Amumu is a boring matchup but you can avoid his Q and ult.
This champion sets his place here because he has one of the best clears in game, he ends his path before you and can gank a lot and you hate champions that do that.
She can't do a lot against you after mid/late game, but her early is better than yours, you can pick ignite to try to fight her this time but you will outscale her, track her cause she can gank a lot and fed her team before you scale.
You can W her burst and can avoid her ult with Q, she is not a problem if you keep your eyes open when facing her, and you will always do more than her in 2v2 situations.
He is hard to kill and thats it, on tfs try to kill the enemy carries before killing him
You don't know the hell if you didn't face this champion, she can cancel your W and burst you while you are in her cc, she becames untargetable for a while and sometimes you will not know where she will go after that and the worst of all: she is ranged. If she has red buff and you are before level 6, don't try to chase her cause she will kite you. I see a free kill if you avoid her cc, but don't trust on it.
You outscale her but she can burst you at many moments of the game, if you can build qss and cleanse her charm and W before to deny her damage you maybe can survive but if she is smart she will pickoff you a lot of times during the game, hard matchup but not impossible.
He has a good clear and ganks a lot but there is no strong point against you, just pay attention cause if he fears you with your ultimate active you will run a lot and maybe he can desengage using this or you will have to fight without ultimate.
His E is boring and unpredictable, he can build tank or ap and if he is ap he will do a massive damage on you after hits you with his E. Your best try is bait his E with your W and then avoid with your Q and kill him.
Not a real problem, his smoke screen is annoying but you can dodge or negate his damage with your W.
Its ok if he isn't fed. Dodge his E with your Q.
Free kills, dodge his Q or knockup with your Q. You will beat him everytime you face him, and you will impact more the tfs.
Jarvan IV
Dodge his knockup then win, you could use your Q for that.
His E is a problem, if you avoid with your Q you win, if not, you die. Really hard matchup try to time his E and Q to end the animation after his stun. His new ult make it easier to him.
Just avoid his skills and kill him, he has no mobility, no hard cc and his skills are easy to avoid with movespeed or negate damage with your W, just kill him and don't let him scale.
Blue Kayn: You can W his damage, and if not you can dodge with your Q.
Red Kayn: just dodge his knock up and be careful with his ult, in my opinion Yi will win this but in pratice could be different.
He has everything Yi hates, burst and untargetability. Try to negate his combo or Q damage with your W. His invisibility is the bigger problem here since he can wait your skills or just run. imo he is the strongest burst champion you will face.
You win. Just don't waste your Q if she has ult and use it after her ult ends, Kindred will try to deal a lot of damage since her ult ends then you will wait that time to kill her. You will win 1v1 even without Q.
Lee Sin
This is my perma ban. Lee has the strongest early game in jungle and it's the moment that you are weaker in the game. He will win all objectives you fight for and probably will end the game before your scale. You can try to negate his damage with your W or avoid his second Q with your Q. You need to outscale him but a good Lee will not let you scale.
She can kite you. Just that.
She is op, you will never kill someone if she is near. She will shield, ult, polimorph you and whatever she can do. Is hard to play against but not impossible.
He has 2 ccs, and his W is point n click. He is not a big problem but don't be a fool near to him.
You have better 1v1, better team fight and better farming/scale. It's not a problem for you in the most part of the games.
Our luck is that Riot hates this champion. She is dangerous, has a strong early game (Lee sin and Rek'Sai like) and could easily invade you, and at moment she has a good scale even if is not the best. Is a problem but right now is not strong as it was.
Many Yi mains will discord but imo isn't a hard matchup. It's boring cause he can gank a lot but when facing him 1v1 you can just do damage and then use your Q before his fear, then you maximize your damage and keep safe while under cc. Yi loves to abuse the chaos Noc's ult creates, the enemy team try to all in then you can pick their carries.
Nunu & Willump
He is easy to kill, but don't start objectives if he is alive. You can W or Q his ult and you can Q him and stop his snowball if he tries to run
His early is strong but you outscale him, you'll probably easily kill him 1v1 at 11.
