hers. Try to protect your carry and you can win. You can go either AD or tank.
If he goes AD he kills you.
If he goes AP he kills you.
If he goes tank he kills you.
Even when you are ahead he can kill you with ease so don't fight him 1v1. Go opposite side of him and don't get counter ganked, they will win 2v2.
Late game try to kill their carry if you are going AD. If you are going tank try to protect your carry. If he doesn't goes ahead much you can win.
You can go either AD or tank.
If your team doesn't die lv 2 to him your early game is pretty easy. He can't 1v1 you if you catch him so save your e. He can't win 2v2 try to counter gank him. Late game try to ult him and one-shot him. You can win easily against him.
I prefer to go AD against him.
He is very strong against you with his ultimate and his e skill. Try not to fight him ever in the game 1v1. Because even if you are up 1 item if he has ult he can kill you. You clear jungle faster than him so try to gank more. Your team fighting is stronger than his so wait for late game and protect your carry.
You can go either AD or tank.
His clear speed is same as you. Try to counter gank him if one of you doesn't get one shot you can win.
Hecarim is one of few champions that can catch Talon thanks to your movement speed. Be wary of him post 6 because he can kill you easily. Your team fighting is so much stronger so you can win.
I prefer to go AD against him.
She is very strong late game champion. She slows you so try not to go in her w and bait out her e than you can kill her. You have to counter gank her as she can move around the map pretty fast and kill your teammates faster. But she is very squishy and you can one shot her if she doesn't have her e.
I recommend going AD against her unless she is very ahead.
His clear speed sucks so try to catch him in the jungle as he will have low health trying to kill camps. You can 1v1 him early and mid game but late game he can kill you 1v1. Your ultimate is very op so he will steal it whenever his r is up try not to group together with your team.
You can go either AD or tank.
Try to get his passive's in the jungle and don't fight him in his territory. He has good damage and can punish you if you mess up. If he doesn't one shot your carry in team fights you can win. Be careful for his R if you are AD.
You can go either AD or tank.
She is only extreme if she goes off-tank. If she goes full ap she will be pretty easy to kill.
She outscales you hard but her ganks early aren't nearly as powerfull as yours so try to stomp her early because she can carry late. Get dragons so she can't benefit her passive (even tho it's useless). In team fights if you are tank try to protect back line. If you are AD try to kill her back line. Try to end game before she spikes.
You can go either AD or tank.
I always go AD against Shaco because your q one-shots his w and he can't do anything to you after that. Just don't die to his early jungle ganks then you can win. But if you die to him early he can make your life a living hell so be careful.
She is very tanky and has a lot of CC. Her clear speed isn't as fast as your so try to gank first. Team fighting powers are pretty much equal so whoever does less mistakes wins.
If he gets early kills it becomes very hard for you to win. Keep your bushes warded so you don't get surprised by him. Your 2v2 are favorable.
You can go either AD or tank.
Her early ganks and damage are very strong so don't fight her 1v1. 2v2 if your teammate or you don't get one shot you might win. Late game you can stomp her as your team fightting is much stronger.
You can go either AD or tank.
He is very tanky and has good ganks. He can't kill you and you can't kill him so don't waste your time with him and try to gank as much as possible. Your team fightting is stronger late game but he will be tankier.
You can go either AD or tank depending on enemy team.
Her clear speed isn't fast and she loses a lot of health trying to kill camps early. If you can kill her once you can snowball with ease. Be careful of her R in team fights and you will be fine against her.
I prefer going AD against her.
She is very tanky and hard to kill for you. You can win 2v2 so counter gank her as much as possible. Try not to get send back with her R in team fights and you will be fine.
You can go either AD or tank.
You can't fight him early or mid game but you outscale him hard late game.
You can go either AD or tank.
He will always win 1v1 so don't fight him alone. In 2v2 if you can't one shot him he can survive with his passive so either one shot him with your teammate or attack enemy laner.
He gets weaker later on the game so don't let him snowball.
You can go either AD or tank.
Nunu & Willump
Be careful and try not to take his w. Late game don't be inside his ultimate and you will be fine.
You can go either AD or tank.
He can win 1v1's early so don't fight him and start opposite side of him. Your team fights and scaling are much better so wait it out.
You can go either AD or tank.
If she doesn't hit her q she can't do anything against you. Be careful of her traps as well.
You can go either AD or tank.
He is very hard to kill and has a lot of damage.
You can go either AD or tank.
Master Yi
Try to stomp him early as he will get much stronger late game. Your team fight is better than his but he deals much more damage so be careful.
You can go either AD or tank.
Counter gank him as much as possible. Both of you have strong team fight so whoever does less mistakes wins.
I prefer going tank against him.
Lee Sin
His ganks are very strong so either counter gank him all the time or cross map him and get opposite of him.
A good Lee player can make your life hell so keep everywhere warded. Your team fights are better than his. Don't let him jump on your carry and throw it inside. You can break his combos when he tries that with your e or r so don't waste them.
You can go either AD or tank.
He can slow you, kite you and kill you given the chance. Don't walk around with low health. Don't let him get his marks. Try to save your ultimate if you can that way you can get him out of his ultimate with r then e combo.
You can go either AD or tank.
Don't fight him after 6 if he has ultimate. Keep your bushes warded as he can one shot you if you are AD.
You have better team fight.
You can go either AD or tank.
His clear speed same as you so try to counter gank him early. He outscales you either form so don't fight him alone late game. Get objectives and you can win.
You can go either AD or tank.
Jarvan IV
He can 2v2 very nicely so be careful. Late game don't stand together with your teammates.
You can go either AD or tank.
His jungle order is pretty weird never takes krugs. Don't let him steal your camps. You can kill him with ease if you can catch him alone.
You can go either AD or tank.
Whoever gets ahead wins.
You can go either AD or tank.
He is very strong, can kite you and has a lot of armor early with his e skill. Try to go cross map against him and gank as much as possible.
You can go either AD or tank.
Be careful of his r late game as it will be enough to win a team fight other than that you can win.
You can go either AD or tank.
Keep your e for his w. Keep your bushes warded and you can win.
I prefer going AD against him.
She is pretty weak early game but outscales you so try to get ahead.
She can steal all objectives after she's 6 so be careful.
You can go either AD or tank.
She is very strong early game and snowballs hard but you outscale her late game. Don't let her kill you in your jungle. If you dodge her cacoon you can fight her. Use your w after she is a spider as her little spiders helps you heal more.
You can go either AD or tank.
He is pretty weak early game but he outscales you hard. He is pretty hard to kill thanks to his r but you can catch up to him. Be careful of his w in team fights.
You can go either AD or tank.
She has fast clear speed but doesn't have good ganks before 6 so gank as much as possible. Don't stand together with your team because her r stacks per person.
You can go either AD or tank.
Try to get objectives before she does. This will make her spike delayed. But she can carry late game easily if she snowballs so be careful.
He is pretty tanky and has a lot of CC but he can't do much to you. You can go either AD or tank.
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