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Cassiopeia Build Guide by Musiicy

[6.9] Cassiopeia: The MarksMage

[6.9] Cassiopeia: The MarksMage

Updated on May 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Musiicy Build Guide By Musiicy 73,162 Views 9 Comments
73,162 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Musiicy Cassiopeia Build Guide By Musiicy Updated on May 17, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Cassiopeia
    Passive (Deathfire Touch)
  • LoL Champion: Cassiopeia
    Aggressive (Thunderlord's)


This is not the definitive version of this guide !

I'm still working on it. Here's a non-exhaustive list of things I still need to add/change:
- Add Build notes
- Add Items chapter
- Add Laning & Teamfighting chapters
- Complete Abilities chapter (with combos, tips, etc)
- Add match-ups

I'm getting closer ! Apart from match-ups (will come at last) I should be done in a few days. Be patient lads :-)
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Champion Breakdown


Health: 525 (+75)
Health Regen: 6 (+05)
Mana: 375 (+60)
Mana Regen: 6 (+0.8)
Attack Damage: 53 (+3)
Attack Speed: 0.647 (+1.68%)
Armor: 25 (+3.5)
Magic Resistance: 30 (+0)
Attack Range: 550
Movement Speed: 328


+ High mobility
+ Adaptive build
+ Can buy 6 items
+ Kites for days
+ DoT-based (DoTs are OP)
+ Scales extremely well into late-game

- EXTREMELY squishy
- Sh*tty early game
- Mana dependant
- Item dependant
- Skillshot reliant
- Can't really out-play people, only out-trade
- Takes a lot of time to get good at
- She used to be WAY stronger (actually considered trash-tier)
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Cassiopeia gains 4 Movement Speed per level. She cannot purchase Boots items.


RANGE: 750 COST: 60/65/70/75/80 Mana COOLDOWN: 3.5

Active: After a 0.4-second delay, Cassiopeia blasts the target area, poisoning enemies hit and dealing them magic damage over 3 seconds.

If Noxious Blast hits an enemy champion, Cassiopeia gains bonus movement speed that decays over 3 seconds.
75 / 120 / 165 / 210 / 255 (+ 70% AP)

30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50%


RANGE: 550-800 COST: 70 Mana COOLDOWN: 22/20/18/16/14

Active: Cassiopeia spews venom in an arc in front of her, leaving toxic clouds for 5 seconds.
While enemies stand in the clouds, they are:
- poisoned, being dealt magic damage,
- slowed (decays over the duration)
- grounded, prohibiting the use of movement abilities.
20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 (+ 15% AP)

40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80%
Miasma has a minimum cast range, and stops upon impacting terrain.


RANGE: 700 COST: 40/50/60/70/80 Mana COOLDOWN: 0.75

Active: Cassiopeia launches her fangs at the target enemy, dealing them magic damage.

If the target is poisoned, Twin Fang deals bonus magic damage and heals Cassiopeia.
48 (+4 per level) (+ 10% AP)

10 / 40 / 70 / 100 / 130 (+ 35% AP)

If Twin Fang kills its target, it refunds its mana cost. HEAL:
5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 (+ 10% AP)


RANGE: 825 COST: 100 Mana COOLDOWN: 120/100/80

Active: After a brief delay, Cassiopeia blasts enemies in a cone in the target direction, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. MAGIC DAMAGE:
150 / 250 / 350 (+ 50% AP)

Enemies facing Cassiopeia are stunned for 2 seconds, and all other affected enemies are instead slowed by 40% for the same duration.
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Summoner Spells


FLASH: Mandatory. Cassiopeia can only rely on her movement speed if she needs to dodge/escape, meaning Flash is a MUST-HAVE on her.

IGNITE: This spell allows Cassiopeia to win trades in the very early game. If you pick it, I advise that you start with a Sapphire Crystal, as the +250 Mana will allow you to cast an additional + + + combo, which can lead to a kill if followed by ignite.

EXHAUST: A nice option if you're facing an assassin, or any champion with high burst damage. I would totally recommend this spell over ignite against champions like Zed or Talon.
It will also help later into the game, e.g. if you know you're losing a trade.


TELEPORT: After a few tries, I would honestly say this ain't the best summoner spell on Cassiopeia. It is still very useful to come back to lane faster, but doing a great teleport in the middle of a fight can be really dangerous with a champion like Cassiopeia. So only pick it if you feel comfortable with it.

BARRIER: Even though I'd rather pick exhaust if I feel like needing a defensive summoner spell, Barrier is still a logical choice on a squishy champion like Cassiopeia.

CLEANSE: Situational. Pick it only if needed, e.g. if you're facing a heavy CC composition, or if this gives you a clear advantage against a certain champion, such as Anivia (i.e. if you cleanse her Flash Frost, you remove the stun AND her Frostbite won't deal double damage.)


GHOST: Flash is way more efficient, without a single doubt. Plus, you already have a lot of movement speed on Cassiopeia, you really don't need more, especially when it's so temporary.

HEAL: Totally MEH. Heal is meant for duo lanes. Barrier or Exhaust both do a way better job when used correctly, and again, you don't need another movement speed buff on Cassiopeia !

