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Recommended Items
Runes: MF: the late game queen
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Just the basic abilities
Love Tap (PASSIVE)
Miss Fortune Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
His shield counters your ult
I like any engage supports
I like any engage supports
Champion Build Guide
So this is just a small build for anyone who feels like playing MF. I know you can make it into Diamond easily, because I know that I am not that great in this game. If you set yourself up for success, then you will be successful.
BTW the key point in playing this champ is two things.
1. She has a passive for a reason. So in order to bring out her highest dps, you may have to switch targets during fights. ideally you would be able to shoot two squishy targets, but I think you should be able to make those decisions. Sometimes you play safe, other times you are trying to bring out the highest dps. Learning to navigate those two fields is probably the only "mechanical" thing about MF.
2. Her burst is insane. Like literally a Q shot into a minion, that bounces into your target will HURT. Look for low health targets and Q them. Understand her Q. Know that you are better in 1 seconds trades, than you are in drawn out fights. You are an early game bully because of your Q. Although your E is good for slowing and setting things up, the main dmg will be coming from your q, aa, and passive.
LATE GAME ADC DUEL NOTES: I wouldn't 1v1 a late game vayne late unless I know that I can 3 shot her (which happens in less than a second)... which is basically 1 AA (rapid-fire range), then your Q, and then your AA again. Get an idea of your burst beforehand, test it on a cannon minion to see the dmg, and take 20% off and then add 200 dmg(DH proc) to be on the safe side. Realistically you shouldn't ever be having late game duels with anyone because you are MF and your ult is the key to winning any team fights for lategame. It is important to be able to understand duels though.
W is an AS steroid, so be sure to use that while or [slightly] beforehand.
- ARDENT IS GREAT FOR SOME ADC, BUT NOT MF. MF relies on small trades, so that AS wont be as useful as extra shield or dmg.
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