It's a hard matchup, you can 1v1 him easily but if there is someone else with him his taunt is a big problem. If you think you can easily kill him go for botrk, dominik, guinsoo and kraken slayer or more life steal, but he is a problem when plays w/ team, pray for your midlaner deal w/ him. Conquer could be a good option. Maximize your E at first.
She has a lot of damage, good mobility and knockup you. Has a good early game and is hard to kill because of her mobility. You can try to dodge her knockup with your Q but its a really hard matchup trust me. MAYBE you outscale. She ganks a lot too.
Annoying ccs, but why tf she is in jungle??
Is a problem if he gets fed. Play with your team and W his ult, don't fight him on bushes.
Her CCs could help her to run or her team to kill you. Try to avoid her ultimate with your Q.
Hard matchup, use oracle a lot, smite or doublestrike his boxes if he places it behind you, try to don't kill his clone fast if he ult cause the fear+damage can be boring. A good Shaco is really hard to kill but an average is easy. Attention on his clone, you will need to know about this champion moveset and playstyles to win this matchup.
Talking about 1v1 you will always win, but pay attention on her burst if she is ap, on her movespeed buffs and be careful if she is tank cause she can create good gaps for her team.
Avoid 1v1 before 2 or 3 items and if necessary build QSS.
You probably win, but don't fight into his W and avoid building tank items since he will steal your stats.
He is unpredictable and can gank a lot and snowball you, try to counter gank and track him to don't get invaded and outscaled.
This man is badass and cold, he can kite, chase you and has a stronger early game. You can try to kill him after some items but I only like to face him at team fights, avoid 1v1.
Dodge his stun or ult with your Q. Bring him back to his wife, you win.
Avoid 1v1, be careful with his W cause it heals a lot, is hard to kill early but you destroy him later in game. You could maximize your E.
Avoid 1v1, he heals a lot and has a good attack speed. Try to dodge his ult with your Q and play around your team, if he catch you alone you'll probably die.
Xin Zhao
He has a strong early so don't 1v1 him, play with your team or try to get some items before fighting him.
It isn't hard but try to avoid his skills with your Q and when he is in his passive, wait to the parts to get closer then Q or smite them. It's more annoying than hard, don't Q his passive if there is minions around.
Both you scales well, he can make your ganks easier with his E, is good to have this guy on your team.
She has a lot of CCs, is always easy to kill while ganking her, good partner.
At same time you hate to fight this purple little thing, she has everything you need, buff your attributes, shield you and grants you hp, all that while she annoy the enemy team.
His cc is a free kill while you are ganking, it is good to get early kills and reach your power spike.
Her blackshield is near to all you need to be immortal, and she has a lot of ccs to help you, really strong duo.
He has good ccs and a good damage, that can help you to get early kills, and he can buff your items to make you stronger, nice partner.
His ult helps you, is always good to receive a shield, even more when it comes with a tank that has a taunt.
His ult is op, you can dive or do anything you want at his side.
It was better when it could heal you a lot, but is still a good partner, just be careful, if you Q someone under a tower, the tower can kill it.
Both you scales well, he can make your ganks easier with his E, is good to have this guy on your team.
She has a lot of CCs, is always easy to kill while ganking her, good partner.
At same time you hate to fight this purple little thing, she has everything you need, buff your attributes, shield you and grants you hp, all that while she annoy the enemy team.
His cc is a free kill while you are ganking, it is good to get early kills and reach your power spike.
Her blackshield is near to all you need to be immortal, and she has a lot of ccs to help you, really strong duo.
He has good ccs and a good damage, that can help you to get early kills, and he can buff your items to make you stronger, nice partner.
His ult helps you, is always good to receive a shield, even more when it comes with a tank that has a taunt.
His ult is op, you can dive or do anything you want at his side.
It was better when it could heal you a lot, but is still a good partner, just be careful, if you Q someone under a tower, the tower can kill it.
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