SMITE: You're not a jungler.
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Here is the most common rune page for AP champions.
It gives you powerful stats that will help you during your laning phase, but also throughout the game.
The AP Quints and Magic Pen. Marks make your damage output a bit bigger during the early game, while the Armor Seals and Magic Res. Glyphs will reduce the damage you take, whatever damage type your lane opponent deals; overall, these defensive stats will also make you a bit less vulnerable during the whole game !
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
205 IP x 9 = 1845 IP total

Greater Seal of Armor x 9
102 IP x 9 = 918 IP total

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x 9
102 IP x 9 = 918 IP total

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 3
512 IP x 3 = 1536 IP total


Here is a specific page for when you face an AD champion.
The only thing here that differs from the standard rune page are the Glyphs.
Indeed, as this page is meant to help surviving against physical damage, we don't need magic resist at all. Instead, I choose to go for 6 CDR Glyphs and 3 AP Glyphs.
There are plently of other viable choices as for replacing magic resist, if you'd rather go scaling AP, or mana regen, or whatever, it's all up to you ! These here are just my favourites.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
205 IP x 9 = 1845 IP total

Greater Seal of Armor x 9
102 IP x 9 = 918 IP total

Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction x 6
820 IP x 6 = 4920 IP total

Greater Glyph of Ability Power x 3
410 IP x 3 = 1230 IP total

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 3
512 IP x 3 = 1536 IP total


Here is a specific page for when you face an AP champion.
The only thing here that differs from the standard rune page are the Seals.
Indeed, as this page is meant to help surviving against magic damage, we don't need armor at all. Instead, I choose to go for Flat Health Seals.
Overall this is a totally common AP vs AP rune page. Trust me, these 72 Health can make a big difference in your early trades, especially if you face an assassin, such as LeBlanc or Fizz.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
205 IP x 9 = 1845 IP total

Greater Seal of Health x 9
820 IP x 9 = 7380 IP total

Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x 9
102 IP x 9 = 918 IP total

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 3
512 IP x 3 = 1536 IP total


Here is a long-time popular rune page specific to Cassiopeia.
This page is focused on SCALING statistics.
Thing is, before patch 5.9, Cassiopeia's previous passive Aspect of the Serpent was all about stacking as the game goes on, which simply meant that Cassiopeia was a mid/late-game champion.
This is the main reason why this rune page was (and still is) recommended on many guides.
My opinion is, Cassiopeia still scales with game length, but nowadays I would advise to rather go for specific vs AD/AP pages, or even the standard one, as scaling statistics and the lack of flat resistances make you extremely vulnerable during your laning phase.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
205 IP x 9 = 1845 IP total

Greater Seal of Scaling Health x 9
410 IP x 9 = 3690 IP total

Greater Glyph of Scaling Ability Power x 9
410 IP x 9 = 3690 IP total

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 3
512 IP x 3 = 1536 IP total


Here is my favourite rune page for Cassiopeia.
I advise that you use this page if you know you're going to have an easy match-up.

Indeed, if you happen to face a counter like Zed or Fizz, the offensive power brought by your Cooldown Reduction, along with your Scaling Health are not going to make up for your lack of resistances.
That being said, the 10% CDR will allow you to make a better use of Noxious Blast and Twin Fang: I explain this theory in detail in the CDR on Cassiopeia section.

Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x 9
205 IP x 9 = 1845 IP total

Greater Seal of Scaling Health x 9
410 IP x 9 = 3690 IP total

Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction x 9
820 IP x 9 = 7380 IP total

Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
2050 IP x 1

Greater Quintessence of Ability Power x 2
512 IP x 2 = 1024 IP total
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So there are two Keystone Masteries that work well on Cassiopeia:
Thunderlord's Decree VS Deathfire Touch .

This is mostly a matter of personal preference, though there is actually a main reason why you would pick one over the other: EARLY GAME FOCUS VS LATE-GAME FOCUS


Choose this mastery page if you want to focus on killing your lane opponent.

A few explanations:
- Since our goal here is to kill our opponent, we're going to use Assassin and Oppressor for more early game damage.
- Savagery will ensure that we don't miss last-hits with Twin Fang, thus avoiding to waste some precious Mana.
- The 5% CDR from Intelligence will allow us to easilier cast 4 Twin Fang over our Q duration. More on that in the CDR on Cassiopeia section.

Specific Tips:
- At level 1, cast a few Noxious Blast to lower a bit your opponent's health, eventually forcing him to use a potion. Do this when he comes to last hit to ensure it's not going to miss.
Don't cast more than 3 of them, or you'll miss mana to use many Es after you level up.
- At level 2, try to hit your Q only when you know you'll be in range to follow up with Twin Fang. Then cast only two of them, as you want to proc Thunderlord's Decree but also save your precious mana.
- At level 3, spend a second point into Twin Fang. If you executed the previous steps correctly, your opponent's health should be low enough for you to kill him with the following combo:

Q + Ignite + E + E + E + E (+ Q).


Choose this mastery page if you want to focus on increasing the strength of your damage-over-time.

A few explanations:
- Since we're aiming at late game with this mastery page, we want to take Bounty Hunter and
Wanderer , as they are more efficient in the long run.
- Secret Stash is really helpful during the laning phase, especially considering we mainly want to passively farm and stack our Tear of the Goddess.
- Deathfire Touch has reduced effectiveness when applied by AoE or DoT damage, but if you cast Twin Fang after Noxious Blast, your opponent will suffer the DoT from both your Q and Deathfire, at the same time !

Specific Tips:
- Focus on farming. Don't bother killing your opponent, this is not what you're aiming for with this mastery page; keep your spells to trade him back if he engages on you.
- In order to make your laning phase even safer, I advise that you start with a Corrupting Potion for more sustain; this will also scale well with Secret Stash .
- Don't pick Ignite if using this mastery page, again your goal is to farm ! Instead, you can grab
Teleport to make sure you don't miss CS, or any other situational summoner spell (e.g. Exhaust if you face an assassin.)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Musiicy
Musiicy Cassiopeia Guide
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[6.9] Cassiopeia: The MarksMage